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No one in my personal life gives a shit about the "UFOs" that have been "shot down". Have we reached "obvious bullshit propaganda" fatigue?     (AskGoats)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskGoats 1.2 years ago (+60/-0)
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Just a couple years ago you'd have thought the UFO stories would get everyone freaking out. I suspect the Corony BS (even if normies don't want to admit it) has sort of immunized most from the MSM's propaganda. I take this as good news.

Here's the more salient point...

Watch how "they" use social media and the MSM to make it seem like tons of people are giving a shit. That's the most important take away regarding this obvious propaganda routine. Even if the average person doesn't give a shit, "they" will make it appear as if they do. When that happens, some percentage of the population will "give a shit" because they want to conform to the group. Then we'll all have examples in our lives of "I know real people who are taking it seriously!!1!" and we're supposed to then think "CaN yOu BeLiEvE eVeRyOnE fElL fOr It!!!1?"

Mass psychological manipulation 101...
Anyone get the impression that the legal system is used mostly to hold people back from getting justice? Businesses use it to pull shit they never otherwise could     (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 1.3 years ago (+46/-0)
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It sure as hell doesn't benefit citizens
Do you have a difficult Neighbor?     (
submitted by Valerie to AskGoats 8 months ago (+43/-1)
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DOJ/FBI say white supremacy is the leading worry, yet why are 9 out of the 10 most wanted all taco niggers they are letting in across the border?     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to AskGoats 11 months ago (+41/-0)
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what's this Jew only area in Ukraine?     (
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 1.3 years ago (+36/-0)
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How can we possibly have such high costs of living? given the state of technology      (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 1.3 years ago (+35/-0)
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We've been through 2 industrial ages, the space age, the computer age, the information age and we're now in the artificial intelligence age...

Remember when leftists were up in arms against the genital mutilation of moslem girls?     (AskGoats)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to AskGoats 11 months ago (+29/-0)
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Where are those same fat, White, tattooed cunts now that the mutilation is happening to White children?
Will Trump now get more black vote because of criminal record?     (AskGoats)
submitted by mxcviel to AskGoats 8 months ago (+28/-0)
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...they seem to like those with lots of legal troubles, what you think
Do any of you remember about ten years before Covid, there were "scientists" on tv talking about a vaccine to end belief in God? Post everything here     (AskGoats)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to AskGoats 1 year ago (+29/-2)
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I think they slipped that shit in everything.
Something seems strange about the Ukraine situation to me, the timing of it all.     (AskGoats)
submitted by ghostofvoatspast to AskGoats 2.3 years ago (+28/-2)
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Last years if Obama the tension between Russia and US was building and building over Syria and other issues. There was a lot of talk of an event happen that could lead to a real war of Super powers.

Trump takes office and tensions between Russia and the United States subsidies..there is almost none.

Why didn't Russia posture or move on Ukraine then. Putin had 4 years where he could have likely done so with no threat of military intervention from the US.

Instead he waits until dems, who are itching for conflict with Russia are back in power.

He decides to make this play at a time he know there will be massive internal resistance particularly from the US.


Something seems really fishy about this and the timing.

Any guesses? Thoughs?

I know a few of you are intelligent enough to give thoughtful well thought out answers and I would be interested in hearing from you.
What's with sticks?     (
submitted by Valerie to AskGoats 8 months ago (+26/-1)
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Why Africa is considered so poor?     (
submitted by Conspirologist to AskGoats 1.9 years ago (+24/-0)
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Is anyone investigating or addressing the fact that the CIA/Mossad created, maintain and operate ISIS?      (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 2 weeks ago (+23/-0)
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I'm asking because they created it purely to try and drum up casus belli for whenever they want to attack shit. Someone closer to this needs to investigate, and I'm surprised none of the Muslim nations over there have reported on this. The nonsense pattern of activity looks identical to the happenings in Russia and Ukraine.

Does anyone have any on topic information on this?
What's the name of the guy who tosses gays off of roof?     (
submitted by Kozel to AskGoats 1.4 years ago (+23/-1)
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Is there an official title for this position?
Has the site been going down lately?     (AskGoats)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskGoats 1.3 years ago (+22/-0)
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I can't tell if it's the site or my atrocious internet, but other sites seem to be loading fine while Talk won't the past couple days.

Out jewing a jew: pure kikery or based & redpilled?      (AskGoats)
submitted by Cunt to AskGoats 1 year ago (+22/-1)
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Recently I attended an out of town wedding so my husband & I splurged & stayed at 5 star hotel, a large chain owned by a larger chain that is so large I don't even need to check I will safely bet it's jewished owned. I had just run out of conditioner so was really looking forward to taking home some mini bottles from the hotel. You know the old trick? Put the bottles in your bag, leave the room with a sign asking for service and the maid comes & makes the bed & gives you new shampoo & conditioner bottles. Well not anymore. All their hand sanitizer stations and signs saying their "covid safe" etc would make you think disposable soaps etc would be ideal for "COVID safe" policies but no. Now everything is normal 500ml size bottles screwed into a contraption (with a normal/medium sized Phillips head) bolted onto the wall.

So I took an empty disposalble water bottle & filled it with conditioner. I didn't even do the body/hand soap, lotion & shampoo, just the one I needed.

