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Why is polygamy illigal but porn with gang bangs and bukkakee type shit is perfectly OK? I know jews     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to AskUpgoat 1.9 years ago (+36/-0)
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I mean a man commits to love and cherish two women and they both agree to it that doesn't seem terrible for the women.

Porn and prostitution is 1 million times worse polygamy had been natural throughout most human civilization
Can you imagine instead of welfare if the government gave money to bring back manufacturing?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to AskUpgoat 1.8 years ago (+38/-2)
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I'm not for tax theft but if we are going to do it let's do stuff that builds this country... encourage whites to have kids. Have blind bigs for the contracts no racial woman bullshit bias.

And before you do any of this change the constitution

Next amendment or rewrite it and just put first and foremost


don't hurt the pathetic Satanist fucks send them some where else any where
Seems like shit is so beyond clown world on the voting situation we don't even get outraged. We are all like mehhh it's normal for them to steal it     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to AskUpgoat 1.5 years ago (+36/-0)
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This shit is wild. Crypto crashing stock market crashing a fraudulent president war of money laundering going on in Ukraine China openly talking about taking Taiwan

Total complete disaster worst presidential ratings open dementia a fucking piece of shit

And ohhh ya people still vote Democrat? Has a president and parter ever been so low and still win elections?

Then a fucking Hoodia wearing stroke fucktard who can barely speak wins easily are u fucking kidding
I need you assholes to help me out.     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by nodoxmeplz to AskUpgoat 2.6 years ago (+35/-0)
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My employer has put out a jew juice mandate and I'm going the religious exemption route. I know my days there are numbered, I won't be sticking around longer than I need to. I've been working on some things, but need to buy myself some time. I need help with answering the questions on their form because I'm certain that they've designed it as a trap to get me to say something that'll make it easy for them to deny the exemption.

I'll probably be called a cuck or kike for not just quitting. You're an actual literal nigger, so whatever. I've been around for years, since around the time FPH got banned from reddit. Made this bullshit account because this would probably almost dox me, at least down to my city and employer.

Anyway, here are their definitions and questions:

A religious exemption may be granted when an employee has a sincerely held religious belief or practice that is contrary to the practice of immunization and granting the exemption does not cause an undue hardship to (employer). Personal preference and philosophical, political, or sociological objections are not "religious beliefs" for which a religious exemption will be granted.

1. Religion: Includes not only traditional, organized religions, but also religious beliefs that are new, uncommon, not part of a formal church or sect, only subscribed to by a small number of people, or that seem illogical or unreasonable to others. Only religious beliefs and practices that are sincerely held will be considered under this policy.

2. Religious belief: Includes theistic beliefs (i.e., those that include a belief in God) as well as non-theistic "moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong which are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views." Religious beliefs typically concern "ultimate ideas" about "life, purpose, and death." Social, political, or economic philosophies, as well as mere personal preferences, are not religious beliefs and are not covered by this policy.

1. Identify the religion of which you are a member.

2. Describe the reason for your request for a religious exemption from (employer)'s vaccine requirement.

3. Does the practice or observation of your religion prohibit you from being vaccinated?

4. If so, please describe.

5. Would being vaccinated interfere with your sincerely held religious belief or your ability to practice or observe your religion?

6. If so, please describe.

7. Have you previously been vaccinated for any illness or disease?

8. If so, why do you now object to being vaccinated?

9. Is there anything else you would like us to know about your request?

10.In some cases, additional information about your religious belief, practice, or observance may be needed. If requested, can you provide documentation to support your beliefs and need for exemption?

I know this is a lot, but I really appreciate any help you guys can offer.
Is my wife retarded?      (AskUpgoat)
submitted by OriginalGoat to AskUpgoat 2.4 years ago (+36/-1)
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She doesn't put things back in the same place. It makes no fucking sense. Do normal people not put things in the same place habitually? TV remote on the same table, batteries in the same drawer, blankets on the same shelf? I don't understand. Phone charger is always in a different outlet, purse in a different room. Always searching for car keys.

Let's pretend you have a cellphone, car keys, hat, sunglasses, wallet and vest when you get home. You put them in the same spot?

Some fucking chaos going on.
Does it make sense to start a list of restaurants which can guarantee their food does not contain the mRNA vax?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by SocksOnCats to AskUpgoat 1.1 years ago (+37/-2)
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The thought is to get an online list going and drive customers to the good restaurants and away from the bad ones.

