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For stuff you grow in dirt.

Owner: veo


Compost contamination and disease management      (Gardening)
submitted by SUV_dindu_nuffin to Gardening 9 months ago (+8/-0)
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So I’m having a little trouble wrapping my head around what I should be doing with blighted plant material, rotting/ infected fruits and veggies.

Part of me really wants to cut it all out and like burn it, so that the fungus and disease is destroyed and then really only compost stuff that’s “healthy”.

One farmer I worked for never put vegetable compost back into his fields. It was used to fertilize another field where commercial corn was grown. The vegetable fields only had synthetic or manure on them. But doing some gardening now… it’s not like I have another field. I’ve gotten in the habit of throwing stuff on the lawn, where the grass doesn’t care or the mower just chips it up. Kinda gross but at least it’s not going into my compost. I plow the normal compost back into the garden in the spring.

Should I be worrying about this so much? What other solutions am I not thinking of?

Do you guys keep compost separated by plant type, kind of like compost crop rotation?
Have You ever tried to grow something?     (
submitted by Valerie to Gardening 9 months ago (+46/-1)
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It is war now you fuzzy tailed nigger rats. I was holding off on pulling my first cantaloupe, hoping it could ripen on the vine, and those fuzzy tailed niggers just stole it.     (Gardening)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Gardening 9 months ago (+13/-0)
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You are dead motherfuckers!
I'm a bit squashed out     (Gardening)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Gardening 10 months ago (+9/-0)
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I've sauteed it, stuffed it, baked it, fried it, boiled it, and even given a shitload to neighbors that are even now avoiding me.

About the only thing I haven't done is pickled it, which as much as I used to like squash, I don't see myself having an appetite for this veg in the next 9-12 months.

Time for the fucking squash to go. Not to mention, I think I have enough spaghetti squash if I do have an inkling for fucking more squash.

Tomatoes, not so much, too much rain so I couldn't give the plants a nice fertilized lime bath until too late, although it is showing promise now .

Starting to get a crop now, but I believe it is going to be poor showing this year. Just in time for the hornworms to make their presence known.

Even planted some watermelon this year in the back, hoping someone would try and steal that shit. We shall see if the trap works.

This year I'm a god amongst men. Watermelons will be on the menu.     (Gardening)
submitted by Gowithit to Gardening 10 months ago (+20/-0)
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Oh and at @sector7 non composted area. No surprises. Might stop that altogether now.
Do you pinch your tomato crotches?     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to Gardening 10 months ago (+9/-0)
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7 different types of hydroponics systems     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to Gardening 11 months ago (+11/-0)
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I'm thinking of kratky or DWC.
Has anyone tried those?
The 20 Worst Trees To Put In Your Yard     (
submitted by paul_neri to Gardening 11 months ago (+4/-5)
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Potatoes     (
submitted by paul_neri to Gardening 11 months ago (+21/-1)
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Peaches     (
submitted by lord_nougat to Gardening 12 months ago (+35/-0)
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Interesting method for container gardening     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Gardening 1 year ago (+12/-1)
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So, did justGrowIt ever grace the presence of ?     (Gardening)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Gardening 1 year ago (+7/-1)
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I really used to like their posts. So what have you nigger kike faggots planted this year?

I got the usual roma tomatoes,
bell peppers, and herbs:

I have seedlings for
Green peas
Snap Peas
Spaghetti Squash

Looking to add a few more "crops", but I am dealing with raised beds / containers due to the fucking amount of deer and other pestilent creatures that are around the area.

Never saw a rabbit in my yard, add another bed, and see that wiley little "bugs bunny" doing a circle around the yard. Little cock sucker.

The squirrels actually started attacking a planter in my front yard, before I even planted. Just digging dirt, throwing it all over the porch.

I put some spearmint and peppermint in where they were coming up, but fuck, do I need to get a silenced .22. I don't think I want to go through the process of the NFA bullshit, but it might be time for squirrel stew.

Fuck it, I might just be harvesting critters this year, I guess we shall see.

What's a good peach tree variety to plant in the midwest?     (Gardening)
submitted by allAheadFull to Gardening 1 year ago (+2/-0)
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This is how it's going     (Gardening)
submitted by sguevar to Gardening 1 year ago (+33/-1)
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Ode to a late nurseryman     (Gardening)
submitted by Thought_Criminal to Gardening 1 year ago (+7/-0)
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Your time is...extended.
Not the toil
not the burn
not the hunger
nor the yearn.

You may rest forever... now.
But your life's energy
Paid forward
It burns on man.

Decades of customers yards full
Spring here again this year
Buds bursting forth
Oxygen, shelter, shade, beauty, food.

Babies will have babies that will sit in cool shade and clean air
They will grow and learn and love in, and what, you have left.
Others will pick up what you started and carry on.
You deserve heaven for this and I thank you.

I have seeded my Hydroponic Garden last night     (Gardening)
submitted by scoopadoop to Gardening 1 year ago (+20/-1)
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Jalapenos, cherry tomatoes, cilantro, basil and butterhead lettuce.
I am so happy.
So far the sowing is going well     (Gardening)
submitted by sguevar to Gardening 1 year ago (+36/-0)
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We moved to our own place last October 30th.
Our lot is about 900 mts2 and I have been working the land in my spare time. Good thing is that working from home is a big benefit because I am able to just take a little walk through our yard and see how everything is going.

