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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 288 (+295/-7)
ccp: 480 (+483/-3)
votes given: 726 (+720/-6)
score: 768

Holy shit guys I am getting married in 2 days     (whatever)

submitted by scoopadoop to whatever 5 months ago


I have seeded my Hydroponic Garden last night     (Gardening)

submitted by scoopadoop to Gardening 1 year ago


Jalapenos, cherry tomatoes, cilantro, basil and butterhead lettuce.
I am so happy.
What a wonderful Christmas. What did you get?     (whatever)

submitted by scoopadoop to whatever 1.4 years ago


I got a 3D printer among a few other things
Some of you missed it when I posted at midnight so I'll say it again. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!     (whatever)

submitted by scoopadoop to whatever 1.4 years ago


Merry Christmas!     (whatever)

submitted by scoopadoop to whatever 1.4 years ago


So a sprog tried to fight me at the public pool the other day     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by scoopadoop to TellUpgoat 1.9 years ago


So there I was, minding my own business, waiting in line for the diving board. There is a little nigger girl right in front of me, next in line for the board. Her little sprog sibling runs up to her and they say something in their jive speak. And then this little nigger cuts the line in front of me.
I say, "Hey kid, you have to go to the back of the line like everyone else and wait your turn."
This little shit turns to me and says, "Naw, issokay ah knows her."
to which I reply, "that doesn't matter. you have to go to the back of the line."

This little shit starts to argue and get upset that I would make it follow the rules. Instead of arguing, i simply hold out my hand and prevent them from getting on the ladder to the board and gently force them out of the line when they try to get on. I point to all the other people in line and say, "They did not give you permission to cut in line. go to the back."

This little fucker starts throwing a fit and says he is allowed. Then he says he is going to get the lifeguard.

I tell him to go ahead and that I will watch as the lifeguard laughs at him for trying to cut the line.

About 15 minutes later, I am with my GF at the other side of the pool, when this little nigger shit comes up to me with 3 other nigger sprogs. Turns out he went and lied to all his little sprog siblings and told them i hit him.

One of them kept saying over and over the way they do "Why did you punch him? Why did you punch him?"

I tell him I never punched anyone and then the little shit calls ME a liar.

Then he goes on about how I can't disrespect his brother like that. Telling me he is going to smack the shit out of me.

Now I am 32 and hit the gym about 3 times a week and this little kid looked about 8 and did not even have his shirt on the right way. I am totally floored by the audacity of this little nig. I look over to the lifeguard not far away and ask if he is also seeing this. When he asks for clarification, I explain that a little kid is trying to fight me.

We both laugh and then I do what I think might have been the best thing to do. I ignore all 4 of the little shits and keep playing in the water with my GF.

I get that kids are dumb and don't want to wait in line sometimes, but the fact that they nigged up at the pool with all his little homies was something else. like, they actually wanted to fight me. and the best part is that ignoring them pissed that little shit off more than anything in the world I would say.

Used to be such a nice pool, but it has been overrun.
I am at the airport right now and there is a fat bearded guy in a bikini and skirt waiting at my gate     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by scoopadoop to TellUpgoat 1.9 years ago


Fuck this gay earth
It finally happened bros. I got the coof.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by scoopadoop to TellUpgoat 2 years ago


literally 2 days of body aches and then my fever broke. this virus is a pussy.
This girl has an important point that she almost reaches.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by scoopadoop to whatever 2 years ago


And that point is:

We need to offer a way out to the trannies other than the rope. If they detransision and come back from the madness, we should welcome them back into the light. So many of them get silenced for finding the truth, but if we can lift them up and show others their mistakes, it reduces the number of people who are even thinking about going trans.

inb4 the 41% must go to 100% there are no other options

This is as much about prevention as it is redemption. Not everyone can walk the path without ever falling, and some fall further than others. Especially in our superjew globohomo timeline. But all who return to the path should be welcomed.
My company is asking for volunteers for Diversity Champions.     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by scoopadoop to AskUpgoat 2.1 years ago


I am a white guy and I am thinking about stepping up to take this position to prevent any serious fuckery from taking place. What do you guys think?
I need help coming up with good answers for my vaccine exemption form     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by scoopadoop to AskUpgoat 2.2 years ago


I work from home but i do surveys around the country. I make a lot more money during these surveys but they won't let me do them unless I am vaxxed to the max or have an exemption.

The questions on the form are as follows:

Identify you sincerely held religious beliefs or sincerely held personal beliefs.

Describe the principle of your religious beliefs/ belief system that conflicts with taking the Covid-19 vaccine. Include a description of the specific way that your beliefs prevent you from being vaccinated.

State when you began practicing this religion or following these beliefs.

Does your religion/belief system include objections to other vaccines or medications?
Please explain your response.

Have you ever had any other vaccines?
Please explain your response.

Have you discussed your beliefs with your religious leader?
Please explain your response and your religious leaders feedback regarding the covid-19 vaccine, if you answered yes.

then there are questions about what other accommodations I would be willing to follow in order to not take the vaccine like getting tested and wearing a mask. Has anyone else beaten this and gotten the exemption? I would appreciate any help with this.
The vaxxies are coming for me boys. How do I get a fake vax status card?     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by scoopadoop to TellUpgoat 2.3 years ago


I think I might be spending too much time here     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by scoopadoop to TellUpgoat 2.3 years ago


Today my girlfriend informed me that I was talking in my sleep last night.

She didn't hear most of what I said, but she told me that last thing I said was very clear.

Niggers. I said "niggers" in my sleep.
Basketball american kills the only friendly black kid in the neighborhood     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by scoopadoop to Niggers 2.3 years ago


Hey faggots! What did you get for Christmas?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by scoopadoop to AskUpgoat 2.4 years ago


I'll go first. I got a sweet power drill, a set of tools and drill bits, and a new power supply for my gaming computer.
Now that the distraction case with Kyle is done, Its time to meme awareness of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by scoopadoop to TellUpgoat 2.5 years ago


They are only allowed to release sketches when we should have a live stream like Kyles case. Start spreading the word boys, she has all the names we would have gotten from Epstien if he wasn't murdered. Get people talking about this. Lets GOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Now that Saint Kyle is free once more, what happens to Grosskreuts?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by scoopadoop to AskUpgoat 2.5 years ago


Is he going to walk away from this also? Is he not going to be charged for the attempted cold blooded murder of Kyle? Does the State have some obligation to pursue this? Or maybe Kyle can press assault and attempted murder charges.