Workers are boarding up buildings around the capitol in Washington DC. The steal is happening and they're preparing.     (x.com)
submitted by ProudRebel to USPolitics 3 hours ago (+13/-1)
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The bones of a home     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by bosunmoon to PHOTOGRAPHY 4 hours ago (+25/-0)
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A picture I took of a gutted home from the mid 1700's
Remember when punk was cool?     (old.reddit.com)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to MeanwhileOnReddit 3 hours ago (+2/-1)
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"If you support the presidential candidate I don't, or you oppose men dressing up as women and pretending to be them, then you're a weirdo"
Guess who I was for Halloween     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by x0x7 to Scotland 58 minutes ago (+2/-0)
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It was fun having an excuse to carry around a real sword at work.
dear governments of the world.     (whatever)
submitted by drstrangergov to whatever 4 hours ago (+35/-0)
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we're having conversations with our friends on the internet. nobody invited you. nobody cares about your opinion.take your influencers, nudgers, and "greater good" spying programs and shove them up your collective ass. shut up, sit down, and pave the fucking roads.
Almost 9 months sober and suddenly I kind of want to drink. I usually drink beer but I want to drink the hard shit to go to another world for a few days.      (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Dindu to TellUpgoat 38 minutes ago (+0/-0)
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It's got to be the election. I've been feeling nervous when I'm out in public. I know anything stronger than Wine tends to produce a pretty Supernatural effect on me and I wouldn't mind that at all. The threat of losing my sobriety is not really that profound. I've already healed my organs pretty well and I do plan to get sober after a bender but I know I probably won't. It will be too much fun and I will want to keep doing it.

Maybe ill take the hit of LSD ive had since 2020. I would probably take it half at a time because I know I will want to do it again after the first time. What would really be cool is a source of good LSD. This is some dark web shit that is probably synthetic. I think I'm going to eat this acid
nobody likes the new nigger iron women      (www.youtube.com)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 12 hours ago (+3/-0)
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How do feminists abuse their power?     (whatever)
submitted by kingofhearts to whatever 17 hours ago (+4/-1)
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They abuse their power in many, many ways. But the one power abuse that is interesting is their strategy to limit men's access to highly attractive young females, so they are forced to settle for older, less attractive ones. One way they do this is by spreading the initial definition of "pedophilia" to absurd levels.

What is real pedophilia? The definition of pedophilia is "The EXCLUSIVE or nearly exclusive attraction to boys or girls who are NOT IN PUBERTY YET." This means that someone is a pedophile if they are ONLY attracted to boys or girls of age 10 or younger, as most boys and girls of older age are already in puberty. So gtfo if you want to say I am a pedophile and shove your outrage up your ass. YOU ARE WRONG, no matter how often you blurt that shit out.

What is fake feminist pedophilia outrage? Feminists accuse men of pedophilia who only dare to look at teen girls. This is absurd and completely misleading. Attraction to young teens (around age 14) is not only completely NORMAL but OPTIMAL, that's why the vast majority of men feels attracted to girls of that age. Science, history and reason confirm that over and over again.

Science: All 3 scientific studies that have been done to determine the maximum attractiveness of women in relation to their age had the result that people find girls of age 14 most attractive. All 3 of them! Particularly interesting is that there is no difference between men and women. Women also feel this way that females look most attractive at age 14. So sexual attraction to young girls is completely NORMAL. ALL NORMAL people feel this way, also women. And please don't try to argue that beauty, attraction and sexual attraction would be different things because science has already shown that it's exactly the same for females of fertile age.

All IQ- and maturity tests show an amazing phenomenon: Though women have a slightly lower IQ than men at adult age, girls at age 11-15 are actually ahead of boys. Well, what super important decision might it be that makes girls brains mature quicker for the price of sacrificing some of women's IQ in later life? Well, look at the history section further down, maybe you can come up with an answer.

Finally scientific studies also contradict the notion that young teen girls would make bad decisions in relationships. Actually they make BETTER choices than their own mothers in being more cautious whom to date, scientific studies have shown. So, overall the argument that young teens would not be ready for relationships does not hold up in science. It rather seems that the opposite is true. Evolution has prepared young girls for early relationships by giving them high libido as well as maturity during this crucial time, and science confirms this impressively.

History: The most common marriage age through 99.9% of human history and with very few exceptions in nearly all human cultures was age 13-14. Only in recent times during which the influence of feminists rose, the marriage age rose as well, leading now to the threatening situation that reproductive rates in western countries have dropped under the levels of self sustainability, meaning western people are slowly dying out. During 99.9% of human history nobody ever saw much wrong with big age differences. Being of different race, religion, culture or social class was always considered much more of a problem.

