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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 355 (+368/-13)
ccp: 1514 (+1563/-49)
votes given: 3323 (+3293/-30)
score: 1869


He talks about how he wasn't bribed, despite their tries. They won him by breeding him and using his paternal instincts against him.

/v/Republicucks viewpost?postid=65d82bfde8d52

I'm happy to say I've bought a half a cow a year for the last few years, splitting the other half with friends. The cows come from farmers we know, who's kids play with ours, and it's a win-win.

After butchering we were at about 4-5 bucks a pound, and about 450 lbs per year, 100% grass fed. ($1800-$2250), some of the weight is bone in stuff.

Next time we're going to mix in pork fat to help reduce some of the grass flavorings.

/v/Weimerica viewpost?postid=65d7cba1254a4

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get through it ok. Dogs have a special place in our hearts for a reason, especially if he was enough to make you post here.

After so many, I'm ready to have no more after my current one of gets too old.

May you find the light of day yet again.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=65d3fc3505cc6

definitely something Dial would do.

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=65cf794aabdb8

I can't tell what part is parody and what part is real anymore... ugh.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65bc1d2946be2

They're pretty neat. There's a few networks in the area around me. I've had about a 30% failure rate on the radios I ordered a few years back though.

I'd say get one for each of your vehicles, plate carriers, and placed statically anywhere you can reach that's high up. I heard you can integrate them with atak, but I've yet to dig in that far.

/v/BushCamp viewpost?postid=65b7d1ba656e3

I don't think it profound as much as I think it a simple warning to be aware of what you consume and the consequences it has on you, your outlook, and your family.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65a95c5fea5ca

Don't we all? I lucked out in that mine is loyal and caring, but looking back I sure made dumb choices.

/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=65a9862ad13e3

Yeah, that reminds me of the self-feeding circle where you hate people the more you learn. The more you hate them the more you are driven to learn. Eventually you have no one left if you are not careful.

Keep your family and friends close, give them patience to go down the path you have traveled, and don't overload them. You learned bit by bit, they can't learn huge chunks at a time and not reject you.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65a95c5fea5ca

There's only one captain of a ship. Decide what you want to do, tell your wife what's happening, and move forward. Either she'll support you or she wont.

I've been lucky enough to have a supporting wife, with me through good jobs, no jobs, and everything in between.

Your job is to sacrifice for your wife and family, by wage slaving, by going out and earning an income, by devoting your time to a business you started, whatever you are doing to survive.

By providing for your family above that which you would provide your self, you are sacrificing your life energy for them.

Don't let them confuse the situation.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=65a937ecc9308

I'd be happy to go out while using a wingsuit, flying through the air, pretending to not just be falling to earth.

If I was out and about in nature, drowning would be my choice. It's not too bad, after having been somewhat close a few times.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=65a6f3513b101

Fuck that money in the bank shit, I spend my money before it's inflated away. Buy resources, land, food, ammo, supply friends and family.

/v/random viewpost?postid=65a58d59e0187

C++ isn't a big deal to learn, Learn it for class and don't worry about it. I'd rather use go, or learn rust, or go back to Python or PHP. Each language comes easier and easier.. I'm not a programer or developer but a c-suite engineering seat and I can use quite a few languages.

What does this mean for you?
Learn a lot of languages, it's really not that hard to become proficient in many. It is hard to truly master them though.

You can do it if you are here on this site. I have faith in you to make it this far, just don't get stuck here. Keep moving forward, up, and always improve thyself.

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=659dd19961551

Unless his LTC or Avalanche bots turn a profit. Getting them trained right is rather difficult though.

/v/x0x7projects viewpost?postid=659d9bb3dcd9a

Hey man, I don't have any advice, but I do wish you well on the path, and to let you know that you have support and are looked positively on by others. Keep up the dedication and forward movement.

With respect,

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659ca22e958a7

How so?

Only cross bred descendants of it exist still.

If your daughter (the last White person alive) got railed by a nigger, and produced offspring, then that child would not be White, and after your daughter dies, the last White person will have passed. That child would have DNA present in a now extinct race of hominin.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=659c36cba8126

I take time to go out into nature, walk, nap, and bask in it. It doesn't help me be motivated, but it does help ease up on anxiety, and let's me focus on the things I need to accomplish which get in the way of my motivation.

Similar to meditation, it helps you reset your mental state, and file away thoughts.

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=658caa513cc88

What ties you to the area? Seems like NY is an area to avoid. Good on you for not taking their shit though, it shows through with the rest of your posts.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=658c9d3a69f0e

Finish the story, how'd it turn out?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=658c360f6107f

Very nice, thank you System!

/v/all viewpost?postid=6589c9520161c

I rode on my dad's bikes that way, up until I was big enough to start my own. From there we ventured forth together, exploring the trails, hills, and roads. Eventually I was big enough for a full size bike.

After the first ride with the bike, my dad told me that he had waited from the moment he found out my mom was pregnant for that day to come, and that I wouldn't know how much it meant to him until I had my own kids to repeat the process.

Simple messages stick with you and I'm happy to repay it forward to my kids.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65820e5123489

"The fuck you doing, this wasn't what was assigned."

I have no problem asking my staff similar questions, and they generally stay on topic. I suppose I'm lucky to not deal with developers as much as I do with SRE/DevOps guys who still write plenty of code and features to keep the lights on.

Perhaps it helps that my whole team is White males too? Become brutal, the Whites can handle it and will endure. Eventually your whole team will be winners.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=65789e769001a

The ballpoint pen signature was a nice touch.

/v/NiggerCulture viewpost?postid=6568dffa3f80b