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Anyone know of any Ukrainian telegrams where we can tell Ukrainians that don't want to fight in the war to just surrender and end this jewish led genocide of Europeans?      (AskGoats)
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to AskGoats 4 days ago (+2/-2)
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They could even provide intel to Russia as to (((zekensky's))) whereabouts
Where would one buy an L1011?     (AskGoats)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to AskGoats 1 week ago (+2/-0)
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It looks like all the good planes are no longer for sale? It was one of the most technological superior planes of the time, and my guess is it was supressed by the other manufacturers
Isn't the US presidential election coming up in November? I haven't heard 1 thing about anyone doing a presidential campaign..........     (AskGoats)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to AskGoats 1 week ago (+1/-2)
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the hell is going on?
What is with conversations in univeristy and the professional field having nonsequiturs aplenty?      (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 1 week ago (+1/-0)
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I have noticed this over the course of about 15 years. It usually happens when a new topic comes up. The most perplexing part of all of this is people in the room will start responding and as if what they said was coherent with the rest of the speech thus far, and no one but me has ever spoke up with this happens. What is this mode of communication?

A client requests whether a list of internal users can have their passwords changed. Minutes later we're having a meeting about it. My teammate asks "They want to know if they can the passwords for this list of users" the guy he's asking responds with "That would be dangerous, we don't recommend changing those passwords". Then the very next sentence from my coworker is "I think we can go into the database to get a list of users" and starts listing off some other stuff about what we call the users in the list, and everyone jumps in and starts talking about this list of users and how to get it, and I have no idea why they're talking about this. I ask my coworker after the meeting why we are going to the database.

I will leave the story there for people to guess what he said as far as why we are going to the database. Why do you think we were going to look up a list of users in the database?

Is @FacelessOne really Steve Climber?     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to AskGoats 2 weeks ago (+9/-0)
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Can someone explain this shit to me...?     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskGoats 2 weeks ago (+3/-2)
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Literally just a one word post. No content. Didn't even say anything negative. Just said the word "boomers" in the title. 21 comments (that I still haven't read because fuck that retardedness)? Nearly 300 views? Can someone ELI5?

I'm inclined to believe it's an AI program designed to make this place unbearable. Anyone have a better explanation?
Lawn Renovation questions      (AskGoats)
submitted by NoRefunds to AskGoats 3 weeks ago (+4/-0)
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Anyone ever done one themselves? Got a new home 3 years ago and basically the builder was a piece of shit and just dropped all the sod on the ground without topsoil and the lawn never really rooted.

Fast forward to now and it's all fucked up, completely dead in some spots, apparently we have grubs too, and weeds are everywhere. It is infuriating, especially with how much time I've put into the lawn.

Anyway, anyone ever used a skid steer or ditch witch to pull the entire lawn up? I've driven skidsteers before, they are easy af to use.

Also any other tips? I was going to fill it in with free compost from the city then mix topsoil and peetmoss on top, then overseer as much as I can.

is catbox down? can't access it     (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 3 weeks ago (+4/-0)
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Is anyone investigating or addressing the fact that the CIA/Mossad created, maintain and operate ISIS?      (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 3 weeks ago (+23/-0)
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I'm asking because they created it purely to try and drum up casus belli for whenever they want to attack shit. Someone closer to this needs to investigate, and I'm surprised none of the Muslim nations over there have reported on this. The nonsense pattern of activity looks identical to the happenings in Russia and Ukraine.

Does anyone have any on topic information on this?
Should public restrooms have shoe cleaning stations?     (AskGoats)
submitted by x0x7 to AskGoats 3 weeks ago (+2/-0)
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Ok, this is an uncomfortable question but it might be worth talking about.

We clean our hands when we leave a public restroom. I hope you all do. But have you seen the floor in a mens public restroom? I don't understand if people's homes look like this, but there is often a puddle of piss right beneath a urinal. We really do live with animals. Maybe it's just the area I live in.

But this is the real reason why we don't eat food off of the ground. People walk into public restrooms and they track that shit everywhere. They have no other option. If it weren't for that the ground would actually be reliably pretty sanitary. A little shoe rubber that itself has only ever been on clean surfaces would be cleaner than any sponge used to wipe a table. I'm not saying we should eat off the ground if we did solve this problem. The point is concern about the ground being dirty is legitimate, but it's worth noting that it is almost only due to the existence of public bathrooms. And even if you never go into a public bathroom it is still a concern because you or your family/peers walked over ground that someone else walked over who had been in a public restroom.

