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Is @FacelessOne really Steve Climber?     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to AskGoats 5 days ago (+9/-0)
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Can someone explain this shit to me...?     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskGoats 3 days ago (+3/-2)
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Literally just a one word post. No content. Didn't even say anything negative. Just said the word "boomers" in the title. 21 comments (that I still haven't read because fuck that retardedness)? Nearly 300 views? Can someone ELI5?

I'm inclined to believe it's an AI program designed to make this place unbearable. Anyone have a better explanation?
What is with conversations in univeristy and the professional field having nonsequiturs aplenty?      (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 19 hours ago (+1/-0)
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I have noticed this over the course of about 15 years. It usually happens when a new topic comes up. The most perplexing part of all of this is people in the room will start responding and as if what they said was coherent with the rest of the speech thus far, and no one but me has ever spoke up with this happens. What is this mode of communication?

A client requests whether a list of internal users can have their passwords changed. Minutes later we're having a meeting about it. My teammate asks "They want to know if they can the passwords for this list of users" the guy he's asking responds with "That would be dangerous, we don't recommend changing those passwords". Then the very next sentence from my coworker is "I think we can go into the database to get a list of users" and starts listing off some other stuff about what we call the users in the list, and everyone jumps in and starts talking about this list of users and how to get it, and I have no idea why they're talking about this. I ask my coworker after the meeting why we are going to the database.

I will leave the story there for people to guess what he said as far as why we are going to the database. Why do you think we were going to look up a list of users in the database?