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Member for: 1.4 years

scp: 396 (+410/-14)
ccp: 616 (+654/-38)
votes given: 1197 (+1171/-26)
score: 1012


1 character per point.

That would be a challenge.

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=6436357ee2872

It only looks round because of the water really.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6436a5abecd34

If I don't want the bbc channels but still want live tv, I still have to pay the bbc through the tax or go to prison.

Go fuck yourself not government funded.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=643413c60d4a9

If you've had the vax at all, every type of damage your body takes is linked to it, unless proven otherwise.

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=6433e49a90b40

>People at high risk include those aged 65 or older and pregnant women.

Just fucking no.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=643415bb06114

When you cook food it nukes it, so we need a vaxed person to let us cook some of their blood to see if the cells break down the same way. I mean bacteria get nuked in an oven.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6431333d8b53c

Bud is in multiple countries and the gay ass angle from them is aimed only inside the USA.

Same with all the companies that go woke, it's almost 100% inside American territory.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64300624239f3

3 hours a day of interactive fun = alcoholic.

8 hours of tv a day = nothing wrong with you.

Anyone that says video games are bad for you is normally just shit at them.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642f44135547e

Ok, but you know if you have less than 2 hours game time you can get a refund on steam?

And eh microsoft is shit just switch to linux.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=642e3520a5e3f

There's no point in pirating games on pc imo.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=642e3520a5e3f

Once you discover steam sales, console prices make absolutely no sense. Also no monthly fees.

The best part about pc is you can play with other people even on a piece of shit because you can just drop settings.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=642e3520a5e3f

Paying taxes is still less shit than finding tradesmen for every single thing I need or materials to source.

Currency is a double edged sword.

Even if you pay 0 tax, they can just print the taxation so they'll get you either way.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642d9c66beeb7

The trailer looks fucking awful regardless of the story.

/v/movies viewpost?postid=642d68891247c

So suck your balls in we're off to war.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=642d1450c5293

Eh because they have a massive shared border with Russia?

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=642d1450c5293

Yeh calling bullshit on past life memories.

/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=642c50f2afc76

Typical. All the faggy women come storming in afterwards.

Hedindu Nuffins

/v/killallpedophiles viewpost?postid=642b0bdda72e1

Roughly 15,000 per person.

So cheap.

You might as well just say fuck it and not trade in dollars anymore.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6427c01e0880c

There shouldn't be any minimum wage. It pushes inflation like fuck.

/v/ShitBoomersSay viewpost?postid=6420b47f0a59b

Think about your statement. You are actively using less computing power to come up with a "correct" answer.

Just because you can get a computer to say its TRUE doesn't mean it's good programming. It means you're a lazy faggot and you need to do better next time.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641fbf0c4e821

Actually, as an actual mensa grade smart person, I'd advise you should vaccinate 0 people and let shit genetics kill the weak. It's better in the long run for sustainability of the species. All you do is help build the next even worse bacteria/virus/whatever that will shit on your current vaccine.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=64201adabde0b

Good. That's the sound of gullibility being flushed out the genetic pool.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=641fdf0e272a6