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Crazy things to think about.     (NutziHiveKickers)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to NutziHiveKickers 2 months ago


There's only 144000 people in this world that share a surname with me. There's 9 billion people on this rock. I'm literally one in a million.

Suck it Johnson.
Unappreciative fuckers     (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 2 months ago


I just took a piss in my backyard, as God intended, and there was steam coming off it. I tried to show my wife but she was indignant about it.

Some people just can't enjoy the finer things in life.
Eating butter as a snack      (youtube.com)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 2 months ago


I'm actually good friends with this guy. Fucker's strange, but he's probably the most lucid person I know.
Y'all want to see a yenta kvetch while getting arrested?     (youtu.be)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to videos 2 months ago


Look at this silly fuck     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Cats 2 months ago


That's Lulu. Sometimes her tounge gets stuck.
Happy nigger history month, muh peckerwoods     (www.bitchute.com)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to videos 3 months ago


July's      (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 3 months ago


Fun way to say "jew lies" while getting around censorious fucks. I've been using it with some success in youtube comment sections. Thought I'd pass it on.
I swear to God my wife buys the strangest shit      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 3 months ago


Looking for coconut milk to make lentil soup and I come across this. Didn't even know we had it. Fuck am I supposed to do with canned bread? Also, why does canned bread even exist? This bothers me more than it should.
My friend Althea     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Cats 3 months ago


Little trouble maker, but she's a sweet heart.
Worlds gayest sport      (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 3 months ago


Another true story from back in the day     (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 3 months ago


Right about the year 2001 I fell in love with a girl from Pennsylvania. She wasn't crippled, but I met her at the "Ms. Wheelchair America" pageant in Ft Lauderdale. Probably sounds fictional and homosexual, but I have two adopted sisters in wheelchairs, and I was on probation at the time and needed to work off some community service hours. It took place at a beach side hotel, so I figured I was gaming the system.

So we got into a long distance relationship, and we'd frequently talk on the phone for hours. Shortly after, I violated my felony probation. I got arrested for reckless driving and I pissed hot on a drug test. Now I'm fucked, at least I thought I was at the time. I bought me a greyhound bus ticket from South Florida to Philadelphia and absconded, just wanted to go see me girl again before I sat through what I thought would be a ten year prison sentence.

I don't know if any of y'all have spent any amount of time on a greyhound, but strap in I'm bout to tell you about it. I used to see these busses roll through town and I looked at them with a kind of romance, I'd look at passenger planes in the sky the same way. Like "that's full of unique people making their way to unique situations". Were they going to the funeral of a parent, or their daughter's wedding, or vacation? All of those things could be true about the same bus.

So I get on the bus just north of Palm Beach and it's 24 hours (so I thought) to Philadelphia. Now, you might not know this, but racism didn't exist back in 2001. It's true, look it up. I ended up sitting next to this black dude that was also headed to the city of brotherly shove. An unlikely traveling companion, but it probably saved my life.

So we get to Fayetteville NC, and we got a hell of a delay. Ended up stuck in good ole Fayettenam for almost six hours. While there, some local nigger asked me if I wanted half an ounce of hash for $30. That seemed like a pretty good deal, and I hadn't yet learned to never relax. I leave the bus station to go make this deal. Unbeknownst to me, the black dude I was traveling with followed me out. He stepped into the deal, it seemed so strange to me at the time, but when we got back to the station he told me that those niggers were about to rob me. Maybe he was full of shit, but I really don't think so.

Ended up smoking a little and I got so fuckin paranoid that I flushed most of it, which was dumb.

The rest of the ride was mostly uneventful. I did ride past the Pentagon and you could see the damage from 9/11 from I95. I ended up going back and turned myself in to the authorities. Nine months house arrest and an additional three years probation, on top of the couple months in the county waiting for trial. I ended up moving to Philly when I completed that, only to learn that the girl I loved fucked a Jamaican nigger. Stayed up there four years before I came home, but that's another story for another day.
Making shrimp and grits tonight.     (NutziHiveKickers)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to NutziHiveKickers 3 months ago


Fuck you faggot. You wish you had fresh pink deep water shrimp from the Gulf and expertly made homily grits. Eat a dick. I'm eating shrimp and grits.
True story from back in the day. Actually just a week ago.      (tellupgoat_based_edition)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to tellupgoat_based_edition 3 months ago


Monday is date night for the wife and I. We start off at a farmers market to buy our weekly groceries, then we hit the local watering hole for a few beers and a couple rounds of darts. Cricket specifically, but that's irrelevant to the story.

