Every goat should read The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem by Henry Ford     (archive.org)
submitted by Hall_of_Cost to books 2.3 years ago (+76/-0)
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Ford intelligently lays out the problem. It's great to see it written out and discussed with logic here. I recommend for all goats. This is also a great book for normies who are ready for a serious dose of truth. I've had success giving this to conspiracy minded people who had yet to ask the jewish question.

Worldwide jewish conspiracy blown wide open over 100 years ago.

I love that it predates the Nazis. Just goes to show this shit isn't new.
"In spite of all the humiliating defeats Einstein met in the scientific world, a pro-Einstein press stuck by him and unfairly smeared those who legitimately criticized him."     (archive.org)
submitted by LoliNeko to books 2.9 years ago (+50/-1)
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Quote taken from page 14. The entire book divulges into the scam known as (((Albert Einstein))).
My white liberal neighbors were throwing a birthday party for a 10 year old. They were blasting gangster rap talking about everything from killing cops to dicks in mouths. So I blasted some of this back at them. They switched to Classic Rock.      (archive.org)
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to whatever 3.0 years ago (+46/-0)
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Was about to give $40 to Archive.org     (archive.org)
submitted by GrayDragon to Jews 4 months ago (+46/-0)
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I see this:

Brewster Kahle, Founder & Digital Librarian:

I so wanted to give because it is useful. But after seeing this obvious jew, I cannot.

Cannot any fucking goyim make a website?

(E: No @v0atmage, one that works.)
Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story NEVER Told' Parts 1-26 & Bonus (New Version)      (archive.org)
submitted by TFS to Documentaries 3.1 years ago (+46/-1)
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The 1966 series The Time Tunnel was a major science fiction series which introduced the ideas of time travel and quite frankly is still better than a lot of the other science fiction shows produced today. Amazingly the complete series of about 30 episodes is available for free on archive.org     (archive.org)
submitted by Crackinjokes to television 1.7 years ago (+38/-1)
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The 1966 series The Time Tunnel was a major science fiction series which introduced the ideas of time travel and quite frankly is still better than a lot of the other science fiction shows produced today. Amazingly the complete series of about 30 episodes is available for free on archive.org

"We Need to Talk About the Jews" - documentary banned from almost every site, preserved on Archive - Worth watching and sharing with friends     (archive.org)
submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.7 years ago (+36/-0)
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It's available for download on archive.org, so get a copy and don't let this get memory holed.
Hollywood Is A Whorehouse, Its Stars Are Prostitutes And Jews Are Pimps     (archive.org)
submitted by Garrett to Jews 2.8 years ago (+35/-0)
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EUROPA: The Last Battle     (archive.org)
submitted by knije_tahou to WakeUpWhitePeople 1.9 years ago (+35/-0)
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There is only one animated Christmas special worth watching, and it's the only one that's explicit in saying that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus     (archive.org)
submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.4 years ago (+37/-3)
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Even as a child, I always disliked Christmas cartoons, except for "A Charlie Brown Christmas". This special was very personal for Charles Schulz, who was a religious man and though what had been done to it was terrible. I disliked all of these 60s and 70s Christmas specials because they had fuck-all to do with the holiday (holy day). I never understood what Santa Claus, giving presents, snow, elves, and all of that had to do with Jesus.

Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962)
The Year Without Santa Claus (1974)
'Twas The Night Before Christmas (1974)
Frosty the Snowman (1969)
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (1964)
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town (1970)
The Little Drummer Boy (1968)

I'm kind of on the fence with "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (1966). It's heartwarming, but it still loses sight of the reason for Christmas.
Digitized recordings of Kmart cassette music they'd play over the sound system between 1989-1999     (archive.org)
submitted by NeedleStack to music 2.6 years ago (+33/-0)
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This guy used to work at Kmart and digitized the cassettes of music they'd play over the sound system.

A lot of the music is instrumentals of the hits of the time. There are also audio adverts in the recordings (nicely narrated).

Many of the recordings sound like precursors to vaporwave or mallsoft.

