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Experiments in food prep:3 year old butter, 4 year old onions and green onions, and tomatos (unknown date, at least 4 years old)     (preppers)

submitted by totes_magotes to preppers 8 months ago


Canned the butter myself in 2020. Basically, you heat it up a bit, pour it into jars, shake regularly as it cools down. Tastes great, normal texture, spreads easily, does not need to be refrigerated. To be honest, the photo of the butter does not do it justice. That shit was practically a golden glowing yellow and looked amazing. Though, as to be expected from butter you've heated, when it melts it wants to separate into solids and oil especially if put in farina, oatmeal, and the like.

Onions. Freeze dried and sealed in a jar. They're onions. Nothing special. I used them in a stir fry. Tasted just fine. Could have made onion powder or minced onions from that if I wanted.

Green onions. Freeze dried. Interestingly, they turned a little brown even though they were still as crispy "fresh" as the day I canned them. I ate a couple and waited for a few hours. No stomach upset, sniffles, irritation, or explosive diarrhea so they went into the stir fry as well. These tasted just fine as well.

The tomatoes have been freeze dried and on the shelf for... I wanna say around 4 years. I honestly didn't expect them to stay on the shelf this long so I never put a date on them. I also put some in bags around the same time. The bags did NOT keep them safe and they turned into mush within months. The jars, however, were perfect for long term shelf storage. Pulling them out, they were still as "fresh" as the day they were canned. Still snapped, ground to powder, etc. They tasted fine and did not exit my ass at light speed so those went into a rice dish just fine.





What do Mexicans and cue balls have in common?     (Jokes)

submitted by totes_magotes to Jokes 8 months ago


The harder you hit them, the more English you get out of them.
How does this post have negative 4 comments?     (archive.ph)

submitted by totes_magotes to TalkDev 8 months ago


Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-do, I have a perfect story for you...     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 8 months ago


Remember that homeless fuck that had the "Golden Voice"? Turns out he's still as worthless as ever: Homeless again.     (www.thelist.com)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 8 months ago


I got about 45 minutes into this concert video before I realized it was backwards...     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 8 months ago


Also, song, if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHR-ZJh-OdI
Putting the "B" in SBBH, y'all.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by totes_magotes to SoapboxBanhammer 8 months ago


You'll own nothing and be happy: Eternal Mortgages     (archive.ph)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 8 months ago


Stupid whore cheats on her husband, makes plans to run away with her fling (who promises to leave his wife), divorces, loses everything including her fling.     (archive.ph)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 8 months ago


(((Submitter))) isn't happy with their gifts in an exchange. (Of course)     (archive.ph)

submitted by totes_magotes to Jews 8 months ago


Slut left her husband, child, life because it was "meh, okay." Now old, wrinkly, fat, and beyond her prime, she cries because her ex moved on and got everything he wanted.     (archive.ph)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 8 months ago


Experiments in food prep:2 year old potatoes and onions, fried     (pic8.co)

submitted by totes_magotes to preppers 8 months ago


Totally forgot the "before hydration" pic, sorry.

Honestly, the after pic looks completely shitty compared to how it actually looked. I'm not a food photographer, fuck off.

Anywho, on opening the bag, the potatoes and onions were in great condition. Excellent texture, good aroma, wonderful taste. I was sorely tempted to just eat it that way but I was opening to make my dinner cooking efforts a lot easier.

Not much else. No failures or weird crap to report other than I have this sudden urge to go to Ireland, lose a lot of weight, and then head back to America. I think that's normal though.

Experiments in Food Prep: The three year old biscuit.     (preppers)

submitted by totes_magotes to preppers 8 months ago


This is one of the ones that I expected to fail but I also expected freeze dried mushrooms to not turn into mush in sealed bags since it lasts forever if you immediately grind it into a powder so there's that. Additionally, I have what I call "Breakfast in a cup" which is biscuits, gravy, eggs, hashbrowns, cheese and it works very well - just add hot water and eat. The texture isn't amazing or anything like you might expect - it's more like a mush but it's tasty and doesn't seem to go bad.

