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Member for: 3.2 years

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score: 8633

Eclipse caught me off guard today.      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by JudyStroyer to TellUpgoat 3 weeks ago


I knew it was coming, and i commented on this thread : https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=6614436ea811e
but was planning on making a thread sharing this experience that completely caught me by surprise and is the closest thing to a spiritual experience i have ever had. I live dead center of the path and i didnt think it was going to be a big deal before it happened. After seeing what i saw and feeling what i felt, it was easily one of the greatest experiences of my life and it completely caught me off guard. We homeschool our kids and we were just out in the yard hanging out and watching it begin through the glasses. But man, when totality hit, i tried to record it, and after about 20 seconds i just put my phone down because there was something just so captivating about the whole thing, and my inner voice said just said “no, just soak this up” and im glad i did. At the center if it you could see a twilight area 360deg around you. The planets were in view as well during all of this. You will never ever see a picture that shows you what i saw. The moon was surrounded by an indescribable bluish glow that felt electric and almost divine with the suns glow from behind. The solar flares that were visible were almost like looking at a super high res image on a computer screen. It was just surreal. Once the sun came back into view, the very first sliver made it seem like you were in a room with a somewhat dim lighbulb over in the corner. That then got progressively brighter and then all seemed normal. I never in a million years expected to feel the way i felt during and after that. Ive been near eclipses before with some varying degrees of darkness but never like this. Cool stuff. Really cool stuff.
Mat Walsh has begun his journey on getting fired.      (youtu.be)

submitted by JudyStroyer to tellupgoat_based_edition 1 month ago


Here he is discussing hate speech laws against antisemitism and how in American it is. Keep in mind the kerfuffle earlier in regards to gaza between him and the other daily wire whores. Nothing too crazy here, but he will have problems from the dw. Remember Candace specifically said that *everyone* in journalism know not to name the jew. Everyone. It’s common knowledge. You know damn well there are a lot of people that have kept it inside and now with the tide turning, they are facing those same feelings and can see that things swelling to a breaking point. The question is which side do they want to end up on. The people? Or the jews?
This whole Candace Owens thing is getting very very interesting. Here she breaks down what has been going on.      (yewtu.be)

submitted by JudyStroyer to tellupgoat_based_edition 1 month ago


This is getting pretty entertaining. This is way better than that ye shit. Ye was and is fucking bonkers, but not Candace. She is smart as fuck and not crazy at all and if you watch the interview she is discussing, she completely owns the kike. This is one of the best takedowns of a jew I have ever seen, period. I give a ton of credit and my respect. The comment section is spicy as fuck. People are really starting to wake up and we need to get the greatest story never told to her so she can spread it out. If we can get her and her followers to see the Jews lied about ww2 it’s game over for shlomo. It wouldn’t even be hard at this point. The jew is exposed for all to see. Her getting fired is going to have massive unintended consequences.
Current Reddit mod makes post about ex Reddit poster. Maintains zero self awareness      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by JudyStroyer to tellupgoat_based_edition 1 month ago


I really can’t stand this fucking faggot @conspirologist and I sincerely hope he dies a painful death drowning in cow urine.
Anyone else do this?     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

submitted by JudyStroyer to tellupgoat_based_edition 1 month ago


My wife thinks I’m an asshole for it but, I got a new phone a few months back and I took a bunch of pics of each of my family doing things like eating and drinking out of a straw etc. then I meticulously went through and selected the pics that made them look the most retarded and used this as their profile pics on my phone. If someone were to look at my contacts they would be certain that I hail from a retard village. It’s great. Anyone else do this?
Whatever happened to that retarded nigger wanna be and kike associate @TomMcdoland     (whatever)

submitted by JudyStroyer to whatever 3 months ago


I remember you showing up here out of no where and now I saw your super fucking gay and cringe video with that filthy kike Shapiro. Dude, you are worse than a fucking nigger if you are trying to appeal to Whites with that piece of shit kike rat. Kys faggot. Nice hair retard.
I don’t know if any of you have come across this, but holy shit is it great     (yewtu.be)

submitted by JudyStroyer to music 3 months ago


Death-Symbolic     (yewtu.be)

