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Community for : 3 years

William Luther Pierce and the National Alliance

Owner: MrGoat


The Turner Diaries Auto Book downloadable as of 10/1/22     (
submitted by 2Drunk to Pierce 1.6 years ago (+25/-0)
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Collection of videos from Dr. William Pierce     (
submitted by 2Drunk to Pierce 1.6 years ago (+7/-0)
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Why the Negro Will Never Leave the Plantation     (
submitted by fightknightHERO to Pierce 3.0 years ago (+6/-0)
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And what is BLM but a wing of Antifa, a revolutionary communist group of terrorists headed by Jews and White liberals, with a few “house niggers” thrown in to show everything is above board? Would the anti-socialist Garvey have approved? Antifa promote miscegenation, whereas Garvey stood for racial purity. He understood that the Left wished to create a rootless, cultureless “last man” without identity, save that which his masters would give him. And that is why BLM are working for the plantation as slaves. As long as they are allowed to loot flat screen TVs and Nike trainers by their masters, 99.99% of Negroes won’t even notice their slavery. Nor will they notice they have been turned into “niggers” — they may even enjoy it for as long as the good times roll. Of course the good times won’t, because welfare-plus-looting is unsustainable if everyone does it.

Equally, I would not trust the Black “socialists” like Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson, for they are feeding at the trough laid out for them by their masters. And the same goes for the Black “conservatives” like Thomas Sowell and Candace Owens; for what is a conservative but a classical liberal? Both want integration: the Black socialist to suck on the teat of the White liberal, the Black conservative as “equals,” to miscegenate into some liberal melting pot of hybridisation. Candace Owens is a personal case in point here.

this article was a damn good read
The Turner Diaries     (
submitted by 2Drunk to Pierce 3 years ago (+6/-0)
Download now before it scrubbed from the internet forever!     (
submitted by 2Drunk to Pierce 3 years ago (+3/-0)
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Dr. William Pierce on Barack      (
submitted by 2Drunk to Pierce 3 years ago (+3/-0)