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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 235 (+263/-28)
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score: 5499

Can you PM a user that has blocked you?     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 8 months ago


I would assume no, but there's no indication if I've been blocked by AdoringMessenger. I'm PMing it to see if it's a bot.
I tried sending it a PM but I did not get an indication that it sent, and it's not in my outbox.

I guess some kind of notification would be nice addition if this is the case.
Found a good jewtube gun channel for the SBBH fags     (Guns)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to Guns 8 months ago



Overall decent info, and not a total meme channel.
Is the multiple pages of banana posting meant to cover up the fact that Bill Gates engineered Death Vax mosquitoes?     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 9 months ago


Because you don't need to bother, we already knew about that. Also condense your damn banana posts, you're setting off my jewdar.
White women should be having White babies.     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 11 months ago


That was what the sign you were holding said. You weren't the first slap in the face to wake me up, that honor goes to the jew that blamed me for the holocaust, but you were an important step to waking me up. I never got the chance to thank you for that, and I honestly have no idea who you are since I only noticed you in passing. But still, if you're somehow on this board, or if this message manages to find its way offsite to you, thank you.

As for the rest of you, stupid simple quotes like that go a long way to waking people up, and will be remembered fondly.
Anyone know who proposed Oregon measure 114     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 1.6 years ago


Just wondering which treasonous rat it is.
Here's some more information.

tldr: It will be the nation's most extreme gun control bill if it passes. I presume whoever proposed it is being quite as they don't want to be rightfully summarily executed.
Three badge niggers loot house while serving an eviction.     (Niggers)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to Niggers 1.6 years ago


The badge niggers are in fact niggers.
Blumen4alles doxxed himself and an explanation to all the recent drama     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 1.7 years ago


I would first like to start by saying how exactly he originally doxxed himself is not entirely clear, it is rather hard to get the story straight with SV, Mr. Blume, and others on ConPro deleting and editing shit. So take the first half my explanation with a grain of salt as it may be partially incorrect. I will make an account on con pro and ask JosephGoebbels5 if I can be bothered.

The first half of the self dox is due to photos Mr. Blume posted. JG, I presume, managed to find a Gab account with these photos named Mitch_Blume.

A user who is against Blume, perhaps Dangus/JG/ALS/etc, made an account named MitchfromMontana.
Which caused the second half of the self dox. Blume made a thread about the account and confirmed that it was his Gab account.
He has since edited the thread to remove the confirmation, but an archive was made before the edit.

The drama surrounding JG on ConPro, the ALS crowd on searchvoat, and the drama here has all been about this self dox, and Conpro and SV trying, and failing, to cover up Blume's self dox.

Given how the self dox resulted in a temp ban for JG, and a lot of drama at SV, I asked if this was his intention in doxxing himself, see here:

To which he denied doxxing himself, even though the archive proves he did, and then proceeded to ban me from MeanwhileOnSVF, so I couldn't get another word in.

While I suspect it is his actual Gab account, it's been around since 2018, I highly doubt the first half of his self dox was accidental. This is further compounded by the fact that his username is his Gab last name, just drop of the n4alles.
More than likely he was trying to get the JG and the AlS crowd banned for "doxxing" which almost succeeded on conpro, JG was temp banned.
This temp ban is what Conspirologist was screeching about, even though he knew none of the details.

My apologies for perpetuating the drama, but I felt it needed to be clarified to some extent since Blume is constantly lying about what happened.

Also, as far as I'm concerned, self doxxes are fair game, and not against Voat's rules. FightKnightHero was doxxed, not a self dox, and most of his dox was considered fair game by System due to it being intentionally public information.
I don't need to be a fortune teller.     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 1.8 years ago


When the kikes are this fucking predictable.

Here's what I predicted.
"Both appear to be working towards normalizing porn and degeneracy. Worse still, both appear to be working towards normalizing pedophilia."

"In Blueman's case, it's very obvious that he's doing it. The Mark Ryden "art" he uploads is clearly drawn child pornography."

"McCarthy seems to have flown a bit under the radar, probably due to how much porn he uploads and how many news articles he spams. However, a couple of his recent uploads were "barely legal" videos, a trend I expect will continue."

Three of the last porn videos McCarthy has uploaded have been of the barely legal category.
By the way, despite me calling him out for this, he 100% will continue doing this.
Edit: Post wasn't displaying properly.
Solving the downvote limit, and alt issue.     (IdeasForTalk)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to IdeasForTalk 1.8 years ago


Just tie the amount of downvotes you're allowed to give, to the amount of comments you've made.