submitted by JudyStroyer to music 4 months ago


This was released in 95. Chuck is credited by many as the godfather of death metal. Tbh, I’m not much a fan of many death metal bands but this band is exceptional. The lyrics are incredible and thought provoking. Dude died of a tumor that he couldn’t afford to pay the surgery for. Anyway, I chose this song because it is one of my faves. It resonates with me as I get older. I can play it on guitar, just not the solos….yet. I hate recording and all that shit but I love playing and will get some shit posted sometime. Enjoy the song. It’s a banger. Death is the closest thing to classical music. There is a guy that play deaths music on a clean channel and it is amazing. There have been symphonies that have covered their music as well which is impressive to say the least because it sounds like actual classical music.
Check out this kike with his channel on how to immigrate to the us     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by JudyStroyer to TellUpgoat 4 months ago


This fucking piece of shit has to be in israel, listen to his fucking disgusting accent. At least he was kind enough to leave a phone number to get more info. I hate these fucking rodents so fucking much. Iran better fucking nuke those kikes.
FightKnightHERO     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by JudyStroyer to TellUpgoat 4 months ago


Had this dream last night. I was watching the news at a bar (I do neither of those things) and Obama was the anchor on the news. Helena was tending bar. She was cuter than I had imagined, but a *massive* bitch to everyone that called Obama a nigger. Anyway, the news had a story about this guy that went into several temples in pissrael and had killed swarms of jews.

Obama said this guy was believed to be a jewish nazi. When he said that the whole bar laughed, postwall said “guise this is serious stuff” and she brought out her own fresh baked bread (wtf?) for everyone. They are detailing some of the attacks and victims. In true weird dream fashion they showed the flyers @BigGuyFromQueens ripped down saying this likely lead to the attacks since they showed some of the victims were also flyer jews. I was talking to icemonke about racing atv’s on frozen lakes(?), rhy was at the table next to us taking notes and practicing lines for his next show which was about to be syndicated in the near future (congrats, bro!) he was sitting at the table with BigGuy and big guy looked like, no *was* the dad from the incredibles (the office guy version) but talked like Michael Douglass in falling down. As we all had our bread Obama showed pictures of the suspect and it was literally the happy merchant but in real not drawn quality. He also carried under his arm a stahlhelm and a stick grenade. They then showed one of the explosions that had occurred and when the temple exploded, instead of flames the explosion hurled a wave of coins out over the surrounding landscape. When the city jews came out to sound of raining cash, he grenaded them. They posted his known aliases and right at the top was (((FightKnightHERO))) written with the echos and everything. We all cheered and said “Hell yeah!!!” We made that guy!!!” Postwall said she wanted to have his kids but can’t cause she’s all dried up. I’m fairly certain all this happened because I watched @rhy ‘s latest release right before going to sleep. Happy Freitag goats!
Thank you for your service!?     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by JudyStroyer to TellUpgoat 6 months ago


Had a conversation with a friend of a friend, just shootin the shit, and my friend casually mentioned that he and I both were in the military and his friend says “ thank you for your service!”
I shot back “Oh you’re israeli?”

He goes “oh I thought you meant the US military”

“That’s exactly who I’m talking about” I says

My buddy starts laughing his ass of and he launches into an epic antisemetic rant, eventually ending with the other guy listening to every word and is going to watch Europa and tgsnt this week. Lol, the best part was I was the one that first got my friend to see the truth, and he just grabbed the reigns and did the thing all on his own. It was almost like watching your child learn how to ride a bike without training wheels and riding off for the first time alone. Spread our message. There are people out there hungry for this.