Logic, Reason & Evolution: The younger a man's bride is, the more children he and she are going to have, particularly in societies in which life long monogamy was the norm - which were all societies before modern divorce laws were invented. It's important to note that girls also benefit from marrying young as they also have more offspring. That's the reason why girls feel strong sexual desire as soon as they hit puberty. To maximize the number of offspring the ideal age to marry is simply as soon as a girl becomes fertile. That's why in almost all cultures girls married right when they hit menarche, which today is about age 12, in the past it was about age 13.

Men who married older women did not have so much offspring, did not reproduce so successfully and thus their genes died out sooner or later. That's called "sexual selection" and is the reason why over time only the genes of men who preferred young, healthy, fertile brides instead of old women survived. The same selection led to women preferring fit, strong, tall, capable, successful, dominant men, because they maximized their chances to have lots of healthy, successful offspring that will be fit and attractive enough to also reproduce successfully. Such developments are not only natural but inevitable in evolution. Every evolutionary scientist can confirm that.

To sum it all up:

Because throughout 99.9% of human history the traditional marriage age for girls was the age of menarche, roughly age 13, men are PARTICULARLY attracted to girls around this age. These were the girls that were eligible for marriage AND would give them the best chances to have lots of offspring. No wonder, that men were and still are particularly interested in girls of that age. It's deeply imprinted in their genes, just as it's deeply routed in women's genes to have high sexual desire at that age and look for strong, fit, dominant men.

If attraction to young teens is the optimal male behavior, why is it so heavily disputed in our time? People who are in power always try to abuse their power. One of the most important forms of power abuse is to limit other people's sexual options while increasing your own. Harems during times of patriarchy are a great example of such power abuse. Today we live in a matriarchy in which feminists determine topics, outrage and societal norms. By declaring the attraction of men to young girls as "abuse" or by making it illegal they effectively force them to choose older women. That's the underlying motivation. Even better, by taking girls up to age 17 out of the potential mating pool, they not only eliminate one sixth of all eligible females but also the most attractive ones. A huge win for older women which raises their chances to get a male partner considerably and THAT's the reason why women constantly tried to raise the age of consent and spread the definition of pedophilia wider and wider, to completely absurd levels. And they will NEVER stop doing so if men always give in. It only will get more and more absurd.

But feminists say it's all only about protecting children!? First, girls of age 13+ are not children. They were always considered being adults during 99.9% of human history. This is an invention by feminists as so much else. Even in the eyes of the law they are not children but teens. Feminists abuse the term "children" purposely to increase the outrage factor. Second, this is an excuse and not an argument. Women, particularly feminists, today ABORT MORE CHILDREN THAN ARE BORN. Most feminists don't want children at all and abort them as soon as they get pregnant. The "argument" that it would be about the children is laughable. It's about their own advantage. Their own advantage is their real motivation.

Do you have some evidence that feminists don't really care about children? Yes. Just look what makes feminists go protest on the streets in really big numbers. They protest for their right to ABORT kids and not to protect them. And now women want to "protect" the lives of purely virtual "children" such as virtual bots, sex dolls depicting minors or future little girl sex robots? Lol, that's so laughable. Their real motivation is to deny men of attractive sexual options, so more men will be forced to settle for old, unattractive women.

Why is it so important to stop the feminist power abuse? Because any form of power abuse only gets worse and worse. Before feminism there was no age of consent at all, then it was 12, later 14 then 16 and now in some states it is as absurdly high as 18. But that's not the end. Feminist groups already demand that all females under age 24 should be off limits for men over 30! And that's still not the end. Now more and more things become illegal where no minors are harmed at all. Such as pseudo-photographic images of young virtual AI generated people that do not depict real minors at all. In some completely retarded countries even drawings of virtual minors are illegal. Feminists campaign already to make porn, prostitution, text and virtual bots illegal and they sure will try everything to fight sex robots when they come out. They are also trying to make young looking anime characters illegal. If you don't fight power abuse, it will only get worse. This is the most important thing you must be aware of.

