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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 249 (+252/-3)
ccp: 322 (+361/-39)
votes given: 166 (+133/-33)
score: 571


Owner of:
NationalSocialism, WeimarRepublic, JewishPrivilege, RaceRealism, WatchaDoinRabbi,
Mod of:

The revolution will not be televised.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=634f22971aa16

Most are homeless and drug addicts

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=634da7a1c03ce

He's so pro Israel he calls critics "losers"

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=634dddc8e397b

He's right about being Jewish

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=634dddc8e397b

People forget he ran for president.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=634dff97d59f4

Why was it loaded, why wasn't it pointed at the grass or a snail catcher during checks?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6327f4d0213f8

They said the same bs about Hitler. Next he did meth too right?

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=62d272148ad1a

The dogs of the spider world. They interact and play.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=629a935f8f87d

Was wondering why they started doing that

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6258e3604a473

That looked more like he lost control taking the corner too fast and had an accident with the car.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=622272d714dae

> something more devastating than nuclear bombs

We already have niggers.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=6222c9d230182

In comparison to gas? It's less than a dollar a gallon.

/v/preppers viewpost?postid=621ec677074c3

I have some much older than that.

/v/preppers viewpost?postid=621ed92084b50

It's called generators and stocking up on fuel. Get a flex fuel generator because while gas spikes, propane is pretty cheap. Battery backup with solar isn't a bad idea either.

/v/preppers viewpost?postid=621ec677074c3


Carpathianflorist is back we need you!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61eb6371cbe1b

Give them an inch, they take your civilization

/v/History viewpost?postid=620fec0eb1dca

Castro was a quarter negro and a self admitted Jew. Jewstin Turdeau is undoubtedly his heir.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=620c114ce55b4

Disinfo kike. Jesus is King. Jews get the rope.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=6205dd129d422

How many nukes do they have anyway

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6205fb2013758

All it does is punish ourselves. The best way to protest is to stop paying taxes en masse. No one ever does.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f4b48eb398f