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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 369 (+402/-33)
ccp: 4297 (+4401/-104)
votes given: 1602 (+1233/-369)
score: 4666


That's somehow more disturbing than when I turned her into Lovecraftian horrors.

/v/SoapboxBanhammer viewpost?postid=662ba35adc80c

As a southerner - No. Stay the fuck out. We don't want you either.

/v/Republicucks viewpost?postid=662af20a7ad73

I was thinking the other day about how the absolute pinnacle of "black" music was created by three jewish dorks rapping about Mr. Spock.

/v/music viewpost?postid=662a6522abb64

She looks cute. I'd put Aryan babies in her.

/v/news viewpost?postid=662a36138dae7

There was a ChubbyEmu video about something similar. Dude lost his job and ate a ton of ramen. It made him sick as hell and he almost died multiple times.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=662a38a552a0c

Plus, the people on the walk flat out *buy* the tiles. Anyone can probably do it with enough money.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629d129944b4

They're just taunting people who want a new Prelude.

/v/cars viewpost?postid=662884788feec

I bet the owner of my last job is seething. He loved those stupid things.

/v/news viewpost?postid=66284ebe88123

Baldwin is a dickbird, but he showed quite a bit of restraint here. Why do niggers just repeat themselves over and over like a parrot?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6627a58069a96

Dave from Accounting? I fucking knew it.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6626eec095d54

Why are you recommending something that spicy when he could go with something milder like a bhut jolokia?

/v/Food viewpost?postid=662685319fa93

I've played Magic since 1994. Right after Fallen Empires was released. I met most of my closest friends through the game. Some of us got together last night to play.

Cynthia Williams, Chris Cocks, Mark Rosewater, and leftist politics have absolutely ruined the game. Shut the fuck up about niche corner case "representation". It's a card game. I didn't like the game because I saw a bunch of white dudes on the cards and shitty digital slop "art". I liked it because Craw Wurm and Feral Thallid were fucking cool.

I liked D&D because of all the awesome ads in my comic books back in the 90's. Now it's just a brand to slap on any goddamn thing.

Why the fuck was the CEO someone who had to read about the game off of Wikipedia *during* a livestream?

Fucking ridiculous.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=6624f584b4ebe

I don't know man. Maybe it's hedonism. I used to go out to concerts a lot. Mostly smaller Atlanta local bands. I'm too old for that shit now. Chefs and high end dining get treated like rock stars now. Maybe it's trying to live vicariously. Who knows.

I appreciate good food and I get very irritated when I go out and pay money for food that isn't as good as what I can make myself. I think that's key though. I've got decent kitchen skills. These people might not and they're trying to live a life that isn't theirs.

Who knows. Fuck 'em.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66222344e02b7

Why do people gush over Mexican food so much? I enjoy it. It's fine. One of my favorite places in town is an authentic Mexican spot. But that's just it, it's *fine* It's just food and it's clearly poverty food.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66222344e02b7

I hate cyclists so much. How the fuck do you manage to take up an entire lane on a bicycle?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6621d7e240b3d