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Member for: 5 months

scp: 530 (+550/-20)
ccp: 1303 (+1380/-77)
votes given: 722 (+722/-0)
score: 1833


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Canadian police get yelled at for home visit from nastygram message to politician     (pomf2.lain.la)

submitted by Dingo to Canuckistan 3 months ago


I don't know if this is real or not, but I got a laugh out of it. The dude swears up a storm. I suspect a "health check" will be the next visit. Perhaps we will see a follow up?
Rocky The Rescue Squirrel     (pomf2.lain.la)

submitted by Dingo to aww 3 months ago


Lady takes to rescuing squirrels. Spoiler: Rocky doesn't like it when the lady touches his nuts.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Contemporary Context)     (pomf2.lain.la)

submitted by Dingo to Technocracy 3 months ago


PDF link to document: https://archive.org/download/silent-weapons-for-quiet-wars_202110/Silent%20Weapons%20for%20Quiet%20Wars.pdf

This document is a recipe for how to model techological sorcery using control theory with computers. Many aspects are missing from this presentation and unfortunately the important elements might be overlooked by just accepting this "summary" as is.. It is still a great video and adds to one's understanding, but if you read the document with critical eyes you will find repeated over and over the basic formula for behavioral control (see next paragraph).

Provide a subversion (a lowered state of agency) with a dose of affirmation and check responses of all individuals in the system. Create profiles for all nodes (i.e. all people) to do monte-carlo simulations of various "psyops" to determine the one to use with the most chance of being consented to. Then apply this psychological condition, check for actual compliance, then harvest. Rinse and repeat this method until the bulk of the population is deconstructed to pure slave status or dead.

Clown world is to keep us being tested while we all end up in metaphysical pods, or as they say "an artificial womb" where we will be inclined to just watch as the remaining harvests happen around us. Consent and how to achiieve it is the point of this document.

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/k4yF0ShFvQta/
Originally from Heliowave.
Samsung caught faking zoom photos of the Moon (Mar. 2023)     (www.theverge.com)

submitted by Dingo to whatever 4 months ago


Subtitle: A viral Reddit post has revealed just how much processing the company’s cameras apply to photos of the Moon, further blurring the line between real and fake imagery in the age of AI.

From the comments section, which is relevent for context.

> OP here. First let me say that I really like this article, it interpreted my findings correctly, and is perfectly nuanced. However, the authors did not mention that there have been several updates to the experiments since, which explicitly show what I am claiming in even more detail: https://old.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/11p7rqy/update_to_the_samsung_space_zoom_moon_shots_are/

> I mention this because I see a lot of comments where people still misunderstand what is going on. No, Samsung is not replacing your moon with a pre-downloaded moon.png, it's using a neural network to hallucinate some of those details in. My newer experiments show how this works in even more detail, and how an image looks when these 'enhancements' are not being applied.

It seems that Samsung wants to make everything you look at Fake-N-Gay(TM).
Some of you faggots will love this     (pomf2.lain.la)

submitted by Dingo to funny 4 months ago


Melon Season.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Dingo to funny 4 months ago


Friday Night Shit Talkin'     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Dingo to funny 4 months ago


Shit Talk Hotline.
That's a Nice Grill!!     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Dingo to strange 4 months ago


From: That's a Nice Grill (animated by @DrueLanglois)

This video is off the charts wierd.
Remember Just Two Weeks to Flatten The Curve (from Total Recall)?     (pomf2.lain.la)

submitted by Dingo to whatever 4 months ago


Perhaps this will be a nice starter for anyone who knows how to do a re-dub or deepfake face swap. It seems the movie director is mocking us with this scene to divert us from learning about "Operation Trust".
Kitten Surprise     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Dingo to Cats 4 months ago


EDIT: LiberalsAreMental's comment is perfect for this post and wanted to share it at the top:

> This is a metaphor for immigration and affirmative action.

EDIT2: I should have said this in the description, this is not my video. I found it on another natsoc page.
I apologize for accusing @BushChuck and @kammmmak of vote manipulation.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Dingo to TellUpgoat 4 months ago


Reference my earlier post here: https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=65a014694656f

It really did seem to me that they were vote manipulating and perhaps alts of the same user (or organization). I don't know this to be the case and @system confirmed there was no hanky-panky going on so I will take his word for it.

I must say, I do not like the kind of drama or responses from either user and still believe both should have their mouths washed with soap by their mommies, especially given their reddit-tier responses to perfectly normal comments. Given this, I have to say (and I hope this apology is not taken as insincere) I am not sorry for making the post.

Part of the reason I was dissapointed with @Bushchucks reddit-tier responses was that I thought I had previous interactions with this person on another site. However, I longer believe it is the same user even though the username is the same. This whole ordeal has reminded me not to get soft because of the past and focus on current accounts. My expectations are adjusted accordingly.

Have a great day everyone!
Vote Manipulation at Upgoat?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Dingo to TellUpgoat 4 months ago


First note the attatched image.

Then, take a look at the following two accounts and the timing of the comments.

Account 1: https://www.upgoat.net/profile?user=bushchuck&view=comments

Account 2: https://www.upgoat.net/profile?user=kammmmak&view=comments

It is true my "account" here is only a few days old, however I do not hold any accounts and don't bother with kind of drama. However, I wanted to point it out to you all in case you didn't figure it out already.

It is my understanding that this kind of nonsense is allowed here, so @system will probably also wantn to know. Also, I'm sure he'd be able to clear all this up.

If I'm proven wrong, I will apologize but I'd lilke to see some clarification. This kind of behavior is childish and ruins good dialog that few of us can have online due to rampan reddit faggotry.

EDIT: See the response by @system below. Here is my official apology: https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=65a0724b24a4e
VERY REVEALING Margaret Sanger Interview - PLANNED PARENTHOOD     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Dingo to whatever 5 months ago


Show this interview to any feminists you know. Whatch this succubus squirm and contradict herself. The interviewer is in on the scam though, but does the act well and held her to the fire somewhat.
Jewish and Freemasonic Ritual Murder     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Dingo to whatever 5 months ago


Brendan Fraser's "redemption arc" explained (The Whale Movie Analysis)     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Dingo to movies 5 months ago


This is a follow up to the post about George Carlin, which can be found here: https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=659bc9073fcf7

In this one, Wyat Stagg (youtube) shows what Brendan Fraser and the movie "The Whale" is really about ... death of the west. Hopefully these posts can innoculate some of you from the sorcery.
George Carlin: Agent of Entropy.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Dingo to comedy 5 months ago


As funny as it all seems, this fucking piece of shit is nothing more than a disruptor. Same goes for Dave CHappelle and the like.

EDIT: Credit to https://youtu.be/z8WE23x3CCQ?si=76QxBFkRDkI_m15c