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Owner: system


Talk is 2 years old today     (TellTalk)
submitted by system to TellTalk 1.2 years ago (+102/-0)
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Happy birthday :)
My husband and I are debt free as of today!!!!!     (TellTalk)
submitted by Cunt to TellTalk 1.8 years ago (+100/-1)
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One of my employees is taking bereavement leave tomorrow because his mother is choosing to self-euthanize over vax injuries     (TellTalk)
submitted by Glowbright to TellTalk 1.8 years ago (+86/-1)
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His mother's blood is clotting uncontrollably. The doctor's don't know how to stop it. Blood thinners are doing nothing. She already lost a leg because without circulation it was rotting from the toes up. They even tried doing a full transfusion. They are Canadian (QC) and when they told her they were going to have to take her other leg she decided she would rather die and get it over with. She is scheduled for euthanization tomorrow after noon.

I knew that we would start seeing stuff like this... but the graphic nature of this is disturbing me regardless.
I'm really angry     (TellTalk)
submitted by SirNiggsalot to TellTalk 11 months ago (+81/-1)
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I'm finally realizing just how angry I am. It doesn't show , others generally think I'm pretty pleasant , agreeable ,not a complainer etc.

I'm pissed off about the job , pissed off at my government, pissed off at myself , and pissed off at what this country has become , pissed off that average blue collar people can work all their life and end up with Jack shit.

Yet I still try to find joy in things that nobody can fuck with , like a beautiful day , Gods creation / mountain forests , rivers , raptors riding thermals.

I'm not a complete miserable fuck , just an angry older man .

Thanks for letting me vent a bit

Goy girl explains the truth to whatever shill     (
submitted by Conspirologist to TellTalk 1.9 years ago (+70/-0)
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We have a new distraction/disruption bot, and people need to be reminded "YOU NEVER RESPOND TO A DISTRACTION BOT."     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 1.2 years ago (+69/-0)
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You genuinely can not win against these kinds of accounts because any response AT ALL is what they want. You can insult better than you've ever insulted anyone, and they still win.

Their goal is for you to waste your energy spinning your wheels against them instead of learning and sharing truth, love and hating kikes. They're probably not even a human, but a software program, or worse, a CIA intern.

Once you see them for what they are, they're impossible to not see when they pop up.
Posted months ago, now more relevant than ever considering the fertility problems with the vax...a 4channer explains the similarities between the vax and PZP, a vax designed to sterilize horse populations.     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 1.8 years ago (+68/-0)
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We tried to warn people...
Be realistic about living off-grid     (TellTalk)
submitted by Nozyedys to TellTalk 1.8 years ago (+67/-0)
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I've done the off-grid thing and now have a semi off-grid house with a productive little permaculture garden in the middle of nowhere. By semi off grid I have no dependence on gas or water, only electricity and that's free because my solar feeds back into the grid and credits my account.

Things to like are the clean air, clean water (from the roof so no fluoride), no crime, nature is everywhere (love fishing and swimming in the rivers), good food because we buy meat locally then cook at home and we get tons of exercise and I haven't stopped learning new things in years. I don't think there is anyone that lives in town who isn't white. Not even Asians or Indians.

Anyway now to the bad part, for the first few years pretty much every spare minute outside of my work, sleep and garage gym was spent doing some sort of labour.

It is constant. If you are doing it by yourself and have a full time job that's not from home you will really struggle to get anything done. You will fix one thing then another thing will need fixing. You'll weed one part of the garden and before you get to the next the weeds are back in the weeded part. You will need tons of tools and equipment, it's not cheap at first. If you're in a cold area you will probably need lots of wood too. And unless your friends and family are into this stuff you will spend a lot of time by yourself.

I'm not saying don't do it, but just start off small if you do. It's not as easy as those people on YouTube make it appear to be. Try to find help where possible (especially from farmers) and choose the right property to begin with. If it's already established you will save yourself so much time and money.

Tell yourself "what can I do first that will reduce the amount of labour required in the future" and do that first.