Keep your heads up my goat brethren \0
Africans involved in a mischeif     (m.worldstarhiphop.com)

submitted by JudyStroyer to Niggers 10 months ago


"Nigger nigger bang bang you got me fucked up n sheeit bix nood"
Says the african nigger boon.
What the fuck happened to "voat mode"?     (whatever)

submitted by JudyStroyer to whatever 1 year ago


Login this morning and voat mode is gone. I cant stand the normal talklol colors and scheme. How do I fix this because I aint looking at this shit like this. I have been looking for a reason to quit internetting and this is likely it.
Had a rough day today. I'm pretty fucking sad     (whatever)

submitted by JudyStroyer to whatever 1.7 years ago


So, where to begin.... My brain is just scrambled right now so please excuse me if this post is a pile of shit because I am having a hard time putting this to words. I'm venting to you guys because I dont have many friends beyond my immediate family and I just want to scream right now into the void. I had to put my best friend to sleep today unexpectedly and I feel carved out. Hollow. She was the best dog I ever had. She was sick, wouldnt eat, lethargic,got worse, puking. It all happened over about 4 days, the vet thought it was addisons disease. Said that she would need steroids daily and a $200 shot monthly. For the rest of her life. We were fine with that because she would at least be ok. She wanted to keep her for a few days on an iv to let the meds help and she should be fine in a few days. She told us we could come visit her. That was yesterday. Today we went to visit her(brought the kids too) and the vet called as we were about to arrive.

We told her we were on our way and would be there in a few minutes, she said she would wait to talk to us there. We get there, they carry her in and she looks worse than she did last night. She tells us that the test came back negative for addisons. She ran more tests and discovered she had lyme disease and that it attacked her kidneys and there wasn't much to do... We went in there thinking she would probably be coming home tomorrow, only to watch her die. My kids, especially my son are fucking sad as hell. She slept in his room everynight with him. Hug the furry ones in your life. At least we got to be with her when she passed. She was a part of our family. Her name was Bailey. Thanks for reading.

I love you, Bailey. You're a good girl.
You can only carry one sign     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by JudyStroyer to AskUpgoat 1.9 years ago


Ok, let's say you were going to go protest, or whatever; by yourself on the side of a road or busy area of some sort. You can only bring one sign with you (something like the size of bruce willis' sign in die hard 3(?) with the "i hate niggers" sign) what would you put on it. Obviously "gas the kikes" would be great, but I am curious to see what we can come up with. The idea would be to get people thinking and not just offend the most possible. Remember you'd be alone, so try to prevent someone trying to kill you etc. What would work well in this situation for you?

Me, I keep thinking of "WAKE UP WHITE PEOPLE-JEWS WANT YOU DEAD" or something similar. I am thinking of doing just this, but I'd like to see where this goes and what you niggerfaggots can come up with.
Get that merch, baby     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by JudyStroyer to AskUpgoat 1.9 years ago


Ok, if someone were inclined to get some fashy merch; where would one go? I would love to get some NSDAP flags/memorabilia and books etc. I used to have a site that had some cool shirt rings and flags bookmarked on my old phone but that fucker is dead and I cant remember where it is. My son is on the cusp of being a teenager and I want to get him a copy of Mein Kampf, and maybe some books on Leon Degrelle to incorporate into his homeschooling. I also would love to have some framable pictures/posters of the same nature to put up around the house. So, anyone have any links? I am aware of Antelope Hill publishing and will use that for books, but looking for other scources as well. Thanks in advance, frens. I am sure I am not the only one around here looking for this either.

Lol, aou     (MeanwhileOnPoal)

submitted by JudyStroyer to MeanwhileOnPoal 2.0 years ago


Just stepped over to poal while im shitting, which is fitting, and 20% of the posts on the first page are aou's posts(some of them were posted here a week ago). What a fucking loser, you know damn well it isnt organic. Well maybe it is, there doesnt seem to be many people over there these days.
Based 12 year old nigger chimp girl     (m.worldstarhiphop.com)

submitted by JudyStroyer to WatchPeopleDie 2.1 years ago


In today's thread nigger female becomes self-aware after talking to her nigger family and takes action for the rest of humanity. May she have eternal watermelon and fried chicken. She turned out to be good girl yo.

