Read 1984     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by x0x7 to Comics 4 months ago (+17/-0)
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Cars that had balls & Sub $1 dollar gas     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by iSnark to GEN_X_Pub_n_Grill 4 months ago (+24/-0)
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Tax cut     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 5 months ago (+19/-0)
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Here's the problem with the "you'll eat the bugs and you'll like it" theory.     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by Sector2 to Food 5 months ago (+13/-0)
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Crazy prices, considering the dead crickets are only $29.95 /lb. Who can afford to switch from beef when the bugs are up to 10X more expensive?

They cracked one open so I could sniff. The odor of the dead crickets could be the basis of a weight loss program. Pretty much smelled like several hundred dead crickets, if you can imagine. Not sure toasting would help.
On last Sunday, December 31, 2023, the Argentine government stopped paying wages to Catholic priests.     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by x0x7 to WorldPolitics 5 months ago (+1/-0)
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Constitutional republic is not freedom     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by x0x7 to politics 5 months ago (+3/-3)
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Not a pot shop :)     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by Sector2 to whatever 6 months ago (+10/-0)
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More like "notice us" marketing, but there are quite a few pot shops. Also, the biggest marijuana distributor in California just collapsed (low prices, excessive taxes), leaving growers and stores with no connection. Growers can't sell directly to stores.

The final blow came on June 20, when MJBiz Daily reported that the company's “main lender” East West Bank had canceled HERBL's line of credit, effectively turning off the company's flow of cash and plunging California's biggest pot distributor into receivership.

Some top notch reporting from Vox.     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by soupnazi to Newsofthestupid 7 months ago (+15/-0)
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"Non-sorters". People trying to practice medicine in Haiti. original content     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 9 months ago (+19/-0)
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alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/ec4hhl.jpg

img.gvid.tv link is fubar'd

Gail, our program director, explained that she has a lot of trouble with her Haitian office staff because they don't understand the concept of sorting numerically. Not just "they don't want to do it" or "it never occurred to them", but after months and months of attempted explanation they don't understand that sorting alphabetically or numerically is even a thing. Not only has this messed up her office work, but it makes dealing with the Haitian bureaucracy - harrowing at the best of times - positively unbearable.

They must have sent their best and brightest abroad.
I made Banana Bread 🍌🍞! original content     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by Love240 to Food 9 months ago (+10/-4)
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I forgot to add salt. But they came out fantastic!
Modern history of Germany's destruction by jews.     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to Weimerica 9 months ago (+11/-0)
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Jury Nullification. Link in thread, meme I made from the post.     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by dontknowwhatiwant to whatever 9 months ago (+7/-0)
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This is one of the most powerful tools we the citizens have against a corrupt regime.
Learn about it and if ever on a jury, inform the others.
Put fear into their hearts....     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by dontknowwhatiwant to PoliticalMemes 9 months ago (+21/-0)
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Catbox suxx.

So sick of not being able to view anything.

Anyways, meme I made,
so true.
Made me think of what they are doing to the Jan 6 political prisoners.
They are being tortured.

Leftist ideology is for humiliatiation and destruction. Forcing people to repeat known lies destroys the human soul. original content     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to Jews 9 months ago (+29/-0)
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It was your choice mother ...     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to whatever 10 months ago (+4/-0)
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In 2005 some jew stopped Sweden from collecting crime stats on rape because 95% of rapes were committed by non-Swedes.      (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to Eurovasion 10 months ago (+31/-0)
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Self-defense is wrong goyim! Learned, enforced, helplessness.     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to Eurovasion 10 months ago (+23/-0)
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In Sweden you can't even put a baseball bat beside your bed for protection because that's "preparation for an assault" and is punishable by imprisonment.

Somebody breaks into your house you legally have to jump out of the window.

Dogs that could damage an attacker must be leashed or muzzled inside the home in case someone breaks in unexpectedly.

It gets worse the longer you read.

OCR Text below, may not be completely accurate I'm not reading that again.


