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My baby was being a PC baby tonight     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Cunt to Mildlyinteresting 1 week ago


Crying or whinging whenever my husband or I said something not PC.

But also he (my baby, not my husband) was punching himself repeatedly in the head, to the point where he couldn't latch on for sustenance and I had to restrain his arm to which he gave me a huge smile and face of relief and "how did you stop me getting punched in the head I seriously had no idea who was doing that!".

I feel like there's a metaphor or something in there.
"Staff hate working in this venue at this time" due to "youths"     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Cunt to Australia 1 week ago


Why would you want to live in NT with all those niggers? Screw the rabbit proof fence, make a bigger proof fence and call it a nature reserve.


wait. wait! is that what happened with feather Indian "reserves"? How's that working out? seriously I don't know. what's the update there?
Babies sleeping with their eyes open is fucked to watch     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Cunt to TellUpgoat 2 weeks ago


Title. Creepy as.
TradWives movement is mainstream,      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Cunt to TellUpgoat 4 weeks ago


The TradWife influencers have millions of followers.

People keep attributing different social media starlets of starting or popularising it. But we all know who to thank.

I miss you @Empress, even if you were really a tranny as accused, the movement has a lot to thank you for.
Bigoted Bill - it's best to hear him out     (youtu.be)

submitted by Cunt to FunnyVideos 4 weeks ago


Baseball is superior to cricket     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Cunt to TellUpgoat 1 month ago


My husband is currently watching baseball. I don't enjoy any of the sports balls but this one is very much like cricket but so much less shitty and boring.
"It Turns Out the ‘Deep State’ Is Actually Kind of Awesome" - New York Times     (www.nytimes.com)

submitted by Cunt to LyingNewsMedia 1 month ago


What the actual fuck.

"I bitterly resent my husband for making me return to work"     (www.kidspot.com.au)

submitted by Cunt to Parenting 1 month ago


My son has arrived!     (WhiteRepopulation)

submitted by Cunt to WhiteRepopulation 1 month ago


Came out purple and didn't breathe for an immeasurable amount of time but he came around and pinked up, now he's a little yellow but it's just temporary, he'll whiten up.

He took 25 hours to come after waters broke and was excruciatingly painful as he refused to follow directions. I take back all comments I have ever made about women over exaggerating the pain of childbirth. He smiles a lot and laughs at jokes or me being in pain.
COVID fines illegal: NSW Supreme Court rules that for a fine to stand it must clearly indicate the relevant government act that it applies to and the provision related to the offence     (www.dailymail.co.uk)

submitted by Cunt to Australia 1 month ago


Sibling texts     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Cunt to Screenshot 2 months ago


Setting page 404     (UpgoatDev)

submitted by Cunt to UpgoatDev 3 months ago


@system https://www.upgoat.net/settings page 404. Also do you know why thumbnails don't load for me (I have to click the +)?
Sign Language interpreter at a comedy show     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Cunt to funny 3 months ago


I hope you learned something today.
Seeking: quote from Israeli important guy that was admitting to genocide & that old quote about how jews argue     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Cunt to AskUpgoat 3 months ago


fuck me dead I'm getting so frustrated with search engines including the function on here.
David took me and threw me to the back of the container telling me to get as deep as I could and to hide. One of them jumped inside and yelled "Allahu Akbar" and a bomb went off, and they started shooting non-stop,' she said     (www.dailymail.co.uk)

submitted by Cunt to LyingNewsMedia 5 months ago


Click the link to see the jewess "recoving" in a wheelchair from being shot in the foot but for some reason she is still wearing two shoes. This story is so fake and gay and her video adds zero credibility to her story.

Also apparently she is a model (LMAO) but they could only find one amateur photo of her in swimwear on her Instagram, no modelling photos.

>Describing the moment she was told to run for her life by security as terrorists sprayed bullets across the festival, she told the Express: 'They surrounded us and they just kept shooting, non-stop.

>'I heard one girl scream "Please don't take me. Just leave me alone". But they still kidnapped her. They did terrible, terrible things to her.'

>Noam, who had been unable to flee in her car because terrorists blocked the exits, recalled how they were desperately calling family and friends, sharing their locations and begging for help.

>She described how one of the revellers who was with them in the skip shouted that she had been seen by the gunmen.