Dont forget to press "F" fo dat yung based nigga.
Someone is going to be pissed when they see what pee-wee did after stealing their bike.      (m.youtube.com)

submitted by JudyStroyer to Niggers 2.3 years ago


Updoot      (TalkDev)

submitted by JudyStroyer to TalkDev 2.3 years ago


Hey @system as of this morning when I open a thread, the upvoat arrow has been replaced with the generic scene looking image thingy with "updoot" in black underneath, until I click the updoot, it then turns into the blue (as in selected) standard up-pointing arrow. I am using voat mode. No idea if its just me or not, just thought I'd point it out. Hope this place is keeping you sane. You're doing good work.
Edit: changed "purple" to "blue" becuase I retard
Have a question for you more experienced guitar gurus     (Guitar)

submitted by JudyStroyer to Guitar 2.3 years ago


So, I used to play a little guitar when I was younger and when I had to move away for work purposes, I let my "buddy" hold on to my guitar and amp. Well, when I returned a year later, I found out he sold it for some heroin.... So a decade and a half went by, had some kids and bought myself and my daughter(6 at the time) each a guitar. I bought myself a Jackson dinky and bought her a Jackson randy rhodes minion (sweet little guitar). I have never had any lessons and retaught myself some from the youtubes and have actually made some good (in my mind anyway) progress. She is going to start some lessons on this outschool website over zoom(my 11yo son takes bass lessons on it) as I am in no position to teach someone guitar. Ok, sorry for all the useless info above. Now for my issue...

I know this is a shot in the dark, but I recently purchased a used Marshall avt150 amp. This thing sounds absolutely amazing and a huge step up from my old blackstar id10 little practice amp (which sounds great for its size).

Anyway, i come to find out that there is a footswitch available for this amp, but actually finding one is not looking good as this series of amps has been discontinued. So, to my question: do any of you have any idea if there is something that would work with this amp? Like I said, this amp is absolutely incredible, and would love to have a switch to switch betewwn channels. It has acoustic simulator(which sounds beautiful), clean, overdrive1, overdrive2. The oem switch lets you switch between those and also switch the onboard effects on and off. I couldnt findany solid info, just some posts from like 2015 claiming that it could be reverse engineered and some other switches may work with no solid info to follow up on and I dont want to revive a 7 year old thread. I figure *maybe* someone here knows a thing or two about this. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Anyway, I do plan on doing some jamming for you guys when I develop the nerve to not be so worried about being laughed at. Music is life, and I play drums, bass, and geetar. My living room looks like a mini studio. And I tell my wife: music=life, living room should be filled with instruments, right?

Take care goats. Thanks for reading this if you've made it this far. Love you faggots.
This is my first ever post, on this cold fall morning, I sincerely want to thank @system for this site.      (whatever)

submitted by JudyStroyer to whatever 2.5 years ago


Hey @system, I just wanted to give credit where it's due. You really have done a great thing here. I was on old voat since pretty close to the begining and as we approach one year since the demise of .co, it has me thinking of how I felt that day. I actually shed a tear from losing the site. It was very unique and I felt that we would never ever have something so special again. I migrated to poal, and holy shit that place is intolerable. Some good posts to had for sure, and some jqstuff, but the qtards and miga-tards are all over the place shitting it up. Dont even get me started on that goddamned AOU and his tranny husband pmyb2 (piss be upon him) fucking the place up....Anyway, Ive been here since day 1, and I couldnt be happier with the place given the circumstances.

You get a lot of shit from various users here @system, and I personally think you handle it well in stride. This place has captured the feeling of old voat, and its nice to see the old goats showing up as a trickle over time; even tho these nigger faggots havent gotten the memo that we are in fact fucking full, its great to see the growth here. I dont comment very often, but I am always lurking here. I have literally never made a post, but I am extremely thankful for those of you that dedicate your time to post content. Thank you. While @system may be the system as a whole, you dedicated posters are without a doubt the life-blood. As much as I hate @paul_neri i even thank you for keeping posts and content and discussions going, even if it is out of pure disgust you filthy degenerate faggot. I was really pulling for you to not make it from the shot, but alas, youre still breathing...thanks anyway.

This is a new name for me here, as I wanted to start fresh and converse with everyone on an even level, free from any possible previous misadventures from old voat. Meet everyone anew, and so far I like the results. This place feels like home again. Thank you system. Thank you very much. Your work is appreciated. Keep up the good work, and keep us informed of when you may need help. Shout out to @cynabuns for the same reasons listed above. Its good to have a mod that isnt a douche and is both receptive and engaging. Keep up the good work. Im sure I am not the only one that notices.