I think it is ironic that we do wash our hands because our shoes probably do more to contaminate public areas than if people didn't wash their hands.

So the need is obvious. The question is if there is a solution that isn't worse than the cure.

Here is my idea. A three station set up against a wall. One is a shallow basin of sanitizer. The next is a rubber mat used to get the bulk of the fluid off. Something like this. The next would just be a standard commercial rug. The rubber mat in between would prevent the rug from getting so wet it doesn't do anything.

I'm talking about 2 millimeters of sani-fluid on your shoe rubber. Would that be so bad? Of course the same people who piss on the floor will never use it but at least now I'm not tracking it.

Women, do other women just openly piss of the floor in your bathrooms? Maybe this is next level shopping cart theory. If you return a shopping cart it means you can build civilization. If you walk into a restroom and just piss on the open floor you can't be in civilization. If you are somewhere in between civilization can exist in spite of you despite your incapacity to create it.

Good idea? Bad idea?
Why is Staten Island known as conservative?     (AskGoats)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to AskGoats 3 weeks ago (+9/-1)
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Everyone has always told me SI is republican and bla bla bla. Having come from a very conservative, very red area to the shithole that is Brooklyn, I cant say I've found a single republican or conservative anything. In this case, I hopped to SI to check it out. From what I gather, they're still massive commies, 90% of the island works for the gov, the other part is welfare bums and illegals, might honestly be a mix of illegals working as gov employees, etc. May as well be a prison island with all the cameras, red light radars, police presence, etc.

When it comes to the lean, SI is just a slightly (not by much ) less liberal borough of NYC. Since they are a borough of NYC though, they follow 100% of the laws NYC forces down their throats. Since SI had originally proposed to be part of NY and not NYC, it's really a distinction of wanting to be a commie place, but the commies in charge are slightly too commie for their taste. And yet even though SI is 50% democrat/50% less democrat, it's lambasted as the forgotten borough/red headed step child.

Goes to show oyu can give liberals everything they want on a silver platter, it will NEVER be enough. They will trash you and smear you until you give them more. Then they'll keep trashing you anyways because they hate you and want you dead. And for some insanely idiotic reason, a LARGE majority of idiots in NYC think their political class can be reasoned with.
Is gen x going to nigger concerts or these nigger panderer concerts to seem hiplike they're not old?     (AskGoats)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to AskGoats 3 weeks ago (+1/-2)
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I am hanging out with a gen x guy, he got a call from his gen x friend. The guy calling was talking about how he went to a nigger panderer concert and it was too raunchy for him because the woman talked about masturbating for 20+ minutes amongst other overly sexual monologue. Then the guy getting the call responds, like he couldn't wait to blurt it out, saying everything he know about related niggers like he was bragging he knew this info. Even millennials don't do this (that I hang out with) , so it's not hip.

I think this is why I'm seeing age groups separate from each other, and the only mixing is gen z women going with SOME millennials that are much older. Because everyone else is searching for a new identity and it doesnt work
Anyone know of any betting sites that will start a bet on who hits tele Aviv first with a cruise missile or ballistic missile?     (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 1 month ago (+6/-1)
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I got some money I want to put down.
I cut a section out of an image and I need to use that cut out like a cookie cutter to cut that shape out of another image. Anyone know an easy way to do this?     (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 1 month ago (+0/-0)
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I am using 3D paint and Microsoft Paint and I almost have what I need and would be able to do it if 3d paint kept track of layers and let me invert my cropping selection, but I don't think I can do that here.
Anyone know of some good *video* summaries of "The International Jew", "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", "Mein Kampf", etc? I have a boomer who can barely read and refuses to read, and he thinks American Media Periscope is a great news source, so I keep having to hear him say dumb shit     (AskGoats)
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to AskGoats 1 month ago (+5/-1)
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American Media Periscope is a q tard "news" source, and he's constantly getting jewified information, incomplete information, nonsense information and he cannot make the connections to the jew even with me having proved it at least 400 times to him on different occasions.