Per the archivist's descriptions:

"OK, I have to admit this this is a strange collection. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, I worked for Kmart behind the service desk and the store played specific pre-recorded cassettes issued by corporate. This was background music, or perhaps you could call it elevator music. Anyways, I saved these tapes from the trash during this period and this video shows you my extensive, odd collection."
3,675 based videos on jews and Germany      (archive.org)
submitted by Garrett to Jews 2.8 years ago (+32/-0)
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Edit: Use jdownloader2 to download in full
Free speech forums will always lean right. This was proven on Ruqqus when they were flipped to majority NatSoc in 4 months. The Lord of the Ruqqus 2023 original content     (archive.org)
submitted by JosephGoebbels to HitlerWasRight 1 week ago (+36/-4)
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HitlerWasRight Productions

Edit: Hot off the press, I just found this now. The kikes that ran Ruqqus came from r/drama and also run rDrama.net. Word got out that I did this movie and they immediately went on a smear campaign. Have a look at pilpul in action

The original post was on a site called Syzitus, the replacement for Ruqqus (already defunct because tax evasion window expired), link

Carpathianflorist was the closet dev that trolled the NatSoc userbase who I got to admit he & the admins were jewish. He's the admin on rDrama.net and made Syzitus.
The Leuchter Report: An engineer who designed gas chambers for prisons goes to inspect Auschwitz, completely debunks the gas chambers story.      (archive.org)
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to HolocaustWasFaked 3.0 years ago (+31/-0)
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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion     (archive.org)
submitted by knije_tahou to CommunismIsJewish 1.9 years ago (+31/-0)
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Every White should see this- 5 hours footage of White Genocide being promoted in the media      (archive.org)
submitted by Garrett to WhiteGenocide 2.7 years ago (+30/-0)
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I usually hate fiction, but The Turner Diaries is definitely worth a shot if you guys have never heard it.      (archive.org)
submitted by 3Whuurs to TellUpgoat 1.6 years ago (+30/-2)
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Not like he’s the greatest author or anything, but I didn’t realize until half way through that I don’t think I’ve ever heard an explicitly pro white story like that before.
It’s a pretty banned book and blamed for the OK City bombing (bullshit). But I don’t think there’s anything in it that I haven’t heard said against whites habitually in everyday media
They've tried to scrub this video from the internet since 911. Its a bunch of strange cohencidences. 9 11 Dancing Israelis And Urban Moving Systems ABC News 20 20 Preview, June 21, 2002 original content     (archive.org)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to JewsDid911 6 months ago (+28/-0)
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"As a jew lends you money, you become a slave of the jew."     (archive.org)
submitted by allahead to whatever 2.5 years ago (+27/-0)
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This video represents an honest rendering of organized Jewry's influence on world history as it has never been presented in any high school, college, or university in America. Following World War II, you will discover that organized Jewry loaded up American universities with tens of thousands of European Jews whose academic credentials were either fabricated or they were simply given advanced degrees (Ph.D.) by The New School of Social Research in New Your City in order to subvert and undermine the dominant Christian ethos ensconced within American academia and replace it with the souless humanist, Marxist, collectivist social devolution visited on the American landscape in the past 60 or 70 years. By the 1980s, the infiltration of Zionist subversives, initiated by the exclusively Jewish 'Frankfurt School' (who were expelled from Germany by Hitler) of the late 1920s and 1930s, had gotten so bad that Dr. Jones was fired as a professor at a Catholic university for objecting to the promotion of abortion at that university.
Did you know Archive org org had a "fringe" collection? It's where the good stuff is.     (archive.org)
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+27/-0)
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A collection of thousands of Dominion emails documenting their massive voter fraud schemes during the 2020 Presidential Election. Chinese nationals were also involved with Dominion in subverting the 2020 Presidential Election.     (archive.org)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Universal 1 month ago (+26/-0)
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The Turner Diaries Auto Book downloadable as of 10/1/22     (archive.org)
submitted by 2Drunk to Pierce 1.6 years ago (+25/-0)
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"It is the duty of every patriot to make the tyrant's life miserable. When one fails to do so he not only fails himself, but his people."     (archive.org)
submitted by mememeyou to Quotes 2.8 years ago (+24/-0)
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Excerpt from eaderless Resistance was proposed by Col. Ulius Louis Amoss:
"This scheme of organization, the pyramid, is however, not only useless, but extremely dangerous for the participants when it is
utilized in a resistance movement against state tyranny. Especially is this so in technologically advanced societies where electronic
surveillance can often penetrate the structure revealing its chain of command. Experience has revealed over and over again that anti-
state, political organizations utilizing this method of command and control are easy prey for government infiltration, entrapment,
and destruction of the personnel involved. This has been seen repeatedly in the United States where pro-government infiltrators or
agent provocateurs weasel their way into patriotic groups and destroy them from within.