So last Monday we get to the market and as we're walking in some older liberal shit was blocking the sidewalk with his bike. I hate this inconsiderate bullshit. I'm walking with my wife, we're holding hands. I let go for a second to maneuver around this knuckle head. I look back and dickhead blocked her path even more with his bike so she has to go into the street to get get around. While I'm waiting for her to catch up, this fucker runs his bike tire into the back of my foot. Now I'm done with his shit. I squared up on him and asked him "Alright man, what's your fuckin problem?" Immediately he shrinks. "I don't have a problem" he says. By this time wifey has caught up and she's got a vice grip on my arm, so I turn to go about my business. After a couple steps I hear from behind me "you'd know if I did, man". End of story, everyone clapped.

What the fuck kinda pussy shit is that, ramming your bike into a complete stranger? I let it go because I didn't want to ruin date night. Would've, should've, could've yada yada, but I'm getting tired of inconsiderate assholes and their passive aggressive cunt fuckery. That's all I got to waste your time with.

Killdozer 2 in the works     (youtu.be)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 3 months ago


It's better to have a killdozer and not need it than to need a killdozer and not have it.
Question about history.     (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 3 months ago


Ok, so let me set this up a little. When Europeans first started settling in North America the tribes they came across were mostly nomadic and living in structures made of wood, mud, and animal hides. But when they first started conquering central and south American those were empires of "people" that lived in permanent settlements with buildings made of worked stone. Supposedly, America was first colonized by either a land bridge across the Bering Straight, or by ancient seafarers that hugged the coast in primitive canoes.

Here's the question: If these continents were settled from North to South shouldn't we see more advanced architecture and metalworks the further north you go? Before someone brings up climate, I encourage you to look into the primitive tribes of South Florida. They lived in chikki huts and were still largely hunter gatherers. Why did the Aztec have more advanced architecture, art, agriculture, and metalworks?

Maybe I'm retarded, but I just can't wrap my head around all this.
Stairs to nowhere      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to pics 3 months ago


Third time trying this. Yes I am retard.
Cool bridge from today's hike.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to pics 3 months ago


The Right Stuff     (movies)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to movies 3 months ago


Awesome movie that celebrates masculinity. There's a total of one nigger in the whole movie, and it's only on screen for 30s. Highly recommend.

I had the good fortune to meet Chuck Yeager several years ago. Really cool customer, overall nice guy.

Anyway check it out.
Resident street defiling curry spambot faggot accusing other people of spamming is the funniest thing I've seen all year.     (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 4 months ago


Oh, and he does it on a sub that he owns and has banned anyone that sees through zim/zers bullshit.

What a cunt. That's some high tier faggotry.

If you're going to talk shit, do it where you can get responses from people you disagree with, pussy. You're little echo chamber might as well be a safe space faggot.
Happy New Year.      (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 4 months ago


I honestly hate this time of year. A lot of fucked up shit had happened in my world this time of year. Tomorrow is the nine year anniversary of the death of my father, but that's not the only thing. Cry posting aside, I hope all of you have a beautiful, better year than last year. I kind of hate you bastards, but I do wish you the best that you can take.

Happy New Year Goats. See ya on the flip side.
Home for Christmas, snapped this walking around last night      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to pics 4 months ago


Buddy made me a gift for solstice.      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 4 months ago


Wearing a weremacht helmet today at work.     (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 4 months ago


This is my second to last day here. Place is filled with WW2 memorabilia. I'm wearing a weremacht helmet with the windmill of peace on it cause idgaf
Rorkes Drift - Sabaton      (youtu.be)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to music 4 months ago


Awesome song about White Men killing niggers.

Someone has to combat gaydragons fag music
Metokur steaming live now. Jim's alive      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 4 months ago


Mister Metokur is trying to sell more hats