doesn't exist     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 9 hours ago (+43/-0)
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The Matrix, shorter version      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Irelandlost to Memes 19 hours ago (+51/-0)
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BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)
submitted by Reawakened to Covid1984 19 hours ago (+49/-0)
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The ruling points out that traditional vaccines are designed to provide immunity and prevent transmission, which is not conclusively proven in the case of mRNA COVID-19 shots.

This is about to get fun.
Shit's about to get difficult.     (whatever)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 14 hours ago (+43/-0)
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I fucked up yesterday. Spent the night in the county lock up. Not fun, don't recommend it.

Long story short is I had a few too many, took a corner the wrong way, spent six hours at the hospital, and the next eighteen in jail.

I'm lucky that I didn't hurt anyone. I fucked up and I'm in the process of addressing problems that I haven't felt properly motivated to address until now. When I got out I walked the six miles home. Wife was working and I needed that time to process the way I've been acting lately. It was hot as fuck out.

My truck isn't too fucked up, cosmetic damage really. Me, on the other hand, I feel like death sucking on a lifesaver. Hopefully a year from now, when I get my license back, I can look back and consider it a net benefit. That's the goal anyway.

So yeah, feel free to rag on me and call me a selfish asshole, or a degenerate alcoholic, or whatever else. I'm calling myself the same things right now, so feel free to join in. I just want to use this situation to better myself. I think if I can do that it's worth it, or at least that's my level of cope right now.

Not anon, because y'all already know me and I think it's fine if I give you some ammo to tear me down. I'm a flawed human that needs work, that's extremely lucky I didn't hurt anyone, and hopefully properly motivated to make myself less flawed.
VIDEO: Congressman Thomas Massie tells Tucker Carlson that every GOP Member of Congress has an 'AIPAC Babysitter' who guides them on how to vote in the interests of Israel, and that no other country has a foreign interest lobby doing this to America.     (x.com)
submitted by John_B_14 to Jews 1 day ago (+73/-0)
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Vaccine Induced Myocarditis     (media.scored.co)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to DeathVax19 1 day ago (+48/-0)
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I feel like every day the Barbara Spector clip should be posted to all social media so normies can see Jews planned genocide of Europe more than 10 years ago.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 17 hours ago (+40/-0)
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By the way how old is that clip?

It's at least ten years old.

Here is one version

Miss Poland contestants. Not a nigger in the bunch.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to WhitePeopleIsland 2 days ago (+73/-0)
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Whoa, actshuallie?? Manlet twitch streamer can't believe trying to bully a guy twice his size didn't work out      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to owned 17 hours ago (+36/-1)
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"How could this have happened to me?"
Heavily Armed Federal Agents Show Up at Home of Texas Doctor After He Blew Whistle on Child Sex-Change Program at Children’s Hospital to Serve Him Federal Indictment     (archive.is)
submitted by allAheadFull to TransgenderAgenda 1 day ago (+55/-0)
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I guess he wasn't anonymous enough because they went to the trouble of tracking him down.

In May 2023, Dr. Eithan Haim leaked the sex change documents to investigative reporter Christopher Rufo. Dr. Haim was careful not to disclose any patient information but the Biden DOJ indicted him on four felony counts related to HIPAA violations.

One day after Dr. Haim exposed the Texas Children’s Hospital, the Texas state legislature voted to ban transgender medical treatment and procedures on minors.

“Had three heavily armed agents at my door 7AM Tuesday to inform me I was indicted with four felonies…for blowing the whistle about the largest children’s hospital in the world lying to the public about their transgender program,”

“Just over a month later, on June 23rd, 2023, a few hours before my graduation from surgical training, two federal agents showed up to my apartment in a highly atypical, unexpected, and aggressive show of force. Despite their best attempt at launching a surprise interview, I insisted on having an attorney present. Before leaving, however, I was given a target letter signed by a federal prosecutor that stated I was being criminally investigated for a case regarding “medical records.”” – he said.

“Since no laws had been violated (no personally identifiable patient health information was disclosed), this was nothing more than a blatant attempt at political intimidation. We believe this case is being driven by a highly ideological division within the Department of Health and Human Services that aims to silence whistleblowers who expose institutionalized medical corruption and the dangers of these hormone-based interventions for confused, adolescent children,” Dr. Haim added.
It's Different For The Media     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by VaccineWaters to LyingNewsMedia 1 day ago (+39/-0)
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Got the boy set up with a tool box today.      (Fatherhood)
submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 1 day ago (+47/-1)
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I had a second hand tool box sitting around- old red metal style and we filled it up with some pliers, screwdrivers, a small rubber hammer, a few wall anchors, and other knick knacks. He was real happy.

2 days ago we assembled a hand turned shaving brush I bought for him off etsy - we mixed up the epoxy and installed a boar knot. Naturally, he won't be using the brush for a few years(he is only 3) but I try to pick up some life tools that he can have when he gets older. Already has most of a shaving kit, and some decent name brand tools, most of which are better than the second hand stuff I use. As he gets older I will get him a few skillets, and a solid firearm - I'd say like a 1911 or Beretta 92 but it will probably be a more modernized version of something like that.

I am doing the same thing for may daughter with gifting and I will get her a KitchenAid mixer and pans and such. My parents got me plastic junk that broke. My kids have plenty of that crap around so I try to buy gifts that will last a lifetime or close to it.

If you are reading this, go be a good dad this weekend.
Don't circumcise your boys.      (Fatherhood)
submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 23 hours ago (+34/-1)
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For the same reason you wouldn't engage in female genital mutilation for your daughters.
The @peckerwoodperry era      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to whatever 5 hours ago (+22/-0)
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In the Back Alleys Behind the Pride Fest, We Still Have White Boy Summer!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Dingo to whatever 8 hours ago (+23/-0)
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Black man has no ground game. Gets stomped for his troubles.
Cheer up, wagie! Only 30 more years to go!      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to wagies 14 hours ago (+27/-1)
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Consequences of poor construction.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to whatever 11 hours ago (+26/-3)
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By another name...     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by UncleDoug to jewsShowThemselves 1 day ago (+47/-0)
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Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Europeans are starting to awaken to the blatant ethnic replacement of White people in their own countries.

Two-legged fox     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Wildlife 22 hours ago (+27/-0)
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The survival instinct of wild animals is nothing short of incredible.
I got the cops bodycam footage of @PeckerwoodPerry DUI arrest     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to SoapboxBanhammer 11 hours ago (+21/-0)
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smile     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to funny 9 hours ago (+20/-0)
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New amp day!!!     (Guitar)
submitted by OoklaTheMok to Guitar 17 hours ago (+23/-0)
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Just got the Roland JC-40 2x10. It's fucking sweet. Would recommend.
We are all comfortable cowards feasting on supermarket groceries and enjoying digital entertainment. We do nothing because it is far easier to remain in comfort during the fall of Rome than fight the barbarians.     (whatever)
submitted by HeyJames to whatever 17 hours ago (+25/-2)
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Israel used hundreds of fake accounts that posed as real Americans on X, Facebook, and Instagram.     (i.redd.it)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Israel 1 day ago (+27/-0)
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Photoshop's New Terms Of Service Is Nuts...     (x.com)
submitted by BulletStopper to Computers 2 days ago (+69/-0)
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"...require you allow them to view everything you create, and reserves the right to deactivate your
@Adobe software if you make stuff they don't like."

Not being allowed to use your own property if your purposes don't align with the previous owners is sufficient reason to not pay for it.


Looking forward to news of Adobe foundering and going under.