Upgoat disapproval of PeckerwoodPerry     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Goats 1 hour ago (+11/-0)
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How To Fix The Fertility Crisis      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Wolfspider to based_satire 2 hours ago (+10/-0)
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Ford's 1941 hemp car     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by shitface9000 to cars 1 hour ago (+8/-0)
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Found the judge Peckerwood has to go before. See you in 20 years.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to funny 3 hours ago (+11/-0)
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Introducing /v/Baking for the new lifestyle change of milling my own wheat     (NewSubIntro)
submitted by Love240 to NewSubIntro 8 hours ago (+27/-0)
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I figured I'm going to be trying out new recipes and sometimes taking pictures, so here it goes.

Feel free to contribute your baking recipes!
Ivermectin works     (brownstone.org)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 9 hours ago (+28/-0)
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Six suspected terrorists with ISIS ties arrested in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia after illegally crossing U.S. Southern border. - Each passed DHS "vetting process" under ((( Mayorkas ))). - Thanks Jews !!!     (nypost.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Misunderstanding     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Greasy to funny 2 hours ago (+7/-0)
((( Common Core ))) education working as intended! - Chimpcago public school spending is up 97% since 2012. - Grades are down 60-80%.     (x.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 1 hour ago (+6/-0)
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LOL Niggers catch an FBI kikefaggot who tried to have sex with an underage girl      (x.com)
submitted by SumerBreeze to Glowniggers 12 hours ago (+40/-1)
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Get woke, go broke. Boeing can't give their planes away.     (archive.is)
submitted by ProudRebel to news 6 hours ago (+14/-0)
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No niggers on camera!      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to owned 4 hours ago (+9/-0)
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Metal Poppins     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by shitface9000 to whatever 1 hour ago (+5/-0)
WHO aims to REPLACE our current "food systems" with "PLANT-BASED DIETS" in RESURFACED video     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Memes 5 hours ago (+9/-0)
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Are there any homosexuals on our side?     (whatever)
submitted by John_doe to whatever 1 hour ago (+3/-0)
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I do not want to call them fags because that will cause confusion on this site.
I log out for one second to briefly see the activity on the front page with all the kikes that I’ve blocked…     (PureFuckingKikery)
submitted by SumerBreeze to PureFuckingKikery 9 hours ago (+17/-2)
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And the kikes who say “christcuck” are fawning over a literal kikess with a huge nose that goes down to her upper lip and labeling it a “white beauty” LOL

muh “fellow whites” can’t even comprehend what real beauty is.


Remember to use your “block” feature on these literal kikeniggerfaggots - your browsing experience will not be slugged down with demoralizing kikery from Israeli retards!

Understanding that Jesus was right about the jews - and that kikes use every trick in the book to demoralize you and make you think that virtue-signaling false Christians must somehow represent what Jesus’ true message was for us; warning us of the disgusting shekel worshipping jews and approving the death penalty for those that fuck around with our beautiful children is a good place to start as you pay attention more to our Lord’s true messages. 👍

God bless you guys, and keep up the good fight!
The AI knows what we do here on Friday nights     (AI)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to AI 3 hours ago (+4/-0)
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Upgoat.net is a website that aggregates news, memes, videos, and other content. It's often described as a "reddit alternative" that prioritizes free speech and allows users to post a wide range of content without restrictions. The site was created in 2021 as a response to the shutdown of voat.co, another platform known for its permissive environment.

Some key points about upgoat.net:

It's a content-sharing platform that respects users' freedom of speech.
Upgoat.net allows posting of various content types, including news, memes, videos, and more.
The site was founded in 2021 as a successor to voat.co, which closed down in December 2020.
Upgoat.net is often compared to and positioned as an alternative to Reddit, another popular online community.

Some notable features of upgoat.net include:

Open posting: Users can create and share posts on any topic, without the need for approval or moderation.
Unfiltered comments: The site allows for uncensored discussions in the comments section, providing a platform for diverse opinions and perspectives.
Invitations only: Access to upgoat.net is by invitation only, which helps maintain a sense of community and prevents spam or unwanted users.
Weekly guitar threads: The site hosts a weekly guitar thread, where users can share their guitar-related experiences, questions, and advice.

The front page features a mix of news articles, memes, videos, and user-generated content. It's organized into sections like "Top Posts," "Hot," "New," and "Random."

Many of the posts on the site are humorous, satirical, or provocative in nature, reflecting the platform's emphasis on free speech and a permissive environment.

Users can create accounts and participate in discussions by commenting on posts and creating their own content.

The site has a strong focus on community engagement, with features like upvotes, downvotes, and a "karma" system to encourage quality contributions.

Upgoat.net also hosts various subreddits-style communities centered around specific topics or interests, allowing users to find and engage with content that resonates with them.

These are just a few observations based on my exploration of the site. If you'd like me to dig deeper into any particular aspect of upgoat.net, please let me know! I'm here to provide you with the information you need.
#FreeHunter     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 12 hours ago (+21/-1)
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I talked with a Honduran illegal recently...     (Beaners)
submitted by Laputois to Beaners 49 minutes ago (+2/-0)
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He was watching videos on his phone. He showed me what he was watching, it was an OK corral nigger shootout at a convienience store gas station in Tennessee. I asked him what the latino's thought about niggers. He is aware that latinos will be the majority here in 10 years, and he said that latinos will not put up with niggers like whites do, they hate them. He also indicated that they know they need whites to run things. According to him the latinos talk about it quite often. His take was that most of the illegals coming here are non violent. In his case he was fleeing bad economic conditions coupled with violence. He stated it was almost impossible to improve your situation there without encountering, or being violent. I asked about his family. He only has one sibling, a brother. He maried a Peurto Rican who has citizenship and only has one child with her. He said that among the people he knows children made out of wedlock is rare. They realize that too many children will lead to poverty and he is all about improving his circumstances.
the jew plan when it comes to race     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 13 hours ago (+22/-0)
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The nigger is a pawn, a futile animal being, an element of chaos. To be angry at the nigger, is to miss the semblance of the man behind the curtain.