Should this even be a thought?
The wife asked "did they test all the Afgan refugees for COVID before they got on the planes?"     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by gimpyoldman to AskUpgoat 2.7 years ago (+36/-2)
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Will we ever know?
Is it just me or is there no fun anymore?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Merlynn to AskUpgoat 2.6 years ago (+36/-2)
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It just seems like lately that there's nothing fun to be had anymore. Movies are so bad these days,it's more enjoyable to watch some nerd rage about it than to watch the movie. No good books,no fun video games. Nothing to do,no where to go.

It's not just the pandemic. It's been going on for a while. I don't think it's me because occasionally,I'll find something fun or nice or enjoyable. It's just everything mainstream is garbage lately.

I can't remember the last time a new song came out that made me happy. No one seems to want to go out and gather and celebrate. It's like there's nothing to be happy about.

Does everyone seem sad to you guys or is it just me?
Why don't niggers use parking spaces ?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by SirNiggsalot to AskUpgoat 2.3 years ago (+36/-2)
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I'm so fucking sick of niggers just parking dey hooptie anywhere they damn please. Sure mister nigger , just park right in front of the door to any business your about to steal from. Just park your hooptie so it is a pain in the ass for everyone to get by .

Seriously, why can't these stinking apes use a damn parking space ? Is it cuz dey Kangz n sheeit ?
Fuck I hate niggers more by the minute
Nixon: "The machine that killed JFK is the same one that took me down for Watergate". Hmm. What machine or entity does Nixon mean per chance?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 1.8 years ago (+34/-0)
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"'s the same machine that took out John, and Robert came after him, they just couldn't use bullets anymore because it was getting too..."

Louis CK told the story on "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast"
It's at 1:32:04 if the link doesn't send you there: [Embed]

"There was a guy named Frank Gannon, who wrote speeches for Nixon and was a very close friend of his, and weirdly he became the guy who books comedians on Letterman, and when I moved back to New York, being on Letterman was all anybody wanted so Gannon was the most important person in comedy at the time. He was a strange guy who was very serious, and he would just come and he would watch you, and if he liked you he'd get more of you to come and maybe you'd be on the he liked me, he never got me on the show but he liked me, so I went to Letterman's office and met him, and asked him about Nixon - cause he co-wrote Nixon's big autobiography "RN" - and he told me that when you get a few drinks in Nixon, he says 'the same people who got the Kennedys got me', he says it's the same machine that took out John and Robert came after him, they just couldn't use bullets anymore because it was getting too...they were on....he says that Watergate was something that happens all the time, and still does, it's how things are that was Nixon's story, he didn't say it in public, but..."

So does anybody want to speculate what machine and are there any answers more interesting than "the Jews?"
Turned on a TV and had an epiphany.     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by con77 to AskUpgoat 1.5 years ago (+36/-2)
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60% of the population is black.
there are ONLY mixed race couples
white men are bumbling oafs
black women are heroic leaders
gays just want to be friends with kids
trannys are brave pathfinders
no borders no walls
no USA at all
if you disagree with any of this youre a white supremacist, racist, nazi, bigot!
What the fuck happened here?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by bosunmoon to AskUpgoat 1.3 years ago (+34/-0)
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Was voat down for most the day or am I just high?
True or Not?     (
submitted by beece to AskUpgoat 9 months ago (+34/-0)
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It's obvious Jews are blackmailing Congress how can that be diffused. Here are some ways.     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to AskUpgoat 2 weeks ago (+36/-2)
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1. If they have kid fucking pics you could flood the internet with ai generated fake Congress members fucking kids which would first be thought of as real then debunked then it would diffuse blackmail value of real ones.

2. A president could pardon all kid fucking If and only If the congressmen told all about who blackmailed them and what they were force from vote on etc etc. Giving pardons for info is a long proven thing that works. Of course the congressmen might be voted out but if it became public they literally were forced at gunpoint they might even survive this.

3. If someone actually somehow hacked the blackmail evidence which must sorted somewhere and released it all then it's power is gone. There were some guys who went to Epstein island in a small boat after he was jailed and they walked around and walked dup to computers etc. I was wondering why they didn't try to get that info but they didn't.
But they posted dtue video of walking around the abandon island. It was the blond guy on that podcast with Tim what's his name in the hat.

Other ideas?

We MUST figure out a way to diffuse the obvious blackmail that must be going on. How can you destroy the power of blackmail?
Got zeroed on poal for merely talking about violence. Is this place cool?      (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Unreasonable to AskUpgoat 2.7 years ago (+34/-1)
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Talking pros and cons and historical context of violence, get zeroed out by the faggot would because I was calling for violence.

I miss putt and his utter lack of injecting himself everywhere.

AOU seems like he has to compulsively comment on every post.