>'As the Hamas gunmen approached, David took me and threw me to the back of the container telling me to get as deep as I could and to hide. One of them jumped inside and yelled "Allahu Akbar" and a bomb went off, and they started shooting non-stop,' she said.

>'It was Russian roulette as to who would get a bullet.'

>Noam heartbreakingly revealed how her boyfriend David was shot in the chest, while a girl lying on top of her was blasted in the shoulder.
Rainbow clouds are totally normal & natural & so not anything to do with chemtrails     (www.abc.net.au)

submitted by Cunt to LyingNewsMedia 6 months ago


"Young Man" tags along to Nazi group walk     (www.dailymail.co.uk)

submitted by Cunt to Australia 6 months ago


The previous article I was looking for to post stated it was an "Arab man" (or maybe they said "Middle Eastern appearance" or something? I don't recall the exact wording) piping in with "fuck the jews", this one calls him a "young man".

Also the description under one photo says the train passengers are terrified but the passenger they have in focus looks super chill.
Jewess faces the consequences of her people's actions & media is shocked she doesn't do the White thing & forgive the violent nigger who nearly killed her      (www.dailymail.co.uk)

submitted by Cunt to news 6 months ago


(White) Boy name suggestions?     (WhiteRepopulation)

submitted by Cunt to WhiteRepopulation 6 months ago


Got a few on the list already nothing is a clear winner yet so any serious suggestions welcome.

FYI Husband says we can't name him Adolf.
[2mins:51sec] please watch till the end     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Cunt to funny 6 months ago


People chant "Gas the jews" on the steps of the Opera House in Sydney     (www.dailymail.co.uk)

submitted by Cunt to Australia 6 months ago


Women espousing wild and dangerous ideas     (youtube.com)

submitted by Cunt to Women 8 months ago


Tell me where the narrator was wrong. Trick question, he wasn't.
Is there any way to stop a hospital murder once it's started?      (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Cunt to AskUpgoat 8 months ago


One of those unofficial assisted deaths, where the doctors and nurses all agree on treatment, most notably morphine which they slowly over dose the patient on until they die?

Most of the family seem to agree (I don't know if anyone - medical staff or family - are doing this consciously or not or if they legitimately think it's a helpful "treatment"). They have all gathered around like vultures, coming from all over the country to watch him die. The worst is the two family members that are nurses and think they know it all. "patients like this rapidly decline" - yeah, AS SOON THEY GET IN FUCKING HOSPITAL. Also you bitches work with babies not geriatrics so what do you even know?

My grandfather was fairly fine a week ago, the vaxes have done a number on him, notably making his brain cancer more aggressive. My grandmother was complaining that he gets confused at night time, usually trashing the house looking for something apparently lost/stolen. During the day he is fine but is sleeping more (presumably because he's u at night). He's bigger then her so she called an ambulance to subdue him, ambulance came, said "he's not *not* sick*", shrugged and took him and discharged the next day saying he's fine. Family call grandmother crazy liar. A few days later same thing. But then family gets him transferred to a second hospital. Hospital staff, like my grandmother, think it's annoying that he gets out of bed at night to walk around and look for shit. So they sedated him at night. Then as a side effect of those meds he allegedly gets confused and disorientated during the day, also annoying to hospital staff to they give him some sort of anti-anxitey or anti-psychotic meds and then say he's in pain but too confused to be able to articulate it so they hook him up to constant drip of morphine. Now he's sedated pretty much constantly except for brief moments occasionally and where they try to feed him but he's too drugged up to so now he is starting to die and very much looks like it.

Is there anything I can do? It's happened so fast, it feels like everyone has decided he's gonna die now but nobody asked him and they are literally killing him.
Give me your best kike jokes     (Jokes)

submitted by Cunt to Jokes 8 months ago


I am currently working with a bunch of young zoomers.

Today one boy told a girl she was the biggest racist and she smiled bashfully and said "yeah".

Earlier in the week I was working with a another girl who was spouting anti-semetic jokes one after the other. I don't remember any because they were all lame honestly and not very funny but I laughed heartily at each one to encourage her. She said "I've got more and they just get worse and worse" (as in more antisemitic) and I corrected "no, better & better".

I couldn't think of ANY on the spot so I could give back was "something something throw pennies on the ground" which she laughed at.

So goats, please give me your best to share for next time I see her!
It's a little early, but I peed on a stick today     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Cunt to WhiteRepopulation 8 months ago


Number 3 due 2024!