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Member for: 2.4 years

scp: 36 (+37/-1)
ccp: 129 (+154/-25)
votes given: 5987 (+5967/-20)
score: 165

Basement freezer was left open for a day, is my mom's meat ok?     (whatever)

submitted by aldecal to whatever 10 months ago


I don't believe in that bull shit about it spoiling after 2 hours and I'm typically of the opinion that if it smells alright (which it does) and it looks alright (it does) then it's fine. My mom is the type to worry and she wants to throw away hundreds of dollars of meat just because it thawed out for a day. I know our ancestors didn't have fridges, I doubt every unpreserved piece of meat was killed within a day of being butchered, and people these days tend to be pussies who let the 1% of bad cases over rule the 99% of the time things are fine. Am I being stupid in this case
The new Total War has kangz     (whatever)

submitted by aldecal to whatever 1.3 years ago


The actual gameplay and mechanics have been getting worse for about a decade anyway, haven't bought a Total War since Warhammer 1 in spite of them being my favorite franchise for a decade before that. Why can't someone just make a similar game but actually good? Ultimate General Civil War is pretty great and the closest I've found, but it's missing the 3d models and ability to rotate the map, as well as a sandbox campaign.
Anyone else miss Murdoch Murdoch?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by aldecal to AskUpgoat 1.6 years ago


I've watched the whole series 3 times, once alone, once with my mom after red pilling her, and once with my ex girlfriend. Far as I can tell they haven't made anything in over a year and I really enjoyed them.
Any way to meet wholesome girls without going to church?     (whatever)

submitted by aldecal to whatever 2.2 years ago


I'm not Christian but I still have similar tastes and values. I hate tattoos, degeneracy, and being just one of many dudes to fuck with her. I want a quality woman and I don't see them hanging out in bars or at the club where normies go to get chicks.