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Community for : 3.2 years

De-faggotize yourself and get fit and ready for the racewar.

Owner: voatisajewishheaven


I quit caffeine     (fitness)
submitted by PostWallHelena to fitness 1.6 years ago (+41/-1)
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Basically. Well I’m still drinking the decaf coffee which is maybe 1/10 the caff or so.
I’ve felt some cravings which have eased up. It’s been maybe 2 or 3 weeks.

I’m sleeping much better. Right through the night. Can’t tell if it’s helped my mood yet. I’m hoping I will be a bit more even keeled and not so spikey and tense. I think I’ll have a better sense of that in a month or so.

I’ve just been a caffeine junky for so long and Ive decided not to accept it any more. Wish me luck!
Mind and Body     (
submitted by UncleDoug to fitness 1.4 years ago (+35/-1)
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New routine just dropped      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to fitness 2.2 years ago (+29/-0)
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Lost 10 lbs on my new manly diet     (fitness)
submitted by purityspiral to fitness 1 week ago (+29/-0)
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I now weigh 178 lbs. Just hopped off the scale. (72 inches tall)
I dont feel any smaller nor look any smaller, my muscles are better defined, not much but a little.
The flab is noticeably leaving my stomach area, the layer is noticeably thinner.

Took about a week. Just became super conscious about it what I was eating (and especially DRINKING).
No added sugars, no caff, none, I might have 1 cup of black tea today. I'm not sure I want to.
Very limited bread so far, was doing 1 piece of whole grain with breakfast, I stopped doing that now.

Breakfast is only sausage, no breads, no grits, I will add 2 eggs if I am hungrier.
Snacks are 1-2 Banana + 8oz whole milk blended in my ninja. I often add 1-2 frozen strawberries.
The bananas and milk make it very filling and satisfying, sometimes I add a scoop of peanut butter (which has added sugar btw).
My new coffee is peppermint herbal tea, 0 caff, its literally just peppermint in water. It's not at all bad once you get the taste for it. I crave it now, same as coffee.

I had one huge scare when I was 182lbs last week, I got all happy and ate 1 cup of brown rice and a can of hormel tamales. It's cheap and good, but wow. I gained 5lbs and shot up to 187. This is apparently normal, it fell right back off (though I avoided the scale for a day and ran twice as long). Today I am 178lbs and slightly less fat. My highest weight was when I was in mil and they feed you a lot so I was 220 when I got out, fairly muscly. Now I'm 178, 10 years older and once my diet is locked in(well on the way), I will go for some raw lean gains. I'm still lifting but not hitting too hard, just keeping my pace for now.

Lunch is salad or ham sandwich without the bread, one day I had a corn dog, but only one, no fries.
Dinner is either a salad or a single 1/4lb Steakhouse Onion patty cooked in air fryer 16min.

I enjoy feeling hungry now, I encourage it then I feed a bit of meat or fruit.
This shit works. I can totally understand how this happens now. I'm into it. I'm hooked.
There was a barrier in the mind, but I got over it, finally.
Time to get shredded brah     (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to fitness 2.0 years ago (+26/-3)
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Get your steps in! No excuses!      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to fitness 1.9 years ago (+25/-2)
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I got that good shit     (
submitted by Mopar_or_nocar24 to fitness 2.3 years ago (+23/-1)
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Yesterday I ate nothing but meat.     (fitness)
submitted by purityspiral to fitness 3 weeks ago (+15/-1)
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I have discovered the magic of the treadmill.
Was doing it occasionally, but started everyday over 1 mile (about 10 minutes).

Instead of just observing my weight, I'm going to try and change it, not much, just wanna see my 6 pack and burn down that last inch.
I've lost decent lbs on low-carb, high-meat in the past, but never felt a need to revisit.
I weighed 185 last week. 184 yesterday, took a big shit now I'm at 183.
Continuing mild lifting as well to keep from losing the gunshow.

This is my first structured attempt at losing even a single lb for probably the last 20 years.
I'm fit but I'm in the hole of burger debt and working my way to where I really wanna be (beach body).

Anyway, going to try and get fat burned down but not trying to get smaller.
Sitsups everday now, they dont even bother me anymore also home gym.

Yesterday had whole grain cereal at start(quick), after that only meat. Lunch was lunch meat without bread or condiments. Not too much, just enough to let me go back to work feeling ok. Dinner was 1 and a half pork burger patties (?steakhouse onion? idk its good tho). No caffiene all day and night, none, no soda, no sugar. Peppermint herbal tea. All these things except the meat are foreign to my latchkey mind, I dont care, it's working.

I'm usually 190lb. Today I am 183 and I have more energy than I ever had while swilling sugared coffee. I am calm.
I have not eaten today, but I am ravenous. I am going to not add the hash brown today, just sausages, maybe some grits for lunch.

btw, I'm over 40.
Have you done a push up today? Did you level up?     (
submitted by Cunt to fitness 1.7 years ago (+12/-1)
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"Look ma no feet!"