And don't get stuck analysing things on YouTube just decide what you need to do and start doing it. One example, everyone on YouTube says that woodchips are a great mulch. Sure if they get delivered to your house but if you have to pick them up then suddenly they are a pain in the arse and a ton of back breaking labour to move them around because they are heavy. Instead you could get a cheap hay bale and use that as a mulch instead.

Anyway I'm really happy with what we've done here (it's not super special but I it's a beautiful mix of comfort and nature) and it has been a fulfilling experience. Just be realistic about it if you decide to go down this path. If you have to work a lot there's nothing wrong with having an established house on the grid, you can still install a water tank and a greenhouse and things like that in the suburbs and not make it a life-long mission.
I should post more biblical references, it aggravates the possessed hanging around here.     (
submitted by Laputois to TellTalk 1 year ago (+71/-5)
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Let me amuse you with a story that is a microcosm of what is happening to our country     (TellTalk)
submitted by Laputois to TellTalk 1.9 years ago (+63/-0)
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In the 1970's I lived in a small southern community. Although schools had been desegregated the physician's office still maintained separate entrances and waiting rooms for niggers. They did not complain because the Doctor was providing medical services to them free of charge or under the sham of a billing system they never paid, he subsidized it with his white patients and writing the loss off of his taxes I guess. Whites in that area in my parents generation felt the need to "help" their black parasites as they were unable to help themselves. Some venues though were exclusively white , by precedent. As an example the local movie theater did not state that blacks were not allowed, but nevertheless the niggers understood they were not welcome. In 1971 that all changed. The operator of the theater got greedy. Certain days of the week were not as popular as others. He would also run cheaper films that were not as popular, but I guess his profit margin was increased for those that did frequent the theater. In 1971 he decided to run the movie Shaft on Sunday night. He distributed flyers in the black side of town announcing it's illustrious premier. Of course being invited, the niggers came. This was not well received in the white community and white attendance began to decrease, while Sunday night and Monday were declared "soul nights" at the venue. Other films like Roxy Brown were run. Within weeks the theater became very seedy, the white clientele noticed that the seats and carpet were filthy and the bathrooms were broken. Whites boycotted the theater completely and it was nigger night every night. Within months the theater had stabbing, cops , fights, and eventually it closed under bankruptcy.
@diggernicks getting ready to post the worst comment you've ever read in your life      (
submitted by shigeridoo to TellTalk 1.4 years ago (+67/-4)
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The Founding Fathers should have sunk every jew slaveship that came over the horizon,     (TellTalk)
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 1.3 years ago (+63/-0)
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we could have explored the stars

instead we'll drown in a sea of shit
wake up sheep!     (
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 1.6 years ago (+60/-0)
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Since we're all learning how fake n' gay everything is, let me present to you the most fake n' gay thing of all.     (TellTalk)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 1.3 years ago (+58/-1)
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The 19th fucking amendment. The one that granted women the right to vote. It's so clearly bull shit on the face of it.

So we're supposed to believe, back in the early 1900s, back when men were men and only men could vote, that they actually voted for women to vote...? For what fucking reason are we supposed to believe the men back then would do that?

There were even substantial amounts of women opposed to it. In fact, I'd go so far as to say, if we were to dissect the way "they" gaslit that through society we'd have the most blatant, easy to see example of the basic tactics "they" use against us still today. thinking women shouldn't vote isn't me hating women, it's me loving women. It's just not what women are here to do. Just like men aren't made to run daycares for little kids. And I don't even necessarily think women "voted the wrong way". It was just a way for "they" to run their agenda with fake elections and everyone can go "you see? look at how women are voting." , but still...when only men could vote, they never would have voted for women to vote, and we all know that.
The ADL just admitted the existence of targeted individuals...     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 11 months ago (+59/-2)
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Lets get this spread around all the internets. People understanding this is key to our ability to fight back. Why do you think we have no leadership?
Everybody talks about all the mixed couples in advertising, not enough people noticing that nearly all trannies in ads/commercials/shows/movies are white     (TellTalk)
submitted by PoundOfFlesh to TellTalk 10 months ago (+55/-0)
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I'm referring to people in general, not here specifically. More and more normies are talking about the mixed/diverse couples in advertising and entertainment, but they're missing the flip side of that coin.

