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Community for : 1.4 years

Come all ye for creative writing, drunken porch monkey talk, sobriety talk, music, odd and weird historical shit. What have you. From high brow to low brow

Owner: Smedleys_Butler


Ween - Captain (an old nigger just offered me guacamole on my night hike (     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 2 weeks ago (+3/-0)
Animal Collective - Honeycomb (fuck 'em with the unfortunate hipster label, but I revisit every so often, and need positive visualization)     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 1 month ago (+0/-0)
Spring cleaning      (
submitted by lord_nougat to SmedleysPorch 2 months ago (+19/-0)
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I'll just leave this here on this guy's porch, for no apparent reason.
Death of the West (death in June cover, shortly after learning)     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 3 months ago (+2/-0)
Climbing up to the moon (Eels cover)     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 3 months ago (+5/-0)
Varg Vikernes - Den Store Søvn (The Great Sleep) [02:58]     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 3 months ago (+3/-0)
Pancho and Lefty (no tuning, starts at 1:20ish, from other night)     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 3 months ago (+5/-0)
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What deaner was talking about (two beers, one take) original content     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 3 months ago (+6/-0)
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Pink Floyd - Wearing the Inside Out      (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 4 months ago (+1/-0)
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David Bowie - Love is Lost      (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 4 months ago (+1/-0)
Very very rough take on a song I'm working on... It's been a while      (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+11/-1)
18 comments last comment...
"Wealth Before Gold"     (SmedleysPorch)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+3/-0)
Constant reminders of what you can't have
Not all that different than the outside
Yet it still drives you mad
Same silly dominant rites
But lust could cost you land

Once I swore it all off
Then again I took risk
Bless this place without cell phones
Damn replaced consequence
What once was easy gets honed
Till the scale tips again

Not sure if I'll surrender
But I'll try to resist
They're two different problems
But the same bloody fists
Guilt, shame and solvents
Can't tell the difference

Reluctant sigh, stoic patience
There's no fooling the eyes
Want attention then don't
Clocks don't understand time
What was wealth before gold
And what love does it buy?

Still hesitant getting old
Nature's cute warning signs
"Movie Night"     (SmedleysPorch)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+3/-0)
Movie night
Tim (Ginsberg) pats me on the back
Asking if I enjoyed Oppenheimer
He knows I know
Gary Oldman was good as Truman
Just unsympathetic to the real narrative
Remeran kicking in
I know he knows
Does a cigarette perk me up, he asks
It's an illusion
Calms you down though it's a stimulant
Keeps you warm though it slows circulation

Wonder who's wearing goggles
To see things as they are
Or who's brains been melted
Hard to gauge in our state

Chemical floods - pathways restored
Sucked into jealousy circles
Joy following big John
Latoya insults her after she sat with me
Don standoffish he can't take the Queen
Peer group resents his presidency

Facility near capacity
Some of us don't want to return
To crumbling castles
We're not stuck here like Los Alamos

With cell doors unlocked
Try to do the right thing
But no one's quite the Apostle Paul
Tensions rising
Who knows what diabolical plots
Are being cooked up (not to become meth)
In any of our callous mending minds
A village of destroyers of worlds
"Rodney"     (SmedleysPorch)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+2/-0)
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Guards couldn't find in his nasal cavity
A whole gram of meth
Still a hardworking honest man
Looks way older than 51
Joey P compares him to
The old man with a shovel
In Home Alone
Doesn't know how he caught
A stray bullet - 22 ain't nothing to pull
When his own brother shot him once
A barn mouse will wait on his foot
For crumbs of crank
Falling asleep recovering
From a motorcycle accident
Pomeranian licked infection to the bone
PTSD from wife's suicide
Cleaned up the blood
Before the kids could smell iron
Good to see him falling in love again
Even with Jess
Who looks like Rachel Druze from SNL
As strange as it is
Sketch #1     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+4/-1)
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Mount Eerie - stone woman gives birth to a child at night      (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+2/-0)
"The Zoo"     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+2/-0)
6 comments last comment...
Scrawl - 11:59 (it's January)     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+0/-0)
"Oxytocin"     (SmedleysPorch)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+1/-1)
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Kill Bill whistling
Spreads through the hallways
Like Azazel in Fallen
Wake up in a sweat
From codependent dreams
Rehab Michelin chefs
Accommodate soft palettes
For those coming down from meth

Lost one family and found another
Though cells get replaced each day
Like the ship of Theseus
Last night with the other old school punks
Avoid Black Friday robberies
Of catalytic converters boys

A matter of time
Before it's Lord of the Flies
And pop culture references
Falling on deaf ears

I was happy being alone
Why'd you show up in her same clothes
With a flock don't mean to flirt
When I don't tries the time it works
And when I catch that granted wish
I just want out
Toss back like fish

Never missed Oxycontin
But I may be missing
Louis Primo - Just a gigolo/ I ain't got nobody      (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+2/-0)
3 comments last comment...
On The L      (SmedleysPorch)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+3/-0)
The shape of the floorplan
One turn right or wrong
Depending where you're coming from
Besides hopping off at the junction
For a fix at the nurses station
We're still riding the L

Some now take different needles
Most trade strong drink for coffee
All jonesin' for cigarettes
Stuck en route on the L

Sunlight ripples on ceilings
Peaceful train underwater
Show any longshoremen
He'd be sure that we'd drown
Yet somehow always handed same Big Book
That belonged to a Clifton
Tremored scribbles on the L

Crusty's back to construction
Big Mike's returning to the oil rig
Replaced by touchy old hippie
And Boston smoking crack in a tree
Hope for closure to misunderstandings
With the De Lacey's and my Lord
And Burroughs Adding Machine
Left when El presidente Corey leaves
May he not nod off on the L