There isn't enough good content to upvote to allow for downvoting all the degenerative spam.
Likewise, it would be very easy to spot alts if they have to comment for every downvote.
Blueman and Joe McCarthy seem to be working for the same ends     (ReportKikes)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to ReportKikes 1.8 years ago


I've noticed a pattern in their posts. Both appear to be trying to normalize porn and destroy morality in others.
The vector of attack that blueman chooses is to obfuscate the meaning of porn, and try to pass it off as art. He then uses the kike definitions of porn in an attempt to gaslight others into accepting its presence. Of course, the definition he pushes makes porn mean simultaneously everything, and nothing.
The real definition of porn is any sexual degeneracy, ranging from nudity, to sexual acts.

McCarthy uses less wordplay, and instead chooses to try and convince everyone that there is nothing wrong with it. Everything is of course wrong with it. Loose morals, especially those that are sexual in nature, have played a major role in the downfall of every civilization in history. Prudishness is fundamental to keeping a group alive, especially Europeans.
His pushing of degeneracy onto others is clearly an attempt to get men, especially young men, to go down self destructive paths.

Both appear to be working towards normalizing porn and degeneracy. Worse still, both appear to be working towards normalizing pedophilia.
In Blueman's case, it's very obvious that he's doing it. The Mark Ryden "art" he uploads is clearly drawn child pornography.
McCarthy seems to have flown a bit under the radar, probably due to how much porn he uploads and how many news articles he spams. However, a couple of his recent uploads were "barely legal" videos, a trend I expect will continue.

I know McCarthy is a kike, both from his degenerative spam, his methods of deflection when he gets called out, i.e. saying what you're saying makes no sense that you're crazy etc., and his extreme over reaction to being called a kike.
Blueman seems to working for the same ends as McCarthy, and his method of deflection is both to obfuscate and to accuse others of what he is guilty of, i.e. "if you dislike the pedophilic porn I upload, it means you're a pedophile". So I strongly suspect Blueman of not only being a kike, but also working for the same group as McCarthy.

As someone else pointed out, and I'm forgetting who, the combination of pedophilic, to very close to being pedophilic porn, leads me to believe if they can't succeed in pushing degeneracy, they'll opt for taking both Voat and catbox down with real child pornography.

Which leads me to my last point, has anyone contacted the owner of catbox? If not, let me know and I'll write him an email. Given their behavior, I suspect he'll want to keep a close eye on both accounts, if not flat out terminate them.
Is this an admission of using multiple accounts? I can't tell, the English is too broken.     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 1.8 years ago



What variation of nigger are you, and have you considered just using machine translating?
4chan got their A.I. girlfriends. They couldn't handle them.     (AI)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to AI 1.9 years ago



Sorry for the youtube link, none of the video rerouting sites are working for me.
The guy that made them trained the models from three years of 4chan posts. The model is currently unable to be downloaded, and the website that was running it is currently offline.

He seems like a cool dude, I'm sure if you guys want to I can needle him enough to release it so we can play around with it.

Even if he won't release it, the training data, and the baseline model he used is available.
Reminder, most jews are niggers when it comes to math.     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 2.2 years ago


So we know they want to reduce the global population. The number that gets thrown around is 500,000,000. We also know that in accordance with their end time prophecies, each jew will have 1,000 slaves.
This gives us a nice little math equation to figure out just how many jews are around during their end times.

500,000,000 = (x*1000+x) Where x is the total number of jews.
500,000,000 = x(1000+1) = x*1001
500,000,000/1,001 = 499,500.4995
Remove the decimal as you can't have half a jew and you are left with 499,500 jews.
From memory, the number of jews on earth today is around 15,000,000.
499,500/15,000,000 = 0.0333 or 3.333%
Three percent of all jews currently alive today, will be around during their end times according to their own prophecies.
What does the symbol for the Black Sun represent     (YearOfTheBlackSun)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.3 years ago


I did a quick search a while back on some less kiked search engines, but any information regarding the symbol was alongside screeching about "neo-nazis".

I would appreciate some decent information on it.
UCC shooting     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 2.3 years ago


I'm wondering if the shooter had a manifesto. People say he was working for Al-Qaida, but as usual, my question is why did he choose a random target and not a synagogue or some equivalent target?

I would like to start a new branch of my archive that compiles mass shooters, and their jewish connections.

@MartinTimothy don't bother trying to tell me it wasn't real, because I KNOW it was real.
OP never delivers     (MeanwhileOnReddit)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to MeanwhileOnReddit 2.3 years ago



Long story short, OP said he had pictures of a concentration camp from his great grandfather. He then never posted them.

