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ell we used to do X so why dont you do it that way?     (Rants)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 2 weeks ago


Dealing with liberal transplants is so fucking frustrating. They all have this idea that because they did something one way, it HAS to be done that way. And no amount of telling them no, this is not the case, ever deters them. Because they lack the capacity to think, they keep doing the same shit over and over and over again, failing predictably as one can assume. Do they learn? Hell no, they keep ramming their shitty beliefs down my throat because they never worked prior, so they must be done again and again until they do. The idea isnt the problem, its YOU that's the problem.
is erasing our identity to be more Christ like a sin?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskUpgoat 3 weeks ago


There is a concept in modern churches that to be like Christ, one has to erase their identity. You can never question, criticize, or do anything contrary to the perceived way the church has decided you should live your life. In my own life, this has caused me to resent the church for how they approach this ideal. This has also caused a LOT of issues with prior Christian friends who hate me asking pesky, annoying questions.

A lot of times, people talk on "behalf of Christ", on subjects without really knowing what He would do. I've seen Christians condemn other Christians for not being Christ like enough. Ive seen the church condemn free thinkers for asking too many questions, admonishing the US for having too many rights, asking that Christians act more like slaves, complaining that people don't want to waste their entire lives at the behest of an overly demanding church, complain donations are down whilst they openly trash the country, trash peoples' efforts by undermining their own skills. if someone can barely make ends meet, how is guilt tripping them into donating gonna help them? Enter the prosperity gospel. Now you can be even more broke, but at least you can feel like you might not be broke later. Don't budget, God will provide. Ironic, since God provides and then you throw it away to greedy anti christ pastors.

Seriously, you'd think the church wants slaves, not converts. Any time someone has an achievement in their lives, they have to have humility and thank God. I can thank God for helping and showing me the way, but i dont think pride is what the church thinks it means. i even asked a pastor if pride is a sin wouldn't it also be a sin to be proud of your own kids? He had no answer of course, just that i took his teachings out of context. How fucking convenient, I must have heard it wrong. It couldnt possibly be that his teachings were retarded nonsense. Of course if pride is a sin you also cant be proud of your own people, your race, your accomplishments, your achievements, your nationality. You have to live your entire life being beholden to everyone else, helping them, going out of your way to fuck yourself over.

Seriously, if you were to have a "servant's heart" (their words not mine), your ENTIRE life would be spent catering to the church. At the height of my serving, I literally had no life outside the Church. It was absurd. And on top of this, the Church uses its flying monkeys and enablers to spy on you at every turn. They didn't give a shit about me serving, but when i told them to get bent, they got all worked up about it. Instead of seeing the people who helped them, they arrogantly assumed they were entitled to free labor and payments.
The rwanda genocide was instigated by jews and blamed on the Belgians     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to TellUpgoat 3 weeks ago


John MacArthur: Female Elders     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Christianity 3 weeks ago


Youtube has become cable TV     (Rants)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 3 weeks ago


Subscribe to this, ads all over the place, unskippable commercials, forcing you to fill out ad surveys. Would be surprised youtube makes any money
I was monitoring a Christian couple's counseling, i weep for the amount of horrible advice given to these people by neo liberal church doctrine     (Rants)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 3 weeks ago


There's only so much you can counteract at once, but holy shit, I weep for this new generation of men having to deal with these hyper entitled spiritual Narcissistic cunts. Some gems from the couple's counseling I had to endure:

This one guy was running his own business and had to travel for part of the year. The complaint was that he should GIVE UP his business and become a W2 employee because wife felt lonely. Did the wife try to find new hobbies? Fuck no. They 100% blamed the man who was furnishing her entire lifestyle to be around more. As always, here comes the church siding with ... the wife.

Another guy said his wife was too verbally abusive. Based off how the wife was talking, and based off prior experience, I completely understood what he was talking about. Was the church's response to find ways to ensure she could speak without being hostile, and self reflecting on how her actions can be perceived by others? Fuck that, it's the man's fault. The guy got told he needed to cater to his wife some more because fuck you! See when women decide to act like rabid cunts, its the man's fault because wife is always right. Even when she's dead wrong and clearly bitching about nonsense, you gotta just listen and believe! Ephesians is outdated, were all about progressivist bullshit now. The woman will be even more hostile and violent, as she's been enabled by a church that her horrid actions are now justified.

They had a guest speaker come in about "refuge" work in some middle eastern shithole( I suspect its either Egypt or Syria, he didn't say). Their primary problem was the border control of the country as kicking out anyone who was there illegally. Did the church stop and reflect if breaking laws of another country was a Christian thing to do? As always, self reflection was nowhere to be found. Not that they were ever welcome before, but the complaint was the country had decided to institute the death penalty on people smugglers. Typical jewish behavior, subvert a nation than SCREAM when that nation kicks you ass to the curb.

