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We live in an era where an Asian woman can make a living producing the same disgusting chewing, slurping, and eating noises I was taught not to do as a child.     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by Trope to ShowerThoughts 1 week ago (+16/-1)
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ASMR videos are stupid.
The most crippling product ever made.     (
submitted by bosunmoon to ShowerThoughts 1 month ago (+2/-0)
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Anyone ever try to open anything but the big blade on a swiss army knife?
Remember ladies, if dinner was free original content     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by purityspiral to ShowerThoughts 1 month ago (+6/-0)
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You are the product.
Chinese Villains are High Pitched     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by The_Reunto to ShowerThoughts 1 month ago (+2/-0)
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Odd cultural observation:

Western movies dubbed into Chinese make the Hero have a masculine voice and the villains sound weasley.

Chinese movies dubbed into English usually make the villains have a deeper voice.

English to Chinese example: Khan from Star Trek Wrath of Khan

Chinese to English example: Evil Prince from Hero among heroes
I am unique     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by purityspiral to ShowerThoughts 1 month ago (+1/-1)
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and this will likely be my undoing.

This is not a trait that is celebrated among the communal dwellers of which I am to be surrounded.
To want to be more than another, is a grave sin to their kind.

Oh well, off to the internet to make frens
At what point in the future will blackmail essentially become bragging rights and what societal repercussions should we expect as a result?     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by DeusExMachina to ShowerThoughts 2 months ago (+1/-0)
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Given that at some point in the not-to-distant -perhaps even the very, very near- future the ai tools for creating fictional deepfake video will become completely indistinguishable from the real thing and widely available. Audio is very nearly there already. What happens when anyone can make a video of anyone doing anything to the point where it ceases to be evidence of wrongdoing? What I mean by blackmail becoming bragging is that people could do the most heinous of things, film them and then release them through alternative channels for everyone to see and then simply claim that it's a deepfake designed to smear their character by those who dislike them and nobody would know any different.

What becomes of a civilization that completely loses the ability to differentiate what is real and what is not? No, let me rephrase that as it is not quite accurate. The question should actually be: What becomes of a civilization that, both willingly and knowingly, discards any possibility of discerning what is real from what is not. I see no way in which it ends well for anyone.
Iran is expelling Jews from Israel     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to ShowerThoughts 2 months ago (+2/-1)
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But Jews won't let (((them))) leave.
The reason the libturds are losing the PR battle is because they've made bad life choices and now have to work two jobs to make ends meet, and they don't have 6 hours a day to shitpost like the alt-right does.     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to ShowerThoughts 2 months ago (+15/-0)
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The CFR cucks must have figured out early on that gaming would eventually ecclipse hollycuck movies. & Gamergate was the result of their new plan put in motion.     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to ShowerThoughts 3 months ago (+0/-0)
The thing with sweet baby inc & steam... I think now that Veritas exposed ALL of the cucks at ALL medias and how it's all one big fkn like, they are trying to build another CFR-like control structure, likely with much less [national] identity of the people/groups running the structure.

The MSM/CFR were primarily social engineering structures to brainwash the plebs with. They weren't about to let the gaming industry undo it all.../

CFR and all its bjtches are pretty much proved to be one nation so freakin racist against the rest of the world to the point where they subvert all world governments and use them to genocide their own people. Ukraine, being the latest example. And with the WHO, and the forced wazxines, they killin the whole world. Imagine how racist they are.
I just realized a distinguishing trait of Gen X. Many of them seem to have made acomplishments as kids that whenever they perfrom a similar task/accomplishment they recall the praise from that moment, specifically not relying on others to praise them     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to ShowerThoughts 3 months ago (+5/-1)
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6 of the 7 of the Gen X people I can think of do this. The odd guy out is a nut job and can't think right at all from getting hit on the head too many times.
Ever wonder how feminist women can still fornicate with men even though they have a contrived hatred for them? Maybe this is what is deterring women from fornication and why we see virginity and less fornicators.     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to ShowerThoughts 3 months ago (+0/-0)
This also explains the overly emotional, overblown "reeeeee here's why i'm ~~~~rejecting~~~ (this makes me as a woman more valuable) this man". In addition to women being neutral, sexually inert material unless acted upon by an outside force, their masculine behavior pushes them to being attracted to women, but they never get an opening because both women are expecting the other woman to make the first move, and so it results in a perpetual stalemate, and women achieve a maximum masculine status of: beta male.
If Christians worship Christ, Buddhists worship Buddha, does judaism worship... jews?     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by allAheadFull to ShowerThoughts 3 months ago (+7/-0)
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What other group of people named their religion after themselves instead of their god or instead of using a third term?