I need video summaries of the books listed in the headline or any books of the like.
Did You Know Dat Bish Bout To Turn 70?     (
submitted by FreeinTX to AskGoats 1 month ago (+4/-0)
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She ain't very healthy, either.

It's too late for her to retire under Biden 2020. If she quit, right now, the guy who wins 2024 will pick her replacement.
Anyone got advice for dealing with people who do dumb things, then make excuses that are impossible to be true thereby insulting you with their lie while you're already upset with them for doing something stupid     (AskGoats)
submitted by osomperne to AskGoats 1 month ago (+3/-0)
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There is one person I know in particular who keeps doing this, and they just won't stop. It's a situation where I'm this person's only real friend and the only one who can help them with nearly everything in their life - but they keep lying to.............. save face? There is nothing particularly interesting that ever happens in this person's life and they don't really have any face to save, and these lies purely undermine me by misleading me or costing me time or money. Again, there doesn't appear to be a rhyme or reason (that I can tell) for them to tell these lies. Why are they doing this? Is there something I can say or do to make them stop?

What Would Happen If It Was Discovered That Russia Was Responsible For The Key Bridge Collapse?     (AskGoats)
submitted by FreeinTX to AskGoats 1 month ago (+5/-2)
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What would the US do? Exactly.
Who is the best Federal Agent to contact on here? I suspect my neighbor has been illegally reciting my copyrighted poetry at a party he hosted, probably has guns and shit too.     (AskGoats)
submitted by TheodoreKent to AskGoats 1 month ago (+4/-1)
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Disappointed to know that he charged money for that Kegger, only to recite a drinking poem I had written without notifying my and giving me the licensing money.

What is the best legal way to pursue this?
to all the people who said Russia had X reason to not attack electrical infrastructure in Ukraine, why are they attacking it now     (AskGoats)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to AskGoats 1 month ago (+2/-0)
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Anyone here think that the reason for people's ridiculous behavior in recent years is due to the B-movie script level doings of the Jew on the world stage? (((their))) actions have opened up the flood gates for other unbelievable behavior     (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 1 month ago (+4/-0)
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The jew is the world's foremost problem, not the muslims (they can stay in the ME)

We must exterminate the jews by any means necessary. Cars vs crowds, tesla batteries parked in the synagogue, plastic bags over the face, poison in their drinks, zyklon b, swords,

in minecraft
Why aren't these place in the Middle East using drone swarms to attack Israel?      (AskGoats)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 1 month ago (+1/-0)
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Why do the new generations hate boomers so much?     (AskGoats)
submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskGoats 1 month ago (+3/-2)
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There's this idea boomers had it made, and that we were all just chilling in pools, being handed jobs left and right, and who knows what else. Most boomers are just like anybody else, the had zero representation in their country just like now, they still paid taxes on everything, and their rights were still eroded. Crap may ha been cheaper, but so were wages. Houses were nowhere near as lavish and fancy as now.

You think the boomers had any say on those jobs being shipped overseas? Why are boomers being held to this absurd standard as if they individually had to fight for the rights of the next generation, when its been shown the new generation has as little voice in their own election process?
What is kosher mixed nuts?     (AskGoats)
submitted by 2Drunk to AskGoats 1 month ago (+5/-0)
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I know kosher meats means a rabbi certifies the animal died is the most painful way possible

Kosher mixed nuts means the illegals picking those nuts are treated in the most inhumane way possible? Do jews sacrifice children during the nut harvesting ritual?
How can jews be the chosen ones?     (AskGoats)
submitted by niggaswaywhat to AskGoats 1 month ago (+1/-1)
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The NT is very clear that anyone who reject Jesus as lord and savior is not of Christ. At the same time, the pharisees mob killed Jesus, and in typical kike form, had the Romans do it for them. How then can a group of people who are judaic, reject Christ, reject all the principles of the Bible, be chosen by God.

In the OT we also have many major and minor prophets carry out some task for God. However, in practice, anyone can be chosen to do something on behalf of God. If jews can really be seen as chosen by God, so can everyone else in the OT and NT. Why is Mathew now less chosen than say Jonah? Why have jews decided that they can delineate who is and is not chosen? Wouldn't this be considered blaspheming?