How Robbers On Motorcycles Are Being Dealt With In Brazil      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Wolfspider to justice 1.8 years ago (+105/-1)
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Talk is 2 years old today     (TellTalk)
submitted by system to TellTalk 1.2 years ago (+102/-0)
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Happy birthday :)
My husband and I are debt free as of today!!!!!     (TellTalk)
submitted by Cunt to TellTalk 1.8 years ago (+100/-1)
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The true holocaust was killing German civilians in Dresden 13 February 1945      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by mxcviel to History 2 months ago (+100/-2)
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"What's even more disturbing is that more German civilians were killed under the allied occupation of Germany AFTER the war than during the so-called "Good" war."

seen here: https://t.me/s/SicilianGorillian2/38272
This Day in History     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ShitAlt to History 11 months ago (+93/-0)
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90 years ago today the Nazis and Adolf Hitler destroyed the institute for sexual science in Berlin Germany. This one act set everything back by 75 years. God Bless Adolf Hitler.

woman has more guts than anyone in the biden fraudministration     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by con77 to TellUpgoat 1.1 years ago (+92/-0)
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It's important to realize the recent project veritas video featuring The Pfizer director is not just about how bad Pfizer is it's about how bad gays are and how so many of them are sociopaths because they only care about themselves and they have no families. Gays are some of the worst criminals in     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1.3 years ago (+90/-0)
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It's important to realize the recent project veritas video featuring The Pfizer director is not just about how bad Pfizer is it's about how bad gays are and how so many of them are sociopaths because they only care about themselves and they have no families. Gays are some of the worst criminals in history. They don't identify with other people and live a life based on total narcissism. Putting one in a position of power is very dangerous. This has been known for a long time. It's one of the reasons they used to not be able to get security clearances. It's one of the reasons it's so dangerous that so many have risen to positions of power in agencies like the FBI and department of Justice etc etc. And of course in big tech and as it's revealed here big pharmaceutical companies.
I find myself warming back up to religion. Not because I have witnessed the works of God, but because I have seen the works of the Devil     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by TheSpiceMelange to TellUpgoat 2 years ago (+91/-4)
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There are some things that I cannot explain, anymore, that I can no longer attribute to human nature gone awry. This must be evil.
Thank you for showing me I'm not alone.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by SocksOnCats to TellUpgoat 1.1 years ago (+87/-0)
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For years I thought (because I was told) that my views are too radical and far-right - that I should follow more of what others think - and that I should work more to "fit in". This place, and all of you, have shown me the absolute opposite is true: that, in fact, I am NOT alone, and there are many many others who feel as I do.

Some of us live more isolated lives than others for all kinds of reasons: maybe it's physical isolation, or, like in my case, more of a social isolation. I think we all need to remember we are not alone in this. A lot of us are scared to let our real feelings about things show. This place, and all of you, have given me more confidence to show my feelings in situations when I thought it was appropriate, and doing so have massively paid off much more than it has fizzled.

So thank you - to all of you. We clearly have a long war to fight here, but I appreciate knowing I am not alone.
This sentiment is all that should matter at this point. Freedom is secondary because freedom means fuck all if your society is loaded with people who have been weaponized against you     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Warden to ImportantPosts 2.8 years ago (+87/-1)
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Fuck the Banana Sub With All Their Slide Threads.     (Rants)
submitted by Scyber to Rants 9 months ago (+91/-5)
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Yeah I said it. What about it bitch!

Fuck that sub BOMBARDING THE WHOLE FUCKING SITE with their stupid ass faggot slide thread bullshit.

What the fuck are you trying to prove? That you LOVE dick shaped fruit?
You're all a bunch of fuckin faggots.

-"Oh, It was because of the Lizzo thing..."

So you wanna give that obese piece of shit negress more attention & keep sliding other threads?
Fuck you and fuck that sub.

Bananas are the most basic bitch normie fruit out there and they taste like shit and go bad immediately after you buy them.
They're what monkeys love and eat.
If you love bananas and the sub then you have a monkey brain.

Are you gonna start chimpin out?

All this PRO BANANA bullshit seems like some ALPHABET GOVERNMENT SHIT trying its best to deflect from all the real things that are posted on this site PLUS EVERY ACCOUNT THAT'S PRO BANANA IS A GLOWNNIGGER ACCOUNT.

I can smell the bullshit.
And it smells like BANANAS.
One of my employees is taking bereavement leave tomorrow because his mother is choosing to self-euthanize over vax injuries     (TellTalk)
submitted by Glowbright to TellTalk 1.8 years ago (+86/-1)
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His mother's blood is clotting uncontrollably. The doctor's don't know how to stop it. Blood thinners are doing nothing. She already lost a leg because without circulation it was rotting from the toes up. They even tried doing a full transfusion. They are Canadian (QC) and when they told her they were going to have to take her other leg she decided she would rather die and get it over with. She is scheduled for euthanization tomorrow after noon.

I knew that we would start seeing stuff like this... but the graphic nature of this is disturbing me regardless.
Nitrogen is not pollution and does not contribute to 'climate change'. Anyone who says different is conspiring to create famine     (www.bizpacreview.com)
submitted by Glowbright to TellUpgoat 1.8 years ago (+84/-0)
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Nitrogen makes up 80% of earth's atmosphere and is one of the primary nutrients needed for plant growth. Anyone talking about 'nitrogen emissions' or the need to 'limit nitrogen pollution' is your enemy. Politicians talking about the need to reduce 'fertilizer-related emissions' are lying to your face; there is no such thing.