And there's many more such instance, these were just the more apparent ones. I highly highly doubt there is much that can be done for these relationships. Through the church enabling them, these womn think they are gods amongst men. Everything they decress is gospel. Their requests are demands that must be met. They dont want a husband, they want doormats, men who grovel to them. This has cemented my idea that modern churches are some of the most evil, vindictive, spiteful places in existence.

I'm no longer welcome at this church and was told my "advice" was problematic. I know im not perfect, and as i got more redpilled and older I held to my convictions. I realize that i was conditioned (and to a large degree, I accepted these conditions making me complicit). I made amends of my behavior to the kids, apologized. But now that Im awake, the road to help others is riddled with back stabbers, traitors, yes men, and all kinds of horrid influences. And yet, i will never give up the fight, and will never back down.
where to find more on Asatru?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskUpgoat 4 weeks ago


Knowing virtually nothing about the concepts, are there any good books or resources i can look into
The modern church wants to make me vomit at the absurdity of their "teachings"     (TellTalk)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to TellTalk 4 weeks ago


Some of the gems I heard at my church service today:

* we are all judeo christians. Fuck you, I dont swear allegiance to jews, and find i incredibly insulting that a pastor wants to FORCE me to worship kikes.

* Race is only skin deep. As my grandpa would say, no way can one look at a nigger and a White man and say they are the same race.

* Chinese propaganda and censorship is A-ok if we have control over it. The chinks really care about their own people.

* Pray for israel, they dindu nuffin and theyre getting beat up by big mean Iran (no mention of why this is, just dont ask questions)

* tithing is works based, and tithing = big praise from Jesus. Fuck you, dont ask questions, put the money in the plate
Went to a Christian retreat: felt more like a combination of cult worship with blatant corporate adverts     (Rants)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago


Went to a retreat over the weekend, and holy crap, I never realized just how commercialized these events are. They had a guy come from a really big Christian company, explaining the perils of running a business. Did he answer any questions about Christianity within a business environment? Fuck no! It was just a massive advertisement for his company. That's all it was, just an hour long seminar on buying his shit mixed with some Bible verses. Did I want to hear it? Not really. But as is tradition, I get dragged to these events by family, so why not at least have some fun with their content.

My friend even made fun of me about this, he said that organized religion and me simply dont mix. You can not mix a free thinking individual, with whatever the fuck it is I witnessed. What makes these events so funny to me, is they constantly clamor about not labelling Christianity ... and yet within 5 minutes i can predict the ENTIRE sermon of what someone will say, because I properly labelled the core theological principal used. And its true, most modern day pastors all went to the same schools, learned the same concepts, applied the same approaches. There is very little to ZERO difference between two modern day pastors.

And of course odinism made its way into the conversation because god forbid these neo marxist pastors ever look into WHY people are rejecting the modern day church. I can't imagine odinism is THAT popular, but the rejection of the modern church has nothing to do with odinism. Dont matter, most pastors will just mix the two together. God forbid the people Christian pastors have been shitting on for 50+ years grow a backbone and actually try to fix a problem. Best to do jack fuck and sit there whilst your enemy kills you.
How do you write women so well?     (TellTalk)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to TellTalk 1 month ago


I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.
Dindu nuffin is real in their mind     (Rants)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago


He really is THAT stupid and short sighted. See the dindu cant understand the past, the future or the present. So dindu nigger really THINKS he didnt do something, because in his small mind the person he is now, is not the one who did something prior. In their mind, the past version of their own selves is NOT the same person as who they are now. Hence why a nigger can be a criminal piece of shit 5 minutes prior and think they are a saint now. You see this a lot in niggers, they are seemingly incapable of understanding even the most basic concept of consequences, or future planning. And yet, the ENTIRE of society has to cater to these moronic retards as if they are one of the same as White people.
Liberal christ cucks are full on delusional     (Rants)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago


I was talking to some of them and mentioned the Balkan wars, and what happened in Africa with Rhodesia. I was talking about how when the going gets tough, niggers will kill, rape, steal and not be on your side. The church I go to is convinced that savages will not devolve back into their savage ways, and that through the power ofd universal reconciliation, a nigger who kills you who is "saved" can still go to heaven .... needless to say i dont go to that church anymore.

These morons would rather cuck for inferior savages than have an ounce of self reflection on what's going on around them.
is salvation to Christ conditional?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskUpgoat 1 month ago


Talked to somebody about this (very jewish person) and now im even more amused. I always assumed that salvation was internal and that one looks to God for salvation. Hence when one sins, they sin to God, and themselves. However, just because one sins, does not mean one is not saved. The old is still there, reborn to Christ. This person was arguing that those who are saved spiritually, who were baptized, etc were never truly saved.