What can you do to stop and roll back the feminist power abuse and make things normal again? Every action makes a difference. Every comment, every like, every thumbs up for the right cause. Always stick to the law, because it helps no one if you end up in prison, even if you have done nothing wrong. BUT fight for your rights, spread the word, raise awareness. Use the areas where it is still possible to demonstrate the completely natural attraction of the vast majority of men to young teens, get feminists to voice their petty moral outcries and use that as a tool to make more people aware of the massive power abuse by feminism. That's exactly what I am doing. This webpage that still allows free speech and complete anonymity is a great place for that. So make use of your right of free speech as long as it is not taken away from you. If you keep silent, things will only get worse and never better. The only thing you should not do is encouraging people to break existing laws. Encourage them instead to raise awareness how unfair and absurd these laws are and that they should be changed. You are not alone.

What's the most important message to spread? That attraction to young teens HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PEDOPHILIA AT ALL but is completely normal. ALL NORMAL MEN who are honest to themselves feel this attraction. Don't let feminist tell you this would be abnormal because it isn't. Even more so as you have the full support of logic, reason, history and science. Don't let feminist cry louder than all that. Besides crying, whining, faking outrage and calling everyone a "pedo" they have no arguments at all. Science, history and reason are all on our side.
You need to permit to help hurricane victims apparently     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by shitface9000 to whatever 4 hours ago (+16/-0)
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aesthetic bullets original content     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by the_old_ones to pics 1 hour ago (+3/-0)
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Dog meets robodog     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by shitface9000 to dogs 4 hours ago (+10/-0)
8 comments last comment...
Happy Halloween faggots. Maybe, just maybe...     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to whatever 1 hour ago (+7/-0)
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Outside You There Are Five Wolves...     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by VitaminSieg to WatchPeopleDie 20 hours ago (+18/-1)
29 comments last comment...
And they want in.
FEMA hasn't paid linemen in 8 weeks since hurricane Helene hit, now they have stopped working.     (x.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to Jews 1 hour ago (+5/-0)
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I havnt been an adult that long but this inflation is crazy     (whatever)
submitted by GreenSaint to whatever 50 minutes ago (+1/-0)
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I got a pizza from a place a few months ago. It was like 5 or 6 bucks cheaper than tonight. I even asked the guy working and he confirmed it. My electric bill went up by 70 bucks over night. Iv never been one to really pay that close attention when I’m grocery shopping but all of a sudden every grocery store visit is over a hundred dollars. My pay ain’t going up this fast. It feels like I’m being strangled. wtf man
My cat Lulu original content     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to pics 2 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Beautiful day today, let the cats roam a bit.
Feels Like Summer Again original content     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Jews 3 hours ago (+6/-2)
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“By going through the British archives, one can find a hand written note from the chairman of Psychological Warfare saying, “we’ve got to be careful with the Nazi Gas Chamber lie, because eventually it will be exposed.” -David Irving     (x.com)
submitted by Rob3122 to whatever 1 day ago (+68/-0)
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Can someone catbox this or make a mirror link before it gets taken down?
"Men are better than women"     (whatever)
submitted by MaryXmas to whatever 12 hours ago (+2/-0)
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Men never say this shit. But I hear "women are better than men" all the time from women.
English cartoon from the time of the French Revolution     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by boekanier to France 2 days ago (+13/-2)
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CHRISTIANITY IS     (albany1845.wixsite.com)
submitted by Markshirley to Christianity 7 hours ago (+0/-1)
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worst neighbors I have ever had, need ideas.     (whatever)
submitted by Oz5711 to whatever 18 hours ago (+4/-0)
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these 2 are seemingly regular-sized humans but sound like a herd of fucking buffalo upstairs. just constant pacing from 6am-3am. front door to kitchen in a goddamned loop. i say pacing but it is stomping to the point the joists are creaking. no breaks, really all day; hearing it now at 2am and it woke me up this morning. who even walks into the corner of the room that often? if i weren't on the verge of insanity hearing it nonstop, i wouldn't believe that's possible, but here we are.
any suggestions on how to make them shut the fuck up?
for the record we did already say something directly and i would rather not go to jail.
already got vetoed on installation and persistent use of sex swing.
People need to understand time machines exist and some people have them. It's no more amazing than splitting the tiny atom was. Someone figured out how to do it and they have it and that's that. It doesn't change everything but it changes some things. Get used to the idea.     (technology)
submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 7 hours ago (+3/-1)
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People need to understand time machines exist and some people have them.

It's no more amazing than splitting the tiny atom was.

Someone figured out how to do it and they have it and that's that.

It doesn't change everything but it changes some things.

Get used to the idea.
submitted by gabara to USPolitics 1 hour ago (+1/-0)
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Is it crazy that the jew noticing naming and just out right calling them out is happening. And they still start a war with iran?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to AskUpgoat 5 hours ago (+1/-1)
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Are they stupid or just that fucking narricistic that they truly are obvious to realty