The ONLY concern about nitrogen fertilizer is about run-off into bodies of water... and even then it is not 'pollution' in the way we normally think about it. Nitrogen fertilizer run-off can cause more algae growth causing clear water to become cloudy etc. It causes algae growth because plants love that shit. This is a concern limited to heavy fertilizing next to reservoirs or major water ways.

Anyone who says different is conspiring to create famine. They want to prohibit farmers from growing food. They are trying to disrupt the global food supply chain. They are conspiring to starve billions of people to death. This cannot be overstated. They want to kill lots of people and then control the survivors with food rationing
Gab.com CEO Andrew Torba Names the Jew, and Compares the Holodomor vs the Holocaust     (news.gab.com)
submitted by John_B_14 to History 2.4 years ago (+83/-0)
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Never Forget: Holodomor Memorial Day

November 27, 2021

In 1932 and 1933, 7 Million (estimated) Ukrainians were massacred by genocidal famine ordered by the Bolshevik government.


In particular why are prominent members of the Jewish community, who know the realities of genocide in the 20th century, among some of the most prominent Holodomor denialists?

Maybe Mr. Putin can give us a clue as to why this is.

Putin: First Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish: “I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish,” Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.

Interestingly enough, around the same percentage of Joe Biden’s cabinet is Jewish too.

Thankfully unlike the Ukrainian Kulaks, the American Kulaks are armed, but we must also be well versed in history so that it does not repeat itself.

Dutch protesters detect undercover police     (static.noagendasocial.com)
submitted by Broc_Liath to justice 1.8 years ago (+80/-0)
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I'm really angry     (TellTalk)
submitted by SirNiggsalot to TellTalk 11 months ago (+81/-1)
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I'm finally realizing just how angry I am. It doesn't show , others generally think I'm pretty pleasant , agreeable ,not a complainer etc.

I'm pissed off about the job , pissed off at my government, pissed off at myself , and pissed off at what this country has become , pissed off that average blue collar people can work all their life and end up with Jack shit.

Yet I still try to find joy in things that nobody can fuck with , like a beautiful day , Gods creation / mountain forests , rivers , raptors riding thermals.

I'm not a complete miserable fuck , just an angry older man .

Thanks for letting me vent a bit

ever wondered why the community dissolved     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by fightknightHERO to TIL 2.3 years ago (+80/-1)
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His Name Is Christopher Wood! - Based Motherfucker tells the truth about Jews and their role behind Covid-19 forced vaccinations at his City Council Meeting.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 7 months ago (+79/-1)
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The only public figure to ever name the jew, without reservation, Henry Ford.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by 1Icemonkey to TellUpgoat 2.2 years ago (+78/-0)
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I recommend “The International jew” by Henry Ford
TIL Huey Long, who was supposed to become president and avoid WWII, was murdered by a Jew     (media.patriots.win)
submitted by Conspirologist to TIL 1.5 years ago (+79/-1)
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Had to put my dog down today      (TellUpgoat)
submitted by NoRefunds to TellUpgoat 2 months ago (+78/-0)
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He was a good boy. I don't think I'll own another dog ever again.
They really are coming for your children     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to TellUpgoat 2 months ago (+78/-0)
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Our kids private elementary school has a 3 day middle school field trip every year to a nature center. The nature center is pretty left, with tree huggers and climate commies and whatnot, but most kids just roll their eyes and then go play on the ropes course.

We got an email from the principal recently, stating that this year the middle school would not be participating in the field trip for the first time in 10 years. Apparently they have inserted woke transgender "sessions" for the kids to learn about pronouns and gender spectrums and get groomed to be used and abused.

Aside from the fact that this is really out of place at a nature center retreat, it really shows how insidious and pervasive this evil crap has become.

Really proud of the principal for stepping up and rejecting this garbage.
Old school lighters     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by shitface9000 to OldSchoolCool 1 month ago (+78/-0)
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Estonian here. Just listing idiocracy supreme stuff here     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by albatrosv15 to TellUpgoat 2.2 years ago (+77/-0)
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- All stuff from russia is banned. Even stuff what was already paid for and on shelves, they are taken away and put into some random warehouse to rot.
- That includes medicine and for some of those we don't have replacement. Politics is more important now than lives of local people.
- Putin is basically Satan himself. A crazy lunatic etc etc, all day long supreme propaganda.
- People are massively falling into this. Like, beyond fucking covid hysteria.
- Ukraine is defending us all, the whole west, that's why we are giving as much weaponry as possible, freely. While buying more weaponry from, tadaa, ISRAEL.
- Russia is collapsing every day.
- All arguments even of slight neutrality is kremlin propaganda.
- There is talk how multiple streets in our capital should be renamed to "ukraine" and "zelenski" etc.
We have abandoned reality, completely.
Every goat should read The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem by Henry Ford     (archive.org)
submitted by Hall_of_Cost to books 2.3 years ago (+76/-0)
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Ford intelligently lays out the problem. It's great to see it written out and discussed with logic here. I recommend for all goats. This is also a great book for normies who are ready for a serious dose of truth. I've had success giving this to conspiracy minded people who had yet to ask the jewish question.

Worldwide jewish conspiracy blown wide open over 100 years ago.

I love that it predates the Nazis. Just goes to show this shit isn't new.