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Thinking of starting an airline called "White Flight Airlines". An airline for white people only.     (WhitePower)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to WhitePower 3 months ago


Apple has sold 200,000 Vision Pro Headsets     (www.macrumors.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to WTF 3 months ago


Why in hell would people buy this? I bet when Apple starts selling a port that implants into the spine these morons would buy that too. This "Ghost in the Shell" shit is starting to get out of hand.
Kike Kike Abrams is here to fuck up another thing I liked as a child...Krull     (www.giantfreakinrobot.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to movies 3 months ago


Now Krull isn't a masterpiece or anything but Kike Kike ruins everything he is involved with.
NASA delays moon landing AGAIN...until 2026.     (news.yahoo.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to Space 4 months ago


I hope China hauls our Apollo shit back and sells it on eBay.
Feminism Has Destroyed Dating in the West     (www.eutimes.net)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to Women 4 months ago


It’s a problem in the western world that is rarely discussed in the media beyond puff-piece articles and glancing polls that avoid connecting the dots. The precipitous decline of dating, committed relationships and marriage along with a flatline in population in the past couple decades in the US is treated as a novelty issue rather than the threat to the stability of civilization that it actually is. History shows that without the traditional family structure, numerous ugly societal consequences follow.
Every movie coming out in 2024 is shit     (variety.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to movies 4 months ago


Side note, if you've seen ANY Ryan Reynolds movie, you've seen Deadpool 3. Do we need a Matrix...err...John Wick spinoff, another Bad Nogs, or a civil war movie with no doubt the kikes are the good guys?
Hardware Wars 1978     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to movies 5 months ago


I remember the local channels (not ABC or major networks, the cool ones that showed cartoons) showing this when there were no infomercials running back in the 80s.
Robocop 2 (1990) "The Kid Goes Wild" (Babylon A.D.) Music Video     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to music 5 months ago


SAm Kinison Version!
One of the few Jews I would fuck, Scarlett Johansson, is suing Lisa AI because it can make real videos of her.     (archive.is)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to JewMedia 5 months ago


And fuck her only in her Black Widow costume.

Lisa AI is available right now in the Play or Apple Store. It's charging $5.99 after a one week trial.

Original Article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/scarlett-johansson-sues-ai-generator-over-deep-fake-images/ar-AA1jYVbq?ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=d86dda7794324ad28defdb80c95c4e6f&ei=11
One of the few Jews I would fuck, Scarlett Johansson, is suing Lisa AI because it can make real videos of her.     (archive.is)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to whatever 5 months ago


And fuck her only in her Black Widow costume.

Lisa AI is available right now in the Play or Apple Store. It's charging $5.99 after a one week trial.

Original Article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/scarlett-johansson-sues-ai-generator-over-deep-fake-images/ar-AA1jYVbq?ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=d86dda7794324ad28defdb80c95c4e6f&ei=11
One of the few Jews I would fuck, Scarlett Johansson, is suing Lisa AI because it can make real videos of her.     (archive.is)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to JewMedia 5 months ago


And fuck her only in her Black Widow costume.

Lisa AI is available right now in the Play or Apple Store. It's charging $5.99 after a one week trial.

Original Article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/scarlett-johansson-sues-ai-generator-over-deep-fake-images/ar-AA1jYVbq?ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=d86dda7794324ad28defdb80c95c4e6f&ei=11
The Good Guys appear to be winning...for now     (www.msn.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to Jews 7 months ago


I am curious to see if this stays contained between Gaza and Israel or the rest of the Arab world just says fuck it and goes all in.
Never underestimate smart people to fuck things up. Case in point. NASA killed proof of life on Mars.     (bigthink.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to Space 10 months ago


OceanGate took EIGHT HOURS report to the Coast Guard about the missing sub.     (www.dailymail.co.uk)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to WorldNews 10 months ago


Sounds like they tried to find it themselves. Expect lawsuits and criminal charges at some point.
Youtube video of the doomed sub to the Titanic from 10 months ago. Notice its plethora of safety and modern features!     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to Newsofthestupid 10 months ago


This story keeps getting better.
Cracker Barrel has gone DIE!     (www.marketwatch.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to Wokeness 11 months ago


Et Tu, Cracker Barrel. Is nothing sacred anymore? Not even for Coca-cola cake or blackened catfish?
The "starter home" is no more, but that was always the plan     (mishtalk.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to EconomicCollapse 11 months ago