In the pyramid type of organization, an infiltrator can destroy anything which is beneath his level of infiltration and often those above him as well. If the traitor has infiltrated at the top, then the entire organization from the top down is compromised and may be traduced at will.

An alternative to the pyramid type of organization is the cell system. In the past, many political groups (both right and left) have used the cell system to further their objectives....
The efficient and effective operation of a cell system after the Communist model, is of course, dependent upon central direction,
which means impressive organization, funding from the top, and outside support, all of which the Communists had. Obviously,
American patriots have none of these things at the top or anywhere else, and so an effective cell organization based upon the Soviet
system of operation is impossible.

Two things become clear from the above discussion. First, that the pyramid type of organization can be penetrated quite easily and it
thus is not a sound method of organization in situations where the government has the resources and desire to penetrate the structure;
which is the situation in this country. Secondly, that the normal qualifications for the cell structure based upon the Red model does
not exist in the U.S. for patriots. This understood, the question arises "What method is left for those resisting state tyranny?" The
answer comes from Col. Amoss who proposed the "Phantom Cell" mode of organization. Which he described as Leaderless
Resistance. A system of organization that is based upon the cell organization, but does not have any central control or direction, that
is in fact almost identical to the methods used by the Committees of Correspondence during the American Revolution. Utilizing the
Leaderless Resistance concept, all individuals and groups operate independently of each other, and never report to a central
headquarters or single leader for direction or instruction, as would those who belong to a typical pyramid organization.

At first glance, such a type of organization seems unrealistic, primarily because there appears to be no organization. The natural
question thus arises as to how are the "Phantom cells" and individuals to cooperate with each other when there is no
intercommunication or central direction? The answer to this question is that participants in a program of Leaderless Resistance
through phantom cell or individual action must know exactly what they are doing, and how to do it. It becomes the responsibility of
the individual to acquire the necessary skills and information as to what is to be done. This is by no means as impractical as it
appears, because it is certainly true that in any movement, all persons involved have the same general outlook, are acquainted with
the same philosophy, and generally react to given situations in similar ways. The pervious history of the committees of correspondence during the American Revolution show this to be true.

Since the entire purpose of Leaderless Resistance is to defeat state tyranny (at least insofar as this essay is concerned), all members
of phantom cells or individuals will tend to react to objective events in the same way through usual tactics of resistance. Organs of
information distribution such as newspapers, leaflets, computers, etc., which are widely available to all, keep each person informed
of events, allowing for a planned response that will take many variations. No one need issue an order to anyone. Those idealist truly
committed to the cause of freedom will act when they feel the time is ripe, or will take their cue from others who precede them.
While it is true that much could be said against this type of structure as a method of resistance, it must be kept in mind that
Leaderless Resistance is a child of necessity. The alternatives to it have been show to be unworkable or impractical. Leaderless
Resistance has worked before in the American Revolution, and if the truly committed put it to use for themselves, it will work now.

It goes almost without saying that Leaderless Resistance leads to very small or even one man cells of resistance. Those who join organizations to play "let's pretend" or who are "groupies" will quickly be weeded out. While for those who are serious about their opposition to federal despotism, this is exactly what is desired.

From the point of view of tyrants and would be potentates in the federal bureaucracy and police agencies, nothing is more desirable than that those who oppose them be UNIFIED in their command structure, and that every person who opposes them belong to a pyramid type group. Such groups and organizations are an easy kill. Especially in light of the fact that the Justice (sic) Department promised in 1987 that there would never be another group that opposed them that they did not have at least one informer in. These federal "friends of government" are intelligence agents. "
The Morgenthau Plan (a.k.a. The Jewish plan to rid the world of Germans)     (archive.org)
submitted by Garrett to Jews 2.7 years ago (+24/-0)
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All these items on archive.org regarding the third Reich now require you to log in to view them. Better download them all and transfer them to bitchute or Torrents or something.     (archive.org)
submitted by Crackinjokes to videos 1.2 years ago (+24/-0)
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