Scotty answers my call from the landline
Closest these kids'll get to a payphone
Last we talked at length
Before a blind date
But what fog made me forget
He returned to Pa
Same that made her disappear
Though we no longer smoke L's

Have I come to regard the majority
The same as the elites I despise
Useful idiots to be disposed of
Maybe I'm booked for the same cattle car
Maybe we all ride on the L
Smedley Ex Machina      (SmedleysPorch)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+4/-0)
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White knuckling
Frozen in bed
Like the deer and I's staring contest
Last I drank in the woods
Wires like vines grow over me
Smell of onion or vinegar
In the parts neglected
Even a Marine bath
Teeth fuzzy like moss
Entropy - waiting for nature to reclaim me
In the mysteries of her immortal processes

Days spent longing for darkness
If this mattress could sail
To the eternal comfort of Alaska

Waves of memories
Some chaos some calm
Flood my senses
Piecing together
What feels like parallel lives
As the years catch up to me

Guess I always felt old
Or wanted to be
Still some youthful look
Besides a few stray greys

The last of us born
Before this Sci Fi world
I couldn't wait for
- Now it scares the hell out of me
And what it holds for those who will inherit
The things and things to come
We take for granted each day

Why should jealousy, wrath and envy
In this state hold me
When I know
I've already held myself back

I've snowballed into this situation
Now to find a place to melt
As I've said before
I'll climb out of this mess
As I always do

Smedley Ex Machina
You may become
my only offspring

*Started before rehab
"Eridanus"     (SmedleysPorch)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+1/-1)
"In Eridu everything was reduced to ruin, was wrought with confusion" - Lament of Eridu

You stick anyone in here these days
They'd all keep phantom reaching
In their pockets for a scrying mirror
Jonesin' in the powder room

Segregation is natural
But we're all colorblind in the struggle
Pacing these halls
Seeking or giving light
Off a cigarette nub

Listening to the honking of geese
Addicts have synchronized migration too
We're allowed to walk the perimeter
Haven't quite admired the leaves lately
Changing late in the season - like me
To that color given by the tears of the Heliades

Trying to recall the rules of Pinochle
You'd forget too without playing a computer
Always wanted to read the book of Mormon
Only copy I can find is in Spanish

Consult notes I put on the back burner
Hard to deep dive now without the mirrored walls
That distract us all like Guy Montag's wife
Before nuclear apocalypse

Doubt I'll find Nonnus' Dionysiaca here
Can't make sense of Ovid's Phaeton
The relation of Pazuzu
To the 28,000 year rule of Alulim

Dragged down by Typhon
In parallel myth
Where the water fire is extinguished
Return to the heavens

As above so below
How the measurements of our rocket engines
Can still be traced to Roman chariots
In a long line of succession

Where is Eridanus in this terrestrial plane?
The Istros/Danube of Hungary?
The Padus/Po of Italy?
Somewhere in the Celtic lands?
- Funny how admired they were by the Romans
When everyone's more familiar
With the wartime propaganda
Of certain periods
Magnified by current academia

As below so above
This River Hades counterpoint
- As the ancients knew
This mysterious supervoid
Speculated to be a parallel universe
Some gateway out of our material realm
And these corporeal bodies

It is well with my soul
To float there eventually
"Try Sober" (gratitude)     (SmedleysPorch)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+10/-1)
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I'm grateful for this chair
I'm grateful for this pen
Ideas seem to disappear
But they exist they'll come again

I'm grateful getting older
Though I don't feel quite grown up yet
I'm grateful still relatable
In progression d'effet

I'm grateful for all the drugs I used
Lucky didn't get hooked on dope
I'm grateful never liked needles
But sure there's damage to my nose

I'm grateful I don't gamble much
My addictive personality
I'm grateful poker's just for fun
With bills from Monopoly

I'm grateful unemployment's flagged
I'm grateful rehab has few needs
Miss my well paying position
But if I had cash I'd prolly flee

I'm grateful I'm not stuck in jail
And my family sends me smokes
I'm grateful to be leaving soon
But a halfway house ain't home

I'm grateful blood work's normal
And I can't see my liver's size
I'm grateful don't have cravings
It's been forty days tonight

I'm grateful for lovers and dry spells
Though I'm not sure I've been in love
I'm grateful for a break from news
Still point out programming's propaganda

I'm grateful for the friends I made
I'm grateful I'm not dead
May not always stay sober
But it'd be great to come again
"Dry Drunk" (resentment)     (SmedleysPorch)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 months ago (+11/-0)
14 comments last comment...
I resent my overstaying
I resent where I must go
The cryptic advice in passing
But it beats not having a home

I resent this jawn ain't the museum
You're allowed to touch and feel
I resent our embalmed sense of time
Are we mannequins or real

I resent how the speaker gets pussy
Once was simple made complex
I resent crimes he's acquitted
Still he's lucky, but I'm blessed

I resent protected classes
Playing victim while all kneel
I resent those once admired
Till true colors they reveal

I resent the slander of the dead
I resent the facts I must correct
Maybe that's my same destiny
Just hope someone will defend

I resent the string of circumstance
That led to the bottom of this rock
I resent this path if it's predestined
But thank God the detours soft

I resent those well intentions
To control and whip me into shape
I resent addiction to defiance
While I surrender my fate

I resent the double standards
Color guards of behavior
I resent weight and face changing
Yet other judgements prove my worth

I resent my isolation
I resent i cannot be alone
Like when I'm the life of the party
Hate it's over they went home