Can't be assed to make an account to troll the OP, but would very much enjoy someone else doing it. Do double check his posts, I went through the relevant time period posts twice, but couldn't find anymore pictures or links.
The Bogdanoffs: The Trolls who shook Physics     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 2.3 years ago



The timestamp is set when he's going over the Bogdanoffs family history. Long story short, they're quadroons. Their grandmother, was possibly a jew, given her behavior and their behavior, you'll see what I mean later on in the video when it comes to their papers.

If you need a more moderate source to explain to someone why race mixing is bad, send them this video, and point out what I say below.
To cover it all, the Bogdanoffs had from all appearances, a roughly mestizo intelligence. They had severe body dysmorphia, hence all the plastic surgery. They had no capacity to admit wrong doing, accept criticism, and had to be successful even when that success was entirely artificial, which was probably the result of extreme emotional instability. One brother was a genetic dead end, the other was married multiple times, showing an inability to pair bond.

P.S. I would throw this in a jew subverse, but I can't actually determine if their grandmother was a jew. Her facial features aren't jewish, and her name is debatably not jewish, but her and her grandsons behavior sets my jewdar off.
Sargon and the Lotus Eaters may be controlled op. But they do occasionally post something of note.     (TheEternalJew)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to TheEternalJew 2.4 years ago


The video goes over Theodore Kaufman's book "Germany Must Perish"
Kaufman, who is a jew, calls for the complete extermination of the German people. Why no German Americans blew his fucking head off is beyond me. But it's also beyond me why my German Great Grandfather fought in WW2 when his father came to the US to escape the horrors of post WW1 Germany.

Due to LE being normie safe, and this especially retarded kike making this book, I figured this would be a good video to try to redpill normies on the jews. At least it will open up some of the more stubborn ones that some jews wish them dead.

I've already added the video to my archives, and will be added the book once I find an archive of it.
Compile your damn memes in a single post     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 2.4 years ago


I'm talking to you @oursenilepresident.

Also, be aware that deleting and reuploading posts without reason is spamming.
I noticed you deleted and reuploaded. https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=61c157fb08f21
Taylor Swift     (Jews)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to Jews 2.4 years ago


Our local rabbi is abusing the anon function in a vain attempt to get us to breed with bugs again. Seriously when are you fucks going to learn we find them rather gross looking.
Link to post here: https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=61ad5ee207861

He tried passing Taylor Swift off as white, unfortunately for him a quick internet search will give countless articles, mostly from the times of isreal, that she is in fact jewish.

Her real name is Taylor Swiftowitz.
Here's an in detail article: https://archive.vn/Qffja

So I guess you should go follow your own advice kike, since it appears jewish "women" only want niggers.
Stumbled on something interesting when looking up Cerberus to make sure I was spelling it correctly.     (TheEternalJew)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to TheEternalJew 2.5 years ago


Sorry in advance for quoting basically the entire page, but damn it's juicy.

Cerberus Capital Management

>Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. is an American private equity firm,[2] specializing in distressed investing.[3] The firm is based in New York City, and run by Steve Feinberg, who co-founded Cerberus in 1992, with William L. Richter, who serves as a senior managing director. The firm has affiliate and advisory offices in the United States, Europe and Asia.[4] Cerberus has around US$45 billion under management in funds and accounts. The company is a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Registered Investment Adviser.[5] Investors include government and private sector pension and retirement funds, charitable foundations, university endowments, insurance companies, family savings and sovereign wealth funds.[2]

Steve Feinberg

>Stephen Andrew Feinberg (born March 29, 1960) is an American businessman and investor active in hedge fund management and private equity.[1] He is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Cerberus Capital Management. As of March 2019, his net worth is US$1.5 billion.[2] In 2017 Cerberus also owned DynCorp, which is a major national security contractor with the US government, charging billions for overseas military and police training.[3] On May 11, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump named Feinberg to head the President's Intelligence Advisory Board.[4]

Early life, as expected.
>Feinberg was born to a Jewish family[5][6] and raised in The Bronx, New York. When aged eight, his family moved to Spring Valley, New York,[7] a suburb of New York City. His father was a steel salesman.[7] He graduated with an A.B. in politics from Princeton University in 1982 after completing a 94-page long senior thesis titled "The Politics of Prostitution and Drug Legalization."[8][9] While a student at Princeton, Feinberg captained the tennis team and joined the Reserve Officers' Training Corps.[7]