We cool here?
Which one of you losers did this?     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to AskUpgoat 2.2 years ago (+37/-4)
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Is this supposed to be a girl?     (
submitted by Kozel to AskUpgoat 1.9 years ago (+35/-2)
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Quit smoking weed- nightmares are back     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by StealthNinjaTaliban to AskUpgoat 10 months ago (+33/-0)
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PTSD from the war. Been high for the last 20 years but recently decided that I wanted to do stop using drugs.

After a few weeks the weed cleared my system, the nightmares came back. Any suggestions?

How do sheople and normies discount the fact that auswitz and the holacaust are not in encyclopedias prior to the 70s?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to AskUpgoat 9 months ago (+34/-1)
19 comments last comment...
It makes no sense
How fucked am I?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by 2Drunk to AskUpgoat 1 week ago (+33/-0)
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My work just got a big fat nigger bitch as the HR Manager. The last nigger we had was caught steeling toilet paper.
I decline. Do you?     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskUpgoat 6 months ago (+32/-0)
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Insurrection     (
submitted by bosunmoon to AskUpgoat 2.8 years ago (+31/-0)
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How come nobody remembers when the black panthers did it?
What did the submarine have on the Clintons?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by 2Drunk to AskUpgoat 11 months ago (+33/-2)
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Poster named "master suppression technique" just posted 46 times nearly in a row. Filled up a couple of pages.      (AskUpgoat)
submitted by beece to AskUpgoat 3 months ago (+33/-2)
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Guess's on what He/she/it was suppressing? Regardless, I guess he/she/it made it's point very effectively. Perhaps a renaming to "ObviousSupressionTechniques" might be in order.LOL
Need some relationship advice...Serious post.     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by dcosta77 to AskUpgoat 3 years ago (+31/-1)
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Hi Voat!

As the title suggests, I need some relationship advice. A little back story first, so you can get a better idea of what I am going through:

Been married since 2005. My wife and I have three daughters, ages 13, 8, and 5. They are my world. We both work full time. We share the cooking, cleaning, child rearing, and all the other responsibilities that keep a house running. However, it seems that over the past three years or so, the wife and I have been growing apart. We are both the same age and started off with the same interests. We shared the same views on politics, religion, race etc…but over the last few years, she has expressed more and more leftist views on gender, race, and other hot button social issues. The divide has become so great that we rarely talk to one another anymore unless it is about our daughters, bills, or house stuff. The bedroom has been dead since October of 2020.

I have been working nights for the past six years, so it makes quality time together sparce, and when we are together, I can almost cut the tension in the room with a knife. I do not suspect she is cheating, nor am I cheating. My job puts in in contact with the public on a regular basis and requires that I stay in good physical health. As a result, I have turned down many advances from women. I always felt she was a little jealous of that. To add to it, she has gained approximately 30-40 lbs over the past three years and is very self-conscious about her appearance. That does not matter to me. I have told her that MANY times. She is my wife, and a marriage is not just something you walk away from when things get tough.

Before Covid, she got back in contact with an old female friend who was a travel agent. Due to the friend’s job, she got comps on cruises, and resort stays. I have always encouraged her to have a social life, as I believe friends are important. So much so, that I did not even think about it when she started taking small weekend vacations with this friend to several resorts and even on a few 5-7 day cruises. I was never asked if I wanted to join, as someone had to stay home and watch the girls. This was NEVER a problem for me. I just wanted her to be happy.

Fast-forward to now. I feel we are nothing more than roommates. We never talk, we never go on dates…the excuses are always being too tired, too much work to do, must find a babysitter…on and on. There isn’t even any more physical affection, i.e. holding hands, kissing, hand on the small of the back…things like that. I have mentioned several times that I felt we were drifting apart, and she initially responded with concern. I suggested making time for just us, and even couples counseling. Every time the idea is met with enthusiasm on her part, but when it comes time to schedule a date, or make an appointment, she always comes up with a reason to postpone it.

Which leads me here to you. I really do not know how to proceed. I am a product of divorce and it has scarred me to this day. I know how important it is for daughters to have a Father in the home, and how much it affects their emotional stability later in life. I just do not know what to do. Do I just keep up the status quo? Do I continue to try and confront my wife? Do I just give up, file for divorce, and become my Father’s son?

I will try to answer any questions you have. This is a serious post and I could really use some advice. I must work nights Mon and Tue (the 3rd and 4th), so I may not be able to respond until after.

Sorry if I am rambling on here, I’m just typing what comes to mind. Plus, I’m on my second glass of Lagavulin.

Thank you fellow Goats,