Realistically they want a nation of renters, not property owners. Property ownership (along with the 2A) has always been the primary stopping block for the (((international elites))) to impose full communism on the US. Now if you don't pay your taxes on the property they can take it from you, and they will. But suppose you pay off house you're in. I bet you can work as a Walmart greeter or McDonalds and make enough to cover the taxes each year. Housing is the biggest piece of anyone's income and once you have a free and clear place (and with most states protecting primary residents from lawsuits) you can pretty much be in a "Fuck you" position. They can't make private property ownership illegal but they can make it so no one can afford it.
Took a vacation from white supremacy and naming the kike and did some self-reflection.     (WhiteNationalism)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to WhiteNationalism 11 months ago


I found out I got shadow banned on goyimtv for some odd reason so I gassed my own accounts there and on gab, shing, and odysee. I dunno. I've thrown flyers, donated to GDL and creators but the shadow ban bothers me. While I don't think HT, White Tuber, Weston Paradigm, or anyone else is a fed I find a lot of recent behavior and events suspect. DA's don't issue warrants for littering. I also can't understand why the bulk of them can't figure out that Zelensky isn't one of our guys. He's a gay faggot pushing zionism. He's a Zionist owned tool. I literally got death threats in chats for posting that. It's not like it's hard to find any of this. Even wikipedia still has who created Asov posted.

It's like back in the day when TRS and Mike the Kike (pathetic and easily defeated paywall) was trashing the Northwest Front. I reached out a couple of times to TRS people and all of them were in the "fuck the NF camp". These creators are fighting for the very little money real white nationalists have left and are trashing each other. Same shit, different day. What's sad is these white people don't have the money to give and they are just so defeated and tired and these people are taking advantage.

Now HT has said many times to stop fighting and unify and I respect that but his mods and mods on odysee white nationalists channels are clearly think otherwise. Night Nation Review is banking on making a living off this and that is not what's about. The guy also comes off as pretty smug asshole. White Tuber, while very entertaining, is doing the same thing. Flood's deep fakes are good but 99% of it is preaching to the choir. NNR is clearly on the TRS paywall route.

I did donate to the NF. I wish I had the chance to meet Harold Covington. I still think the NF is still only option left to us but very few others think so. These people think kicking the kikes out of America will fix this and that is never happening. There is only one way that happens and no one is going to do that.

I still lurk but do I create a new accounts and start over with telegram and GDL, knowing the same result is likely or just say fuck it, move to Washington state and hope Covington's solution was the right one?
Hidden "McBain" movie secreted in multiple Simpsons episodes     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to movies 11 months ago


Early on in The Simpsons (when it was good) they had an in-series movie called McBain. Someone edited together all the segments.
I must not be understanding this whole AI thing     (AI)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to AI 11 months ago


I am seeing either A) "AI" sites that generate porn or B) chatbots that seems to have some decent code to make quickly rendered results via AUTOMATION and REPEATIVE searches. AI should really stand for "automation infrastructure" or something like that. There is nothing "intelligent" about any of this.
Bri Teresi said she’s cutting ties with the prominent lingerie company Honey Birdette after it employed a “non-binary” man in one of its advertisements.     (www.breitbart.com)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to Faggots 1 year ago


I don't see how fags wearing women's underwear is going to move units.
(S)elction 2024     (electionfraud)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to electionfraud 1 year ago


Who will you vote hard for?
Most of your favorite radio stations are on what band?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to AskUpgoat 1 year ago


Also, what do you listen to on your band?
Hogwarts Legacy - a few observations     (gaming)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to gaming 1.2 years ago


My wife is playing it. Had to shell out for a PS5, the game, controllers, and I've played Sonic the Hedgehog for like 15 mins so far. Anyway. Some game came with it. Don't remember what it's called. Too lazy to go to the garage and look at the box but it's an antifa gay biker looking mother fucker with snow and mountains in the background. Probably sucks.

1) Some old woman has a WIFE. So the woke checkbox got it's checkmark. She was a minor character for a mini quest just to learn how to do something.

2) You can go behind the counter at the shops in Hogsmead and no one cares. Go behind the counter at a real business and see what happens.

3) Someone coded in the ability to pet cats that appear randomly in Hogsmead. I guess the intern got to do some unpaid coding work.

Everything else is generic adventure game with Harry Potter skin on it.
How many clots can a clot shot cause when a clot shot does cause clots?     (CovidWorldOrder)

submitted by RobertJHarsh to CovidWorldOrder 1.3 years ago