Whoops sorry faggots I meant to post the mirror link:
The Best “Push Pull Legs Routine” For Growth     (
submitted by voatisajewishheaven to fitness 3.2 years ago (+7/-0)
Learn the name of that thing in your back that hurts     (
submitted by voatisajewishheaven to fitness 3.2 years ago (+6/-0)
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Rotator Cuff Exercises For Bodyweight / Calisthenics Athletes     (
submitted by voatisajewishheaven to fitness 3.2 years ago (+5/-0)
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Never skip back day, even if you're not feeling well      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to fitness 7 months ago (+6/-2)
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Dr. James Hoffman on Session Design     (
submitted by voatisajewishheaven to fitness 3.2 years ago (+4/-0)
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John Meadows was killed by the covid jab     (fitness)
submitted by voatisajewishheaven to fitness 2.6 years ago (+4/-0)
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There I said it. There are no platforms where his fans reside where I could say this, but I know it, you know it, I'm sure his family knows yet they can't say a word about it for fear of being labelled right-wing conspiracy theorists.

Sure, there's plenty of reasons for bodybuilders to die young, but a pulmonary embolism is likely the result of blood clotting, which in turn is likely induced by the vaccine which I have no doubt that as a good "god-fearing christian" he was compelled into getting jabbed.
I guess we're all gonna be cycling off creatine     (fitness)
submitted by voatisajewishheaven to fitness 2.4 years ago (+5/-1)
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Bulletproof Your Shoulders For Optimal Performance     (
submitted by voatisajewishheaven to fitness 3.2 years ago (+3/-0)
How do get abs without doing sit-ups or crunches?     (fitness)
submitted by Systemisgay to fitness 3 years ago (+3/-0)
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Light weight more reps vs more weight less reps      (fitness)
submitted by Systemisgay to fitness 2.9 years ago (+4/-1)
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Said when I woke up today, it's break day.. stop at the gym for a little something... Turns into another 4 hour slam fest..     (fitness)
submitted by SmellsLikeTacos to fitness 2.7 years ago (+3/-0)
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Tomorrow is real day for certain.. I need to heal so I can do damage again.
You lift bro?      (
submitted by ghostofvoatspast to fitness 2.6 years ago (+5/-2)
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I encourage all men regardless of the shape you are currently in to start lifting weights. A simple routine consisting of a few lifts that you will stick to and do religiously is a fine start.

Its a pretty simple commitment that will have a positive impact on all aspects of your life both physically and mentally.

If you would like help setting up a simple routine I'm happy to help, I have 20 year experience. 6 months from now with minimal commitment you can see some big changes in yourself.
In 2005, researchers found that if an overweight or obese person with knee osteoarthritis loses one pound, that equates to four pounds of pressure taken off the knees. That means losing just 5 pounds will take 20 pounds of pressure off your knees.     (fitness)
submitted by Systemisgay to fitness 2 years ago (+5/-2)
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The Twenty Pull-ups Training Program     (
submitted by carnold03 to fitness 7 months ago (+3/-0)
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#The Twenty Pull-ups Training Program

If you're serious about increasing your upper body strength, follow this six to eight week training program and you'll soon be on your way to completing 100 consecutive pushups!

Think there's no way you could do this? I think you can. All you need is a good plan, plenty of discipline, and about 30 minutes a week to achieve this goal!

No doubt some of you can already do 20 consecutive pull-ups, but let's face it, you're in a big minority. Most of you reading this won't even be able to manage 5 pullups. Actually, I'm sure many of you can't even do 2.

However, it really doesn't matter which group you fall into. If you follow the progressive pullup training program, I'm positive you'll soon be able to do 20 pullups!

Are you ready to take the challenge? Read on for more details...

For more information:
Better yourself, then deal with (((them))).     (fitness)
submitted by voatisajewishheaven to fitness 3.2 years ago (+2/-0)
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Push, Pull, Twist. Hinge, Lunge, Squat. Grip & Gait.

That stuff is embedded deep in your brain, excel at these movements and you can flee AND fight. You know we call anxiety a "fight or flight" response, what do you think happens when you suck at both of those? You produce more stress hormones and you actually get fatter.

They control the agriculture industry, they've thought your mothers to feed you wrong. If you're not doing anything to compensate for the fact that we went from hunter gatherer to cubicle dweller, how long can you sit at your computer every morning, put on your glasses, stare at your three monitors and try to convince yourself that you're not becoming some disgusting post-human cyborg?

The least you can do is:

Get on a standard regimen of creatine monohydrate
Work out with well-known compound movements every 2nd day
Tone down the excessive use of sweeteners (any kind but especially the shittier ones, cane sugar, HFCS etc)
Add a daily protein shake or two
* Take your multivitamin and/or least vitamin D and Omega-3