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Member for: 1.5 years

scp: 1217 (+1262/-45)
ccp: 545 (+574/-29)
votes given: 2724 (+2208/-516)
score: 1762


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Honda Acty seems to get good reviews. I personally don't have any experience with them though.

/v/cars viewpost?postid=663f99805171e

Don't lose hope there are still several CME's headed toward Earth. I'm still hoping the lights go out.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663f8430b11aa

You should realize she's not shooting regular ammunition, they shoot black powder blanks.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=6637abc3dc002

Only you can change your situation.

/v/Shtf viewpost?postid=662e4d4c96380

If you're thinking about giving up now, you will when shtf. Mentally/physically prepare and you'll be ok.

/v/Shtf viewpost?postid=662e4d4c96380

I had to go with Prosciutto I've never heard of Jamon. Now I've got to try it.

/v/Food viewpost?postid=662cf19643f6e

That put I smile on my face. I had a lot of fun in the 90s.

/v/music viewpost?postid=662ac9d62268b

His ears are practically on his fuckin neck!

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=6626c001bf711

We should make all niggers astronauts, they could all go to space an sheeeit

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=66214d834106a

I have sleep apnea and I'm also not a fat fuck. I honestly think it was something from my military days, quite a few guys in the military get sleep apnea. Perhaps it's from stress and working to many hours or a side effect of some vaccine we were given?

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6621502d799e8

Freedom of speech, say whatever you want.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=661aed72712e0

Just sort by all>new. There isn't that many post in a day here so the content isn't really hidden by down votes.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=661baa0a15d99

Myself, I don't need to identity with a certain group by the way I dress.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=661a5d2572585

I wouldn't dress or look like either of them.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=661a5d2572585

What a hideous creature, it's 7:30am and I'm already hoping that motherfucker is first into the oven. I couldn't even watch it's to early to be that angry.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6607e090a494d

You will eat the soy and like it!

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=66071c485db46

That fucker was plotting a meal!
My guess is the crow was trying to bait the cat into jumping, hoping it would fall to the ground and die.

/v/AnimalsBeingBros viewpost?postid=65f9c43975d27

That's the worst fucking AI, it may be fast but it's limited on data and doesn't have free access to the internet. It's fed what it's allowed to see.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=65d4d2a606a9a

Maybe he's a secret genius? How many niggers will kill each other for these shoes?

I can dream right?

/v/Trump viewpost?postid=65d1593f24f6a

It has a fireplace is it gas? Probably. It also doesn't state if the range is gas or electric. I wouldn't read into this to much without the facts. This article is substandard journalism at best.


/v/news viewpost?postid=65d0ab118a5a7

All I can say is "that sucks". At least he doesn't have to deal with this reality anymore. Sorry about losing your life long friend.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=65c15b6d0996b

I would have probably done the same tbh good read. Something to think about though. You should want the wife on your left side unless you are a lefty, for example Something startles her then you go for your pistol she may grab your arm out of fear not realizing you're trying to get rid of the problem. It's just basic instinct for her to grab her man for safety.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=65b023deedb9d

I already clicked that shitty link in your title.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65a6f23766076