Yes. Its pretty interesting how Cultures are in different count

I live in Sweden, and here Self defense are very restricted.
In my opinion, self defense is outright wrong, if you are defending property. We swedes compare self-defense, lets say you are defending a 500 SEK bill (comparision: about 50$ dollars) and kill a person who attempts to rob you on the street.

Thats comparable to kill someone to steal THEIR's 500 SEK bill. We swede's refer it that regardless if you avoid losing 2 500 SEK bill by killing someone, or killing someone to get a 500 SEK bill, you are effectively valueing that Life (regardless of if its a robber or victim) to 500 SEK (50$). And thats the wrong thing with self defense.
Defending your Life if theres no other way out? [check] its okay. Defending your Health? Maybe, use as Little violence as possible.

We swedes refer self defense as "Taking matters in their own hands" and is very frowned upon.

And "stealing" back items that someone stole is forbidden too. What you should do, is when you see your bicycle in anyone elses rack because a thief stole your bicycle, Contact police and they will recover the bicycle for you.

Thats because of "occupance right", if you own a item, you both occupy it and own it. You have the right to occupy the item. If a theif steals your item, he has the occupancy right now, even if you are owner. Taking back the item is legal, because even if the first transfer from you to the theif was illegal, it does not make the occupance transfer from theif to you legal.

In other Words, only the police or "enforcement" (Swedish: Kronofogde) may legally transfer a item from somebody else to you, if this "somebody else" refuses to give you, or permit you to take the item.

What you SHOULD do if you are robbed on the street: Follow the robber's instruction. Give your wallet, give your card & PIN, and so on. Make sure to remember how the robber look like. THEN you report to the police. Police then takes over from there and solves it for you. Never take matters in your own hands. Thats ONLY allowed if the robber would pursue you, attempt to hurt you or attempt to kill you even tough you are following the robber's instructions, or if the robber’s instructions would lead to Death.

Thats is even written in the leaflets that the law enforcement hands out at large events and so on.

A thing that makes police happy if its you can Place non-fatal traps in your wallet, like a GPS transmitter or a radio
tracker, so the robber can be tracked and arrested.

The self-defense law in sweden (Swedish: Nédvarn) states that violence may ONLY be used as a last last last
resort, if you die if you don't self-defense. And violence must cease anytime a escape route or escape possibility
appears. This means that if you get right to kill someone in self-defense, but in the middle of the assault, a escape
route appears. Then you are obligated to attempt escapeing, not finishing the robber off.

This is also valid in your own home! So if there come burgulars with baseball bats, I can't just take my hammer and hit the burgulars in the head. That would be manslaughter (Swedish: Dr8p) or aggravated assault (Swedish Gov misshandel) which is both punishable with a minimum of 4 years of prison to 10 years of prison.

What my obligation is, is retreating from the scene, eg flee out of my door or jump out of window and flee off from the scene. Thats is valid both in homes and out on the street. Have Wife or Children? Help them escape the home!

Traps in home? Forget it, if Swedish police would see your home with some dangerous trap, its called "Prepara for assault” (Swedish: Férberedelse till misshandel) and nable with Everything between 2 weeks to 2 years. If someone burgular actually trips one of your traps, and damages itself in the act, its called "accidentially Vallande till kroppsskada) (the term "accidentially" come from that the burgular trips the traps, not you) and is fined or imprisionable to 6 months. If the burgular dies, its "involuntary manslaughter" (Swedish: Vallande till annans déd) imprisionable Everything between 2 weeks up to 2 years.