For the new people at home: about 6 years ago I got a freeze dryer. Since then I've been experimenting with it to see what can and can't be done to preserve foods long term. The big selling point of freeze dried food is that, properly done and packaged, it can last up to 25 years on the shelf.

I know people have asked me to attach photos of the food I'm working with but this is just a biscuit. It looked like a biscuit before, during, after, and now. So, no picture.

Generally speaking, breads are problematic to freeze dry. Sure, you take ALL of the water out so mold, etc. can't grow on it but rehydrating any kind of bread is annoying at best because it's just so dry and adding any kind of water tends to make it just turn into mush.

I wanted to see if biscuits could be freeze dried because a good homemade biscuit can be a boon. It can be a comfort food, it can be combined with powdered or freeze dried homemade gravy (also a powder but whatever). It's not like hard tack which tastes like crackers but you absolutely want to moisten them up because the name "hard" is absolutely what they are and there's a real chance of breaking teeth if you bite into it. Biscuits turn into rocks.

I made sure that this pack of biscuits was one of the packs that hadn't lost its seal and still had vacuum.

The idea was: Whip out a pack of biscuits, add some hot water to a batch of gravy until it was a little thin, crumble the biscuit and pour the gravy on top and let the extra water rehydrate the biscuit. That part went without a hitch. Freeze dried gravy doesn't rehydrate with the same texture so I used fresh gravy in order to eliminate variables like that and the biscuit did indeed soften and become something close to what you'd expect.

Unfortunately, biscuits are made with oil, butter, lard, etc... some kind of fat. Smarter people here already see that there's a significant chance of the fat in it going rancid. I've had mixed results with fats in foods in the past so it's definitely not a "always fail" issue. For example, gravy is made with oil and it lasts fine.

The texture of the biscuit was fine. It's not a "fresh out of the oven" texture, for sure. But it's passable in a pinch. The taste was a little bitter as you might expect when oil starts to go rancid but it wasn't terribly strong. So I ate it up and waited.

Result: FAIL.

I had liquid shit squirting out of my ass all day.

So biscuits are not something you can reliably shelve for long term storage like that.
No one was "forced" to take a shot but those dancers were "forced" to eat fatty bananas. They have no standards and expect you to believe every single lie, without exception.     (aII)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 9 months ago


I swear if this thing doesn't start remembering that I'm logged in Imma shove an upgoat up someone.     (whatever)

submitted by totes_magotes to whatever 9 months ago


Oh come on, don't even act like you didn't know this was coming.     (c.tenor.com)

submitted by totes_magotes to BANANA 9 months ago


Doxxing @Scyber     (www.quickmeme.com)

submitted by totes_magotes to SoapboxBanhammer 9 months ago


🍌🍌🍌 In which @Scyber cries... 🍌🍌🍌     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 9 months ago


Banana Phone      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by totes_magotes to BANANA 9 months ago


The endless gushing of Paul Ruebens death is disgusting. He was arrested for public indecency when he masturbated in a theater and plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of possession of child pornography and had to register as a sex offender.      (aII)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 9 months ago


Isn't it amazing how when the radicalized left would take down any right wing forum that they would say "build your own" but now that Twitter has been taken from them that "build your own" isn't even on the table anymore?     (aII)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 9 months ago


I'm getting better at telling Stable Diffusion to make what I'm looking for.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by totes_magotes to StableDiffusion 9 months ago




jews kvetch over not having had a jewish president yet     (archive.ph)

submitted by totes_magotes to MeanwhileOnReddit 9 months ago


Fuck you, kikes.
Even aliens hate niggers and kikes (aka "Stop noticing, goy.")     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 9 months ago


Someone might wanna have a talk with this retard about the voat name, design, etc. At the very least, someone is going to pin this on @system     (archive.ph)

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 9 months ago


Anyone pointing out that it's voat's logo, colors, icons, etc. is getting hit it immediate downvotes strongly implying that there is more going on here than someone just stealing a design, @system