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A poem by p neri     (PoetryForBrokenHearts)
submitted by paul_neri to PoetryForBrokenHearts 7 months ago (+11/-2)
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The Upturned Chair

snags at my heart
for winter and summer
are long apart.
Now this is a story, All about How     (
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to PoetryForBrokenHearts 8 months ago (+11/-1)
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The tsar of Russha, got taken out
By east Ashkenaz Yews-along with western Yews,
A story of how they Genocide the g0y$ with World Wars.
Friend or Foe     (PoetryForBrokenHearts)
submitted by TwistedC to PoetryForBrokenHearts 8 months ago (+6/-0)
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Crazy Mad Life is Angry

God don't Love me

The Devil won't have me

Demonic voices in my head

All I Love is Dead

A Battle within

Me VS Sin

Shadow People Back Again

Friend or Foe

You See I got to know

Is that an Angel or a Demon

Looking through my Window

I wrote all this stuff like 15 years ago and I just found some of my old writings just looking back when I was in such a dark place helps me to not go there again.

Random poem from when I was in a darker place      (PoetryForBrokenHearts)
submitted by TwistedC to PoetryForBrokenHearts 8 months ago (+6/-0)
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Oh Lord, Lord of the light

Pure giver of Life

Take me by the heart

Pull me from the night

The darkness surrounds me

Shadow people found me

I'm starting to doubt me

The prince of fear

Whispers in my ear

A fork in the road draws near

Forgive Me Lord

My thoughts stray and wonder

Only through you I grow stronger

I have stolen and lied

Sometimes I don't even try

I have let you down so many times

Not once have you left my side

Thank you Jesus Christ

You are The Way

The Truth And The Life
A poem by p neri. "Death".     (PoetryForBrokenHearts)
submitted by paul_neri to PoetryForBrokenHearts 8 months ago (+3/-4)
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I saw Death sitting on a park bench the other day;
He was reading a newspaper;
As I walked by he lowered the newspaper;
and our eyes met;
"keep walking" he said;
But I know one day;
he'll say:
"Come sit beside me".
Another quick broken heart poem     (PoetryForBrokenHearts)
submitted by Rowdybme to PoetryForBrokenHearts 9 months ago (+9/-0)
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Crumbled under the weight of hate and spite
He tried with all of his weight and might
to turn his bruised and battered cheek away
Always such a dangerous game to play
when you do not mean any of the hate you say
Trying to stop this game and everything stays the same but pain makes you relapse
Now. When the world is about to collapse..
when you had everything you wanted sitting in your lap
Then you hear the echos that remain
Knowing your life will never be the same.
Ní neart go cur le chéile     (PoetryForBrokenHearts)
submitted by MaryXmas to PoetryForBrokenHearts 10 months ago (+5/-0)
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“There is strength in unity” or “we are better together.”

Irish proverb.
A poem by p.neri (© 2023)     (PoetryForBrokenHearts)
submitted by paul_neri to PoetryForBrokenHearts 10 months ago (+4/-5)
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"There's a part of me that hopes;

and a part of me that copes;

With the part of me that hopes".
Age Of Decline     (
submitted by Noctis_Labyrinthus to PoetryForBrokenHearts 1.5 years ago (+55/-0)
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I was asked to leave this here, so here I leave it. Enjoy
Let my aim be true...      (PoetryForBrokenHearts)
submitted by MaryXmas to PoetryForBrokenHearts 1.5 years ago (+28/-0)
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Let my aim be true and my hand faster than those who would seek to destroy me. Grant me victory over my foes and those that wish to harm me and mine. Let not my last thought be “If I only had my rifle”; and Lord if today is truly the day that You call me home, let me die in a pile of empty brass.
Lil Peep - Star Shopping [LYRICS]     (
submitted by usedoilanalysis to PoetryForBrokenHearts 1.4 years ago (+0/-0)
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MF DOOM - Absolutely Lyrics     (
submitted by usedoilanalysis to PoetryForBrokenHearts 1.5 years ago (+2/-2)
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"Women Aren’t Capable of Love" by Florence Nightingale     (
submitted by carnold03 to PoetryForBrokenHearts 2.5 years ago (+3/-1)
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Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream out at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving any in return, for they cannot state a fact accurately to another, nor can that other woman attend to it accurately enough for it to become information. Now is not all this the result of want of sympathy?

I am sick with indignation at what wives and mothers will do of the most shocking selfishness. And people call it all maternal or conjugal affection, and think it pretty to say so. No, no, let each person tell the truth from their own experience.

They really don’t have sympathy or the ability to empathize, because they are always judging everyone and every thing as a product on a social value scale that relates to their own egos and bounces off of themselves. There is no capability for genuine feeling.

This is what I have experienced with women, there is no capability for genuine feeling for other humans, or really in general, except when those feelings are for themselves and the other people are just proxies to bounce ideas off of.
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening      (
submitted by GrayDragon to PoetryForBrokenHearts 2.5 years ago (+5/-1)
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This is so common from my generation, I almost feel embarrassed posting this.
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one     (PoetryForBrokenHearts)
submitted by SirNiggsalot to PoetryForBrokenHearts 3.0 years ago (+0/-1)
Bitches always be tripping
Gnomesayyin ?
Eli Lieb, Steve Grand - Look Away     (
submitted by PMYB3 to PoetryForBrokenHearts 3 years ago (+1/-0)
Player - Baby Come Back @AOU     (
submitted by PMYB3 to PoetryForBrokenHearts 3 years ago (+1/-0)
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Roses are red, my balls are blue, AOU please let me cum inside of you.      (PoetryForBrokenHearts)
submitted by PMYB3 to PoetryForBrokenHearts 3 years ago (+2/-1)
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