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Cooking, using heat to prepare food for consumption.

Owner: Revelation21x8


Cultured Meat Is Coming Soon     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 1 week ago (+2/-2)
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Nigella Lawson divides opinion with 'fish finger mash' dish as critics brand it her 'worst idea ever'     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 1 month ago (+3/-0)
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Eating For (About) $1 a Day In 2024.     (
submitted by Scyber to Cooking 1 month ago (+8/-0)
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This is very basic and keeping it as healthy as possible while preparing for a week.
She shops at Walmart for all her ingredients.
Me before dinner on an average weeknight      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Cooking 2 months ago (+21/-2)
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Cast Iron Is Best     (
submitted by BulletStopper to Cooking 3 months ago (+30/-0)
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The story behind hing, one of India’s most divisive ingredients     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 5 months ago (+3/-5)
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Tonight's Dinner Was: "Spaghetti all'Assassina"     (
submitted by BulletStopper to Cooking 5 months ago (+1/-0)
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First time I tried this one and I must say, it turned out very well.

Paired with a nice bottle of Nero d'Avola (due to the spiciness)

Enjoy. Life is too short and miserable already to suffer it by eating bad food. Living well is the very best revenge.

"La buona salute è al di sopra della ricchezza."
I decided to cook some bacon, and then I chose violence.     (Cooking)
submitted by Thought_Criminal to Cooking 5 months ago (+7/-1)
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If I wore a shirt, it would need washed due to bacon splatter.
Shirtless bacon cooking hurt less knowing I still would have a clean shirt.
I overcooked it, my reticence to attend to the danger zone was certainly a factor.
TIL that to keep a piece of broccoli fresh - put it in a jar of water (like a plant) in the fridge and away from other vegetables.     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 6 months ago (+3/-5)
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For some reason my missus doesn't store broccoli in the fridge and it's always going off and it smells and...she then feeds it to me!
kitchen hack that removes potato skin in seconds - without a peeler [dumb if you ask me. The skin is where the nutrients are]     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 6 months ago (+3/-4)
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Easy garlic bread      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Cooking 9 months ago (+3/-6)
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Has micro-waved cheese ever stunk your kitchen out? Like a soldier's socks.     (Cooking)
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 9 months ago (+3/-7)
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Most of the time microwaving food with cheese at our place doesn't cause a problem but sometimes/some cheese ...serious pong.
HOMEMADE MrBeast Burger Recipe - How to make a Mr Beast Burger at home EASY     (
submitted by carnold03 to Cooking 10 months ago (+1/-1)
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- 2 - 3.5oz balls of ground beef (or as many as you need)
- Diced onions
- Sliced dill pickles
- Postal Barbecue Original & Mad Cow Rub
- American Style Cheese
- 1 Brioche Buns (or as many as you need)
- Mayo
- Ketchup
- Brown Mustard

To prepare your MrBeast Burgers, begin by dicing your onions into small pieces. Next slice your pickles if needed and form your ground beef into 3.5-4oz balls. Once everything has been prepared and you are ready to cook, turn on your griddle and let it preheat for a few minutes. We are looking for a griddle temperature around 400 to help get a nice crust on the burgers.

With your Griddle heated, place your balls of beef on the griddle and let them warm slightly before smashing them down on the griddle until they are as thin you prefer. Next, add the burger seasoning of your choice and let them cook for a few minutes until the bottom has formed a nice brown crust. During this time, also add your buns to the griddle to allow them to toast. After a couple of minutes your burgers should have a nice crust formed. At this point, flip the burgers and apply your American style cheese so that the cheese begins to melt.

After a few minutes, your cheese will be melted so remove them from the hot zone to the warm zone while you start to build your burgers.. On this burger start out with your toasted bun followed but a little bit of mayo. Next add on your diced onions, as well as your dill pickles. Next, place both burger patty's on top of the bottom bun. On the top bun add a little bit of ketchup and lastly some brown mustard. Crown it with your top bun and you are ready to eat!

That's it..
Sorry @UncleDoug but you've been opening English Muffins the wrong way!      (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 10 months ago (+3/-0)
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Why her comment over spoons divided Indians     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 10 months ago (+1/-1)
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Cuts and Slices: Brooklyn pizzeria where customers cheerfully wait for hours for a $150 pie     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 11 months ago (+1/-2)
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This is a delicious dish that can be served anytime of the day. It's that good!     (
submitted by Centaurus to Cooking 1 year ago (+8/-1)
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The hottest Roti Lady in Bangkok     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 1.2 years ago (+1/-4)
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I'm sorry you eat lousy food.     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 1.2 years ago (+1/-5)
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Ethical eating. No animal matter. Garden-sourced produce (no transport (pollution etc))'s delicious!
Dude saves a duck from the clutches of death     (
submitted by Centaurus to Cooking 1.3 years ago (+52/-2)
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Preparing the veggies for the beef     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 1.3 years ago (+1/-4)
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Its OK potatoes in the fridge.     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 1.3 years ago (+2/-0)
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I made paprikash about a year ago, and while the sauce was excellent, the spaetzle was doughy and chewy. Does anyone have a favorite method of making spaetzle?     (Cooking)
submitted by HughBriss to Cooking 1.5 years ago (+12/-1)
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Paprikash caught my interest about a year ago, and even though I'd never made anything like it, I found a recipe I liked and gave it a try. The sauce was flawless. I made a point of using Szeged Hungarian paprika, even though it was much more expensive. It was worth it. American paprika is fairly bland.

I had a lot of trouble with the spaetzle, though. The recipe called for a lot of flour, which made it very thick and doughy. It took forever to spoon it one by one into the water, and when it began to boil, the pieces expanded and became very large. They tasted like bland, chewy dumplings and the texture took away from the fantastic sauce.

I discovered there are spaetzle tools that will help with this, to make proper "riced" spaetzle. Some show pictures with very fluid and runny spaetzle dough, which will flow on its own through the holes in the grater.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Can anyone recommend a recipe for spaetzle or a good tool to rice it for boiling? Thanks!
I made eggs benedict yesterday. It was delicious and surprisingly easy to make     (Cooking)
submitted by HughBriss to Cooking 1.5 years ago (+28/-0)
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It requires only four things: poached eggs, English muffins, Canadian bacon, and Hollandaise sauce. Poaching eggs properly can be tricky if you've never done it before, but it gets easy with practice. Always poach eggs in water, never dry, and leave the yolk a bit runny.

This is the recipe for Hollandaise sauce I use. I used to think it was difficult to make, but I tried this one and it worked perfectly and it requires only a few ingredients.

3 egg yolks
1/4 cup water
1 to 1-1/2 tablespoons lemon juice (try with just 1 tablespoon at first, and adjust to taste for later preparations)
1/2 cup butter, melted
salt and pepper to taste

In a double boiler or metal bowl over simmering water, constantly whisk the egg yolks, water and lemon juice until mixture reaches 160° or is thick enough to coat the back of a metal spoon. Reduce heat to low. Slowly drizzle in warm melted butter, whisking constantly. Whisk in the salt and paprika until it is thick and creamy.

This will make enough sauce for four eggs.

Fry the Canadian bacon until lightly browned. Toast the English muffins to one's preference.

I prefer using a double boiler because it's easier to control and has easy clean-up. Don't bother with Knorr's packaged mix, and the kind you buy in a jar is overpriced. This is easy enough for anyone to make.

Opening a whole block of Toblerone is satisfying & smells delicious original content     (
submitted by Cunt to Cooking 1.5 years ago (+15/-0)
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I'm trying out a German chocolate mousse recipie I found on YouTube because the one I did last year was too rich.

Wish me luck!