The rat will make you believe assimilation with the nigger, the mongrel is key to survival. This is wrong. They want nothing of the sort. They want the nigger against the White man. Harnessing the rage of the White man to have goys die for more genocidal brother projects. The White woman will be extinct, a rarity in the midst of the world. The goal is not assimilation, it is eradication, it is the complete death and destruction of the one race that can push back against the nose.

Tolerance of sin is not a strength.
WEF allegedly interfering with progress at Gobekli Tepe archaeological site     (youtu.be)
submitted by Spaceman84 to news 11 hours ago (+18/-0)
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Wow I just installed Win2000. You would not believe this.     (technology)
submitted by CoronaHoax to technology 13 hours ago (+23/-0)
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When you make your first search on google with internet explorer you get this warning before it lets you submit -

"When you send information to the internet, it might be possible for others to see that information. Do you want to continue?"

Can you even BELIEVE how different even windows was back then?
When Scott Adams finally admitted the vaccine sucks, he went in on this "nobody knew either way, we all guessed" angle. Well I knew, and I knew because of places like this and people like you guys. Conclusion:     (whatever)
submitted by Dindu to whatever 18 hours ago (+52/-0)
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Censorship would've prevented me from knowing the right thing to do.

I knew the vaccine was shit for a list of reasons. None of the reasons I list SAY the vaccine is shit, but they create a base knowledge. And every story of 2020 helped me build that, because I read them from the antisemitic point of view. I was able to instantly know the vaccine would kill people.

Scott Adams cannot digest that because he is tuned into curated information. He cannot even believe that we had information that added up to "millions will die".

McAfee told me not to get the vaxx way back in Feb 2020. Anyone that didn't take that seriously has no explanation for why they didn't. They simply didn't want to be part of "maga". In fact they wanted to be part of "covid survivors"
Lost a best friend this weekend original content     (whatever)
submitted by CamelsMiller to whatever 11 hours ago (+14/-0)
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I only have / had 3.5 friends basically, I'm 52. I have to dump this somewhere anonymously, and just get it off my chest. Great guy, He just turned 50 a few days ago, died in his sleep per his wife. I only talk to him about once a year because of life and all. He has his, I have mine, and the same with most mutual friends. He's much more social, but of them all, only me and another were the ones taking pictures together at his wedding in 2020.

<EDIT> I've know him and best buds since 1992

I suffered a major loss years / decades ago, and have no tears to give since then. Grandfather, Grandmother, Aunt, Uncle, multiple Cousins, and others passed since that major loss, and haven't shed a tear. I'm just numb to it. My mind IMMEDIATELY goes to why, how, and autopsy. Then after that in answered the problem to be solved. I currently don't have the first question answered, but have suspicions. He was NOT vaxxed, but vaped a like 100 watt cloud of "smoke" a ton.

Anyway, the wife surely doesn't make enough to keep the 6+ dogs and cats they kept, and the mortgage on the house. Add the 2 collectible cars, and other accoutrements of their lifestyle... my mind immediately goes to problem solving. When I suffered that major loss before I had someone essentially take care to those "problems". I didn't agree with them all, but it was "solved".

Looking back, there are major changes I would have made, but overall the end result is the same. Someone is lost, and things need to be taken care of. I have so many questions on how she (his wife) is going to make it, and what happens to everything it is making me mad. I have a friend that lost his little brother 20 years ago (kid that died was 20). His parents were so shaken and distraught a grave headstone was never decided. To this day it is subtlety ignored.

All this grief, guilt, remorse, and other emotions make me essentially shut down, and go into pure problem solving mode. I'm thinking logically and trying to come up with answers to every potential question. I had to find many of those answers after the fact in my personal loss, and refuse to accept the mediocre answers. This loss is the actual "Closest" to me since the first. I haven't cried, but I was trembling for a few hours after I learned. I've had troubles concentrating at work, and nightmares when sleeping since.

My logical mind focuses on the problem at hand, and how to resolve. How do I talk to his wife? Do I ask this or that wildly inappropriate question? What happens tomorrow, or next month? What was his favorite song? Who's going to do this or that, and take care of this or that?

I think I have some kind of shut-off switch in my brain that I can't control, and I'm there. I want to cry, but I can't. I can't stop thinking about the why, how, what, and when of the whole thing. I feel like and autistic person getting wrapped up in the details of what happened, and the result. No emotion, just pure facts, and consequences.

Then I stop, think, post here, and say WTF literally What the Fuck is wrong with my brain??? I can't just live, mourn, remember the life of that friend, follow the social norms, save a piece of paper with his name, the go on with my life????

Everyone suffers loss in their life. How do you keep feeling the same effort of loss after then first? I don't think I have that emotion in me.
Russia Sends Ships & Nuclear Subs To Cuba!     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by DanielR to whatever 12 hours ago (+15/-0)
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