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Community for : 3.2 years

Owner: system


Remember ladies, if dinner was free original content     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by purityspiral to ShowerThoughts 18 hours ago (+5/-0)
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You are the product.
Chinese Villains are High Pitched     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by The_Reunto to ShowerThoughts 4 days ago (+3/-0)
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Odd cultural observation:

Western movies dubbed into Chinese make the Hero have a masculine voice and the villains sound weasley.

Chinese movies dubbed into English usually make the villains have a deeper voice.

English to Chinese example: Khan from Star Trek Wrath of Khan

Chinese to English example: Evil Prince from Hero among heroes
Iran is expelling Jews from Israel     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to ShowerThoughts 3 weeks ago (+2/-1)
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But Jews won't let (((them))) leave.
At what point in the future will blackmail essentially become bragging rights and what societal repercussions should we expect as a result?     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by DeusExMachina to ShowerThoughts 2 weeks ago (+1/-0)
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Given that at some point in the not-to-distant -perhaps even the very, very near- future the ai tools for creating fictional deepfake video will become completely indistinguishable from the real thing and widely available. Audio is very nearly there already. What happens when anyone can make a video of anyone doing anything to the point where it ceases to be evidence of wrongdoing? What I mean by blackmail becoming bragging is that people could do the most heinous of things, film them and then release them through alternative channels for everyone to see and then simply claim that it's a deepfake designed to smear their character by those who dislike them and nobody would know any different.

What becomes of a civilization that completely loses the ability to differentiate what is real and what is not? No, let me rephrase that as it is not quite accurate. The question should actually be: What becomes of a civilization that, both willingly and knowingly, discards any possibility of discerning what is real from what is not. I see no way in which it ends well for anyone.
I am unique     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by purityspiral to ShowerThoughts 2 weeks ago (+1/-1)
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and this will likely be my undoing.

This is not a trait that is celebrated among the communal dwellers of which I am to be surrounded.
To want to be more than another, is a grave sin to their kind.

Oh well, off to the internet to make frens