So far we have planted:

- cherry tomatoes
- tomatoes
- squash
- zucchini
- potatoes
- onions
- avocado
- arracache
- melon
- water melon
- orange lemon
- cas guava
- mango
- tangerine
- orange
- spinach
- blackberry
- coriander
- lettuce
- chamomile
- chive
- banana
- sweet corn
- sweet pepper
- hot pepper
- carrots
- papaya
- celery
- Italian parsley
- mint
- thyme
- aloe vera

We are still missing the coffee trees and other plants, but all in due time. Hopefully in a couple of months/years we will see everything fructify in the Lord's name.
Nature's X Ray     (
submitted by paul_neri to Gardening 1.1 years ago (+2/-2)
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Veggie Patch Annual Report 2002-2003     (Gardening)
submitted by paul_neri to Gardening 1.2 years ago (+1/-0)
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[Oops! 2022/2023]

Executive Summary

Overall a dismal result but what's new? No standout successes except for the 1 of 3 cucumbers which grew to a supermarket size.

Grapes (poor crop)

Passion Fruit (biggest crop ever but a mould got them - file photo)

Button Squash/Zucchini (lovely flowers no fruit)

Cucumber (only success story by size not quantity (2-3))

Purple King Climbing Beans (very average result which is unusual)

Tomatoes (small) (these little babes are self-seeded and good value)

Potatoes (disaster because they weren't in the sun. Lots of leaf but no tubers)


Handful of shallots/spring onions. Missus did well with her "girl plants" (Herbs/erbs - basil etc).


Next season: concentrating on growing potatoes in pots (and in the sun!); cucumbers in pots.

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Warning: Gardening can kill you.[potting mix]     (
submitted by paul_neri to Gardening 1.5 years ago (+3/-1)
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Current project - deciphering gardening data     (Gardening)
submitted by Jiggggg to Gardening 2.7 years ago (+9/-0)
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This is probably some "no shit!" information for some of y'all but I'll post it anyway.

I have been gardening for years and usually have pretty good success just because I live in a very warm area that makes it easy to grow stuff, but sometimes it's hit or miss. One of the problems is that if you look online for advice, it's rather vague and may or may not apply to your USDA zone or type of soil or whatever.... "Plant in April" may be appropriate for someone in Idaho but crop-ruining for someone in Louisiana, see. There's a lot of conflicting data out there so it's hard to know what to do sometimes.

I decided to finally direct my autist researching towards figuring out everything about the plants I like to grow, exactly what they need in terms of temperatures, soil pH, watering, etc, and when to plant them according to the old ways. My great uncle used to have a hell of a garden and he swore by the old farmer's almanac and planted with the moons. I'm gathering this data and writing it down in a notebook so that I have it if shit hits the fan.

It's been a really interesting project and I highly recommend it if you're a seat-of-your-pants gardener like me.

Here are some links that may help you: - look up the historical data in your area. I just pulled up the entire year of 2020 as a 12-page PDF and got average temps throughout the year. Don't just guess - KNOW what happens each month. The wikipedia page on your city or a city close-by will sometimes have this data too. - The Old Farmer's Almanac guide to various plants. Each page will tell you temps they like, soil pH, etc - type in your zip code and find out your first and last frost date and get average planting dates for various plants. I like to just use this to compare to my own dates I figured out with the NOAA data and it's lined up for the most part. - a map of USDA zones
Free garden seeds for US addresses     (
submitted by Sector7 to Gardening 1.5 years ago (+7/-2)
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The Individual Pack is the pack of seeds you'll want. Click 𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 2022 𝘍𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘚𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘐𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘬 for a list, descriptions, and pics. A government agent will bring them to your house. (supposedly. just found that site a month ago.)


This pack is for individuals with personal gardens. We send enough seeds to start a garden that will fill each person’s life with health and happiness and contribute to regenerating our Earth. That’s quite the garden, all from one envelope in the mail!

With 10,000 packs shipped every season, it is our most commonly requested kit. It helps us put thousands of free seeds in the hands of beginner gardeners, those with low access to seeds/food, and those growing to share their bounties.
**Potato Reveal**. I needed to grow 270 to break even (cost of seed potatoes v cost of supermarket spuds). I got...     (Gardening)
submitted by paul_neri to Gardening 1.4 years ago (+8/-0)
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310 small to minuscule potatoes.

All in all a disaster. But it was an experiment and I've got seed potatoes for the next crop. I've found potatoes don't like the shade or heavy wet soil. Her Hitler has ceded some of her sunny veggie patch to me and I'm now going to grow spuds in pots with very friable soil and in the sun.

The variety that seemed to do best is "Salad Rose".

Salad Rose:

The rest:

If Mr Putin is intent on declaring WW3 I ask him to hold off until I get better at growing spuds.

It's a meal, @Ragnar f..k you!     (
submitted by paul_neri to Gardening 1.5 years ago (+3/-3)
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Ragnar 0 points 3 hours ago

Hahahahaha your potatoes suck. My dad’s potatoes are far better than yours. And his garlic is prize winning, as are his squashes.
You are a weak vegan who can’t even grow dumb vegetables lol
Anyway, why are you on the road? Your mommy is dead, you have no children. What are you doing, grinch rehearsals?



submitted by lord_nougat to Gardening 1.5 years ago (+15/-1)
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