Professional Career
>After graduating from college, Feinberg worked as a trader at Drexel Burnham in 1982 and later at Gruntal & Co..[10] In 1992, at the age of 32, Feinberg co-founded Cerberus Capital Management with William L. Richter.[10] At the time the firm had $10 million under management; its assets under management have since grown to over $30 billion in 2016.[11][12] In 1999, the firm hired former vice president Dan Quayle as a chairman of Cerberus Global Investment.[13] In 2006, the firm hired former United States Secretary of the Treasury John Snow, who serves as a chairman of Cerberus.[14] In May 2011, Feinberg stated that he believed residential mortgage-backed securities may present "a real opportunity for continued investment for quite a period of time"[15] and that there were opportunities in buying assets from European banks. Feinberg has been critical about the pay received by private equity executives, stating, "In general, I think that all of us are way overpaid in this business. It is almost embarrassing."[16] He has also noted in comments made in 2011 that smaller private equity fund sizes may be better for investor returns: "If your goal is to maximize your return as opposed to assets under management, I think you can be most effective with a big company infrastructure and a little bit smaller fund size."[16] Feinberg has been described as "secretive" in The New York Times.[17] In 2007, Feinberg told Cerberus shareholders, "If anyone at Cerberus has his picture in the paper and a picture of his apartment, we will do more than fire that person. We will kill him. The jail sentence will be worth it."[18] Cerberus is the parent company of DynCorp, which is a major national security contractor with the U.S. government.[3] Cerberus owned Freedom Group, the company that owned Remington, the manufacturer of the gun that was used at the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

Political Involvment
>Feinberg is a major Republican donor.[19] In 2016, he served on the Trump Economic Advisory Council during Donald Trump's presidential campaign, donated nearly $1.5 million to pro-Trump PACs, and co-hosted a $50,000 per person Republican National Committee and Trump fundraising dinner alongside other financiers.[20][21] In February 2017, the New York Times reported that President Trump will assign Feinberg a role in the White House leading a review of the US intelligence agencies.[22] He is a member of The Business Council in Washington, DC, an association of chief executive officers from a broad range of companies who meet several times a year for high-level policy discussions.[23][24]
Make them dig a moat     (FeralBantuInvaders)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to FeralBantuInvaders 2.6 years ago


So, someone in another thread had the brilliant idea of tasking the niggers you're forced to hire with digging a hole, and then filling it back in, at a great distance from your house.
That way they can't plan with their nigger friends on how best to attack you and your family.

But why stop there? Have the damn niggers dig you a moat around your entire property. Use the material they dig to make bricks, and then build a wall on your side of the moat. Hell, have them make the bricks, even a nigger can do it with someone supervising them, and then use your competent white employees to make a fortress out of the bricks.
Subconscious subversion through seemingly innocent media, that can only be seen once fully red pilled.     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 2.7 years ago



Many of us grew up with this. Do you see what narrative was planted in our young minds, that only now we can see?

When you start to look back at your past, it makes sense why the average joe is so damn hard to wake up. Their entire lives have been a never ending stream of propaganda.

It is all jews, and there is a jew around ever corner in this society.
Age and childbirth research     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 2.7 years ago


I need someone to compile some information for me on the risks of waiting to have children until they're older, as in late thirties to fifties.

Basically, my sister is being retarded and is planning to wait to marry and have kids until she is 40, she's currently in her twenties.

I would just do it myself, but some of you may have that information on hand, so I'm going to you first.

Also, evidence that the media is encouraging women to wait to have children would be wonderful. As she has somehow gotten it into her head that the ((media)) want her to marry and have kids when she is young. Like I said, she's being exceptionally retarded.

Jew pills are fine, she knows about them.

Thanks in advance, I'll be away for a few hours.
Something odd is happening with the flu     (whatever)

submitted by s23erdctfvyg to whatever 2.7 years ago


I'm having people I know die from "covid". What's commonly happening is inflammation within the lungs, heart, and other organs. I suspected this would happen to those that took the vaccine this time of year, as it fits right inline with what happened during animal trials. It's essentially the immune system attacking the body.

However, it's not just people who took the vaccine. I've now known a few people that were completely unvaccinated, that either had or are having similar effects, some of them have died, some of them are in intensive care.

Anyone know what is going on? There's the possibility that the people saying the vax can self spread are correct. Up to this point I've dismissed it as a possibility as it would be far to difficult to control the spread. That being said, the people who were unvaccinated that have gotten sick, do live with vaccinated people.

If this can be confirmed beyond reasonable doubt, where do we go from here?