This person decided to point at some of my friends and proceed to judge the shit out of them. As far as they were concerned, because the haven't sacrificed their job, their life, their hobbies, etc, they were never truly saved and still get to go to hell. Ironically, this person never volunteers, never gives money to the needy, or does anything remotely Christian. But they have no problem lambasting others who are actually trying to get right with Him.
It looks like Im the weird one      (Rants)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago


I was talking to my neighbor about dogs. I had mentioned that when I used to own a dog, I would sometimes cook the small mice and stuff he brought back to me, and then give it back to him as cooked food. My neighbor is now disgusted at me and thinks im some kind of deranged serial killer in hiding.
Tax form inflation is real     (Rants)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago


I was looking over my 1040 from my CPA. Many years ago, my tax forms were around 15 pages or so. However, every year, there's more and more bullshit forms that get added into my tax preparation. The amount of paper for my filing was 25% more than last year. My last year form was also 25-40% bigger than the year prior. These fucks will drown people in bullshit paperwork
Anywhere to run to now that the US is done?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskUpgoat 1 month ago


I'd love to retire somewhere now that I'm older. I see the new generations, and I can't help but seem like they hate me for no real reason. And yet, for all the damage in the US, i would prefer not being here when these people snap. Who'se got good ideas?
Why are some NPCs and some not?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskUpgoat 1 month ago


When I look at my own life, I have faith to be Christian but hate churches. And yet, I can see in my own heart and with my eyes that everything around me is wrong. And yet when I try to explain this to anyone, all i get is apathy, disdain, or outright revulsion.

A great example i ran into. I was talking to a local family at a restaurant. They had asked me how i was so "smart" (whatever that means, i guess smarter than normie idiots, which doesnt take much). I had explained that genetics plays a big role in intelligence. The response I got was that genetics played NO role in intelligence or character traits .... This makes sense why they said this though. If intelligence is dictated by genetics than practically, the DEI diversity bullshit would show itself to be a massive farce.

Rather than realize they were lied to, these idiotic morons lied to themselves to protect their clearly wrong assumptions. And yet some people can introspect and some cant
hate the sin but not the sinner     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskUpgoat 1 month ago


Something I have heard MANY times, and i have yet to understand how this works? If the sinner is the one committing the sin, how exactly does one detach the sinner (the person) from the action? Almost every time this is used, its used to excuse and wring away the shittiest, most henious behavior.
covenant theology vs dispentianolism     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskUpgoat 1 month ago


I was brought up calvinist in a very anti jew church. I tried getting into dispentionalism, but i cant do it. It comes off as absurdly contradicting nonsense. It's pro zionist drivel used to promote jewish supremacy. It's dated from around 1800s and based off my findings it was 100% promoted and funded by asshole kikes. Anyone got good sources?
How to be a spineless cuck in 15 easy steps     (www.mindbodygreen.com)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to TellTalk 1 month ago


worst part is there's idiots out there who will actually read this crap. Then they wonder why their wife divorces them or leaves
Inflation is due to anything else but the federal reserve and jews     (www.theguardian.com)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to TellTalk 1 month ago


Please goy, blame Texas, Ukraine, and apathy. But dont you dare point to the federal reserve
More Americans are ditching religion, citing anti-LGBTQ bigotry and clergy sex abuse     (www.friendlyatheist.com)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Christianity 1 month ago


Doubtful the article isn't biased, but an interesting trend
NYC's war on driving and cars continues on!     (gothamist.com)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to NYC 1 month ago


BigGuyFromQueens should be happy
Why do the new generations hate boomers so much?     (AskGoats)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskGoats 1 month ago


There's this idea boomers had it made, and that we were all just chilling in pools, being handed jobs left and right, and who knows what else. Most boomers are just like anybody else, the had zero representation in their country just like now, they still paid taxes on everything, and their rights were still eroded. Crap may ha been cheaper, but so were wages. Houses were nowhere near as lavish and fancy as now.

You think the boomers had any say on those jobs being shipped overseas? Why are boomers being held to this absurd standard as if they individually had to fight for the rights of the next generation, when its been shown the new generation has as little voice in their own election process?
How can jews be the chosen ones?     (AskGoats)

submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskGoats 1 month ago


The NT is very clear that anyone who reject Jesus as lord and savior is not of Christ. At the same time, the pharisees mob killed Jesus, and in typical kike form, had the Romans do it for them. How then can a group of people who are judaic, reject Christ, reject all the principles of the Bible, be chosen by God.

In the OT we also have many major and minor prophets carry out some task for God. However, in practice, anyone can be chosen to do something on behalf of God. If jews can really be seen as chosen by God, so can everyone else in the OT and NT. Why is Mathew now less chosen than say Jonah? Why have jews decided that they can delineate who is and is not chosen? Wouldn't this be considered blaspheming?