Also we paid $30 for a buffet breakfast, went an hour before it ended & there was no bacon & nobody already eating had bacon either, & it was pretty busy. I was really looking forward to bacon! I haven't drunk in forever (no kids invited to wedding) & palanned accordingly. But a 5 star hotel runs out of bacon??? And then doesn't send someone on the 2-5 minute walk to the grocery store to buy more??? Kikes own this place I tells you!!!
So I was pissed and put 28 mini glass jars of honey, marmalade and jam in my handbag.
So anyway husband saw that & then when he saw me pumping the water bottle full of conditioner he said "for someone who hates kikes so much, you're acting a lot like a miserly jew"
They've started advertising the seasonal flu shot up here, is that the actual kill shot for covidians?     (AskGoats)
submitted by Rotteuxx to AskGoats 2.6 years ago (+19/-0)
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Will this be the demise of those who were strong enough to survive the shot up to now?
Who is the nigger? Who is the faggot?     (AskGoats)
submitted by FacelessOne to AskGoats 2.2 years ago (+22/-3)
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Now that we have a verified kike on the books it is your duty to root out the Nigger and Faggot who are surely in our midst.

I was thinking @SparklingWiggle is sure to be the faggot.

That leaves @Lord_Nougat as the Nigger.

Get to work frens!

Need to complete the set.
I'm surprised I haven't seen more European Goats post here about the energy costs you're experiencing. I'm honestly wondering how your economy won't just literally collapse.     (AskGoats)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskGoats 1.7 years ago (+19/-0)
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For those who don't know, energy prices are rising in Europe at unbelievable rates. I mean more than doubling and up to 3 or 4 times as much one month to the next, and are predicted to continue rising. This is because all these countries have been "going green" the last decade and any fossil fuels they get come from Russia. Russia, because of all these countries making the insane decision to heavily sanction the only country they get oil from, has cut off their oil...go figure...

The European governments have stated they will continue "supporting Ukraine" even if it means the people suffer. Russia has now said they will keep oil shut off until the sanctions end. I follow UK news pretty closely, but all their solutions are price caps...but if oil costs what it costs, and the energy companies aren't getting paid to pay their own bills, the energy companies go bust, then no energy. But if people can't pay their bills, then they also get no energy, and if enough people can't pay their bills the the energy companies still go bust.

And it's not like the Europeans countries can just start their own oil industry overnight...the fastest that could be done is multiple years...this winter is a few months away.

What I'm getting at is the simple, obvious fact that the only solution is ending sanctions on Russia. But will (((European leaders))) do that, or will they effectively genocide their own people? Well...I think we all know what the aim has been for along time in regards to that. So is this how it finally happens?

Why the site was down today?     (AskGoats)
submitted by Conspirologist to AskGoats 1.6 years ago (+20/-1)
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Why the site was down today?

What's the deal with septum piercings on women?     (AskGoats)
submitted by slowcrash101 to AskGoats 2.3 years ago (+18/-0)
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Is that the tramp stamp for the 21st century?
Serious question: Why are browns so rapey and stabby?     (AskGoats)
submitted by FinsterBaby to AskGoats 2.4 years ago (+18/-1)
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Seems the darker they are the more degenerate, but anyone 1/2 shade over White is a threat.
Why do blonde babies turn into brunettes?     (AskGoats)
submitted by patchCodeUnsuccessful to AskGoats 1.8 years ago (+17/-0)
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This has been puzzling me for some time. I look at my baby photos. Up till about 3 years old I was blond haired and blue eyed. But, pictures from when I'm four my hair turned a dark brown and my eyes went hazel.

I'm not the only one I've seen this happen to. Friends had their childhood pictures where their children looked like they were directly out of the children of the corn.

Everywhere I look for any research on this just brushes this off as an increase of melanin. But, nowhere that I've seen looks into why it happens in a prepubescent stage. No research into if this is environmental, or purely genetic. In general, because it's deemed as harmless nobody has done any research beyond "your kid has more melanin then your other kid." Just wondering if anybody has seen any research come out about this that dives deeper.
Serious question     (AskGoats)
submitted by Shlarb123 to AskGoats 2.5 years ago (+16/-0)
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I was doing a little reading on Alec Badwin’s Wiki page after his gunslinging incident and I ended up finding out that his first daughter dated a black female rapper. It made me wonder, what is the proper term for this pairing? I know of coal burner and oil driller for a white woman/black man and white man/black woman, respectively, but what of lesbian race mixing? Oil prospector? I just know I won’t be able to get a proper night’s sleep until this issue is resolved.
Land or Family?     (AskGoats)
submitted by SUV_dindu_nuffin to AskGoats 2.2 years ago (+16/-0)
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My hope is getting out of the city in a few months, hopefully by the end of the year. The area I live in is so fucking expensive that you CANNOT buy any rural land for 2 to 3 hours drive, fortunately the sale of my house with jumpstart getting about 100 acres and building something nice in the rural area. So my options are:

1. Land and rural living
2. Being close to family

Personally I would value family but my side of the family is in different countries and basically nomadic. So it’s my wife’s family and they are 50%+ useless trash. So I’m sort of valuing land more.

What’s more important? Fucking off and leaving the city, or staying with family?