Only trap allowed in home would be fitting high-value items with a GPS transmitter or radio tracker, that would you
or law enforcement, to track and recover the items. (Or really not, it doesn't need to be high-value, you can legally fit anything with a tracker, but its not kinda Worth it spending about 100$ on a tracker for something that is valued less than about 200$)

Putting a baseball bat beside your bed to "defend yourself” too. in case of burgulary? Nope, "Preparation for assault"

Actually, its illegal to have a too loud "Alarm sirén" that can cause the theif tinnitus. Accepted alarm siréns are up to 120dB. Anything exceeding that, or placed in a way so it would come too near a thief’s ear, is illegal. A car owner installed a car alarm and did his own siréns that exceeded 120dB of sound pressure. That did get him fined, and he was later on sued by the burgular for a amount that many times exceeded the value of his car. So the burgular could buy his own car. The reason: The burgular got lifetime tinnitus. Same with putting razors on items that is high valued, in such ways so anyone attempting to steal the item Cuts itself.

Think of having a pit bull guarding inside the house? Nope, according to law it should be coupled (on a leash - INSIDE YOUR LOCKED HOME!) and, if the dog would damage a burgular if the burgular come in range of the coupled on-a-leash dog (because the dog is insufficently trained), the dog should also have a muzzle.

If the burgular damages itself while burgularing your home because of a fault from your side, the burgular can sue you.

And if we go on to weapons, its very restricted. Each weapon requires a separate license, is tracked, have their unique serial, and may ONLY be used for the purpose that the license was applied for. So if you have 2 identical weapons, one for "sniping on the shooting range to win prizes" and one for "hunting mooses in the forest", picking the wrong weapon (even if the only thing that differ them apart is the serial number) is "Weapon Crime" and is imprisionable and would cause revocation and confiscation of both weapons.

So even if you have a weapon license, forget it using the weapons for self defense in your home = even if you are threathened to your Life. Use something else. Just take whatever else, like the bedside lamp or something and use that for self defense if you are threatened to Life.

Weapon licenses for self defense are rarely given; 10 people of 9 million that have a
weapons license. (All cops have a service weapon that may be used for self defence).
Knifes, hitting weapons (like baseball bats or metal knuckles) and guns may not be weared in the public, even if concealed, One exception is legally transporting such things between 2 legal places. Public is defined as "any space that can POSSIBILY entered by a random individual" which means even your lot (just outside your door) considered public space.

Thats really in contrast to USA that permits shooting humans to avoid losing property that these humans attempt to steal, and have no weapon restrictions almost.

Thinking really hard: If someone attempt to rob you of a 50S bill by threathering your Life, would it actually be ight to kill that robber? If you have 3 choices:

Give the robber the 50$ bill

Kill the robber

Robber kills you

Then the best choice is giving him the bill?/right? Then you take it with thé nearest police office so the robber can be arrested and the 50S bill recovered to you.

If you kill or hurt someone attempting to steal from you, you are actually punishing him with a sentence that far
exceeds the sentence he gets by law, and thats injustice/unfair.

What do you Think about sweden? Its really a peaceful country here,
Im kind of a pacifist too, and violence is wrong. Especially when it comes to “defending dead things" (items,

Last edited by sebastian (2014-02-02 05:56:06)
Those conservative policies just keep winning...     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to whatever 11 months ago (+7/-1)
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Rumored buildup of NATO forces at the French border to counter-attack against the French invasion Force. #BattleForEurope     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by Crackinjokes to news 11 months ago (+7/-2)
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Widespread attacks by the French Invaders forces all across France #BattleForEurope     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by Crackinjokes to news 11 months ago (+6/-2)
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Fully armed French Invasion Force brandishing some weapons. He seem to have grenade launchers as well as automatic weapons. #battleforeurope     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by Crackinjokes to news 11 months ago (+8/-2)

I can't find a place to upload the video but multiple people in this group had multiple weapons including what seemed like RPG rounds automatic weapons and pistols
Whole building set a fire by Invasion force in France. Battle for Europe     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by Crackinjokes to news 11 months ago (+21/-3)
Indigenous French people trying to defend their country in Lyon are being fired on by French police     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by Crackinjokes to news 11 months ago (+42/-6)
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Sounds about right     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to whatever 1 year ago (+28/-0)
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army in the wrong place     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 1 year ago (+29/-0)
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