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Member for: 2.1 years

scp: 36 (+37/-1)
ccp: 129 (+154/-25)
votes given: 5987 (+5967/-20)
score: 165


aldecal 2 points 6 months ago

And I have no problem with people like you, I wish more had that attitude. Sadly, your type is way less outspoken than those like in the OP.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=655b7bbe998c0

aldecal 0 points 6 months ago

Tell Christians to stop shoving their religion in everyone's faces like a guy at work trying to show you picture of his kids and then maybe people will stop resisting.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=655b7bbe998c0

aldecal 0 points 6 months ago*

Are you dense on purpose? I don't care that you think I'm going to suffer in the afterlife, I care that you believe it and are happy about it. I am focused on the actual problem, it's Christians constantly pushing their shit in a movement that should be about fighting jews that's the issue. I'm never the one to bring Christianity up, it's you guys who never change the topic.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=655b7bbe998c0

aldecal 1 point 6 months ago

They downvoted him because he spoke the truth.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=655b7bbe998c0

aldecal 8 points 6 months ago

It's not irrational to hate something that hates you. I became anti-semitic because jews are trying to destroy my people and look down on me as a slave. That's the same instinct that leads me to hate a religion which tries to gaslight me into thinking a loving and merciful god is going to eternally torture me for not believing in him. Christians often gleefully gloat about how people like me are going to be eternally tortured even though I've often been asked if I'm a Christian by strangers because I behave more like one than most of the southern Baptists you'll find. If a group is happy to see me suffer over something I can't help (I tried to believe growing up, but it's bogus) then fuck them.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=655b7bbe998c0

Tons of goys use christcuck. I'm not jewish and I have multiple White nationalist friends who aren't jewish and all of us are agnostic. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a jew and when you say stupid shit like everyone who denies Christ will burn in hell we who don't believe naturally start to feel a little bit hostile. Then I see people celebrating Boniface, who destroyed a sacred European religious symbol, and all the other examples of Christianity wiping away traditional European practices by force, and yeah, I view it as something inherently dangerous and anti-European. It destroys national identities in many ways. A slave can't have two masters, as y'all say, so you have to pick between pro-white and pro-Christian, because Christianity is naturally in favor of a pan-racial brotherhood accepting of all who embrace your religion.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=655b7bbe998c0

aldecal 1 point 6 months ago

The other day I got into an argument on X with some Christian who said he didn't care if immigrants came in because they were mostly Catholic.

/v/Christian viewpost?postid=655b6fa14154e

aldecal 1 point 6 months ago

It's a mix of both, but mostly the foam with shrink wrap. The basement is cool but not refrigerated, maybe 65 to 70 fahrenheit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=653fe15a1ef34

aldecal 1 point 6 months ago

Standing, totally thawed, all of it. Interesting suggestion, thanks!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=653fe15a1ef34

aldecal 1 point 6 months ago

It all looked fine to me, that's good to hear. Thanks!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=653fe15a1ef34

aldecal 9 points 6 months ago

I knew it would come to this.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=653fe15a1ef34

aldecal 2 points 8 months ago

Didn't even realize it was 9/11 until like 10 pm today.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64ffc27dcf2f0

aldecal 1 point 8 months ago

I had a hamster like that when I was a kid. Named it Roger a month before I learned he was a chick.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=64f8d54c487db

aldecal 3 points 8 months ago

His mother was Jewish, I doubt he was all that against zionism.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=64f7f124571d8

aldecal 0 points 8 months ago

It's to be referred to as the house female.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64f5595be3c61

aldecal 0 points 9 months ago

Let's not think so binary, you can be pro gun and still understand that the free love generation might have something to do with our degenerate culture.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=64ebefdacf5f8

aldecal 1 point 9 months ago

Wouldn't a rice-boiler be a woman? What should a man be? Something to do with egg rolls I think.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64eaf9bf2852b

aldecal 5 points 9 months ago

I see now how the British so easily conquered them.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64da3df18e425

aldecal 0 points 9 months ago

Or just...don't let them be here? They can't collevt if they're stopped at the border or kicked out on sight.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d1d3ff8a193

aldecal 1 point 9 months ago

If I were the camera man I would have assumed the car would brake or change lanes. That driver must have been texting or something.

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=64caf900db0d2