If you've read and watched what jews have said over the years you may have put the big picture together. These people think that they are god incarnate. They believe that god split his consciousness and that his life force makes them more than human and gives them the ability to "control the minds of the goyim". I'm not sure they're wrong, it's just their god is Moloch. It's the reason they're fighting for power over each other now, because they believe that 6 million of them really have to die so that there will be enough "energy" in the sacrifice for their god to re-incarnate and have dominion over the Earth. The remaining jews will serve by Satan's side. This is the real meaning of their "tikkun olam" concept.
If we have a Middle East...     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by iSnark to ShowerThoughts 4 months ago (+10/-0)
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Why don't we have a Middle West?
My sons friend called a retarded looking kid a retard and got suspended for "muh hateful speech". Had me thinking, what insults are still usable 2024? Isn't eliminating people from using nigger, faggot and retard as pejoratives the start of the road to newspeak?     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by KDs_Other_Burner to ShowerThoughts 4 months ago (+14/-1)
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Read "Ninety Eighty Four"? Specifically where it's revealed that they are actively abolishing words so in the future rebellion will be functionally impossible?

How ridiculous it sounded?

Isn't this exactly what Orwell was writing about?
Is there a more complete oxymoron than "black people"?     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by KDs_Other_Burner to ShowerThoughts 5 months ago (+24/-0)
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Every town square across the nation should erect a statue of the guy who killed Hitler.     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to ShowerThoughts 5 months ago (+18/-1)
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That is all. ⚡️⚡️
The Boeing 747 debucle is the perfect opportunity to call **AIRLINES** (NOT BOEING) and ask how safe the planes are and after their explanation ask how many colored people are working on the planes.     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to ShowerThoughts 5 months ago (+14/-3)
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Then after all that is discussed you can ask them about colored people working at Boeing, as if you believe they have inside knowledge.

Then you can end the call.
Equal rights are for equal people. Civil rights are for civil people.     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to ShowerThoughts 5 months ago (+13/-1)
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A thought I have pondered for decades.
What are your thoughts?
Why isn't there a caffeine free version of Red Bull?     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by UncleDoug to ShowerThoughts 6 months ago (+3/-1)
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Taurine is an amino acid that helps break down minerals, it is already an energy drink like Berocca if they just released an option without all the caffeine.

There must be a market for it with all the zoomers stroking out from vaping and monster energy.
If you had a graph of the number of people alive from the silent generation, it would be exactly the same graph which depicts the world's level of clownishness but inverted     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to ShowerThoughts 6 months ago (+2/-0)
Clown world singularity will be here in 10-20 years.
A thought on society and religious holidays     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to ShowerThoughts 6 months ago (+10/-1)
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Not that I care for niggers any, but in a ‘just’ society, one might think there would be a larger publicizing of the holiday for the 13% (kwanza) than the 2%.
Happy Chanukah niggerfaggots!
All Relationships Are Abusive Relationships     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by VitaminSieg to ShowerThoughts 6 months ago (+3/-3)
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And if you don't think so, it's because you're the abuser.
It's No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by SilentByAssociation to ShowerThoughts 6 months ago (+4/-0)
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This phrase is often a child's first exposure to stoicism, and it's an excellent way to teach them not to waste unnecessary energy or emotion on unchangeable trivialities.

Single mothers don't understand this post.
If anyone can pass the word to china that if they attack Taiwan, Jews will then likely launch terrorist attacks from their synagogues in the USA prompting mini civil wars across the USA thereby increasing their chances of taking Taiwan     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to ShowerThoughts 6 months ago (+1/-2)
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Democrats blatantly stole the election from bernie sanders     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to ShowerThoughts 7 months ago (+9/-1)
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All Bernie supports were aware of it.

Then 2020 election happen and suddenly all democrats forgot about this and rigging elections is impossible? Are they really that stupid?