Almost all the trannies are white. Barely any nig trannies. No spics, chinks, or sand nig troons. Why? Same reason as the mixed couples, of course. They're achieving their goal from both sides.

Fewer straight white couples means fewer white women having white babies. Then on the other hand they're turning white men into faggots, trannies, and weak betas. Fewer white men PURSUING white female partners. Being a straight white male is toxic, after all, unless you renounce your skin color and worship the statue of Fentanyl Floyd.

Tranny shit has been pretty much focused solely on white liberals. The kikes don't want or care about non-white trannies. They just need fewer white babies to be born, by any means necessary.
Senator's vaxxed daughter dies     (
submitted by Conspirologist to TellTalk 1.9 years ago (+54/-1)
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Alles Gute zum Geburtstag     (
submitted by ShitAlt to TellTalk 1 year ago (+51/-0)
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Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Mein Furher
Whites conquered North America with their might and technological superiority. Jews conquered North America through subversion, degeneracy, and moral decay.     (TellTalk)
submitted by PoundOfFlesh to TellTalk 12 months ago (+51/-0)
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This contrast illustrates the key difference between the goys and the tribe, the latter of which functions as a parasite and destroys from within. Whites conquered North America and built a new empire based on their own ideals. Jews brought in the nigs. They created feminism. They created a central bank. They infiltrated all sides of government. They started wars. They normalized faggotry. They stigmatized whites.

Truth is that jews couldn't have done it without the traitors who helped them, willing to destroy their own people to make an extra buck or two.

Not all is lost, but until those who are sick of the corruption stop being afraid of being called racist, homophobic, transphobic, or antisemitic, a genuine and effectual pushback can't take place.
COVID Round 2: They're Doing it Again Because You Didn't Hang Them the Last Time     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 8 months ago (+52/-5)
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Hopefully this time you listen to me and really try to understand the concept of projection of force. "They" will use every form of media propaganda to project out to the masses that "they" can force you to lockdown/get jabbed. They cannot. Undoubtedly some percentage of actual people will not understand this and go along with it. This still doesn't mean "they" can force you to lockdown/get jabbed. It just means that some percentage of the population thinks they can...

Please try to understand that, just because you're going to see their projection of force working on those around you that it does not equate to them actually being able to force anyone to do anything. This is not a distinction without a difference, it is, in fact, the entire fucking point of all this.

There is a big "G" God. This reality is not allowed to harm you UNLESS YOU CONSENT TO IT. The devil can't actually harm you, it can only trick you into thinking it can. It's your decision to go along with it or not.

The real mask to prevent virus contagion     (
submitted by Conspirologist to TellTalk 1.9 years ago (+48/-2)
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Property tax on first home is bullshit     (TellTalk)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellTalk 1.9 years ago (+49/-3)
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Property tax on first home is bullshit. Tax on second home or more is rational, because it's not a need. Only the first home is a need, therefore a human right. Countries that have first home tax are ruled by pieces of shit who steal citizen's money.
Attacking the workforce one family at a time...     (TellTalk)
submitted by Rotteuxx to TellTalk 2.6 years ago (+46/-1)
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One of my guys called me this morning, his 5yo had a slight fever so he told the school he was keeping him home... now he needs a negative covid test or his son is out of school for two weeks, and it gets better!

They ejected his 3yo daughter from daycare "as a precaution".

So his choices are get the two tested or be out of work for two weeks, split between him and his waifu.

He has no family in this region and his waifu is European so no family here either, nobody to babysit.

Naturally he's outraged at the ridiculousness of all this but still won't consider 'downsizing' his lifestyle & homeschooling instead.

Happy Birthday Adolph     (
submitted by Thisismyaccount to TellTalk 1 year ago (+45/-0)
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Happy 134th birthday Adolf
My nigger fatigue gauge is redlining today     (TellTalk)
submitted by SirNiggsalot to TellTalk 12 months ago (+45/-0)
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I'm just so sick of niggers !
I'm sick of hearing them , seeing them , paying taxes to fund their existence.