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Member for: 2.2 years

scp: 115 (+124/-9)
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votes given: 49 (+45/-4)
score: 166

Dealing with Anxiety - Voat Remedies     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by rapid_water to AskUpgoat 2 months ago


I have a significant problem with anxiety triggered by specific events and need to get over it. My course of action is to seek professional therapy and to meditate extensively (via videos and in-person Buddhist sessions).

There doesn't seem to be many support groups in my area (I was hoping for Christian remedies) but perhaps I'm not looking in the right area. I'm looking for additional resources/remedies you may recommend. Thanks.
How can I send someone money anonymously?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by rapid_water to AskUpgoat 3 months ago


I want to send someone money, charity, and don't want them to know its me. Before stuffing money in an envelope and mailing it, is there a better way to send the money to make sure they get it? Anonymous check? Anonymous money order? Some way that if they don't "cash the anonymous check" I don't lose the money?
The hopelessness of waking up conservatives to Israel     (Jews)

submitted by rapid_water to Jews 4 months ago


Went to a conservative meeting this week where the topic of Israel came up. A conservative 'FJB' tears into HAMAS and HAMAS protesters calling them savages, saying Israel should wipe them off the face of the earth and angrily goes off about pro-Palestinian flags within a quarter mile of a Jewish Holocaust memorial. blah blah blah Glenn Beck propaganda.

I diplomatically try to steer him away from Israeli propaganda, stating that Israel is not the country he thinks it is. He then goes off on me telling me how HAMAS put Israeli babies in ovens. I start my asking him if he was familiar with the 40-beheaded babies lie and how that turned out. He stops for a moment, ponders it, and throughout the conversation continually returns to babies found in ovens, grenades found in toys, grenades under beds. I ask him his source and he writes down an Israel IDF commentator he follows on youtube....

He did question the official narrative of 20,000 Palestinians dead - asking where the bodies were. I did think that was an interesting point.

I also go into how the Muslim world hates the US for its support of Israel and how Israeli citizens spit on Christians that visit holy sites within Israel. His response, and I quote, "I would rather be spit on than beheaded" - implying that Jews spitting on Christians isn't that big of a deal. He also goes on to defend Israel and says Muslims hate Americans because of their holy book and that it has nothing to do with Israel. He then asks if I'm a Christian and if I believe the Bible (setting me up to quote Bible passages on the support of Israel). I cut him off and state that I'm not certain that the Jews of the Bible are the same Jews of Israel and that the Jews of Israel hate Christ (how could God support a people that spit on him? and hate him?). I wade into the Talmud and ask him if he is aware of what it says about Christ and how they claim Jesus is boiling in excrement.

Overall, the guy keeps going back to his Israeli news channel and Glenn Beck arguing for the defense of Israel. It is really a matrix-style moment in trying to present these people with an alternative point of view.
Black's are governed by the Matriarchy      (whatever)

submitted by rapid_water to whatever 8 months ago


I was listening to the Jesse Lee Peterson show; a caller made the argument that Black culture is a Matriarchy since the father is absent. I am well aware of blacks growing up without a father (80%) but I never equated this to matriarchy.

Is black culture/society the anti-patriarchy society that feminists advocate for?
Why aren't there more intelligent people in the world? [Serious Question]     (AskGoats)

submitted by rapid_water to AskGoats 11 months ago


Why aren't there more intelligent people in the world? Why is the world so full of idiots? Why hasn't nature produced a average IQ capable of getting humanity off Earth to explore the stars?

Is it because when two people mate:
(A) the genetic code is working with two "idiot" genes and can't splice them together (doesn't know how) to make an "intelligent gene"?
(B) Nature has figured that non-intelligent people have a better chance of reproducing, so the genetic code (while capable of making an 'intelligent' gene) refuses do do so because 'idiot genes' have a better chance at reproducing?
(C) something else?
Michael Savage Names the JEW!     (podcasts.apple.com)

submitted by rapid_water to Jews 12 months ago


Savage states, "Look no further to the liberal Jews in Biden's Cabinet". Savage asks the Jews NOT to crucify America like they Crucified Christ.
How I know I'm not alone     (whatever)

submitted by rapid_water to whatever 1.2 years ago


I read an absurd story by an liberal author. I immediately wonder if the author is Jewish. I head over to my favorite search engine and enter the authors name. The search engine auto-populates "Jewish" as a possible search term based off people who have searched before me. That's how I know I'm not alone. I search with you - brothers in arms.
Most Jewed TV Shows     (whatever)

submitted by rapid_water to whatever 1.3 years ago


The most jewed TV show I have found: Imposters. A dark comedy that focuses on a female JEWESS con artist who marries people and then disappears with their money. Nearly EVERYONE in the show is a Jew (actors, producers, directors), the premise is a Jewess that goes around scaming the goyim and stealing their money.

The show is entertaining, but it takes on an entirely new meaning once you understand the Jewish question. I submit it as research.

What is the significance of flying this old American flag     (AskGoats)

submitted by rapid_water to AskGoats 1.3 years ago


The Arab down the street is flying this American flag in his yard. I havent preciously seen this flag before. What's the meaning of this?

PA Senate Candidate Fetterman's Press Secretary is Jewish     (Jews)

submitted by rapid_water to Jews 1.6 years ago


Press Secretary Emilia Winter Rowland states she is going back to 'Tel Aviv' after Trump win (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/09/09/john-fetterman-campaign-press-secretarys-tactless-tweets/)

LinkedIn Bio (https://www.linkedin.com/in/emiliawinterrowland). Worked for "Jewish Federation of Columbus", Worked in APCO in Tel Aviv Area, Israel.

The influence of Jewish interests in the Democratic Party is truly astounding.
Blacks at my Local Gun Store     (whatever)

submitted by rapid_water to whatever 1.7 years ago


Yesterday, I visited the local gun store. It lies far enough outside urban black territory that I wouldn't expect to see any blacks, let alone urban ghetto blacks but that's exactly what I saw.

Two gang-type blacks, complete with dreadlocks, face/neck/hand tattoos, saggy pants, sandals with Nike Sweatpants were looking through guns and acting out in typical ghetto fashion: "Shit Dawg! Tyrone, come check this out Yo!" "Oh Naw man, they got everything fo real!" "Yo is that a silencer? I'm gonna buy that yo." It's a distraction to the entire store to see these two clowns act out like 5 year old children when they see a gun. Who in their right mind would sell these people a gun?

Then some white guy steps up and 'befriends them' and offers advice (so he wont' be considered a racists) telling them, "No bro, you need a tax stamp for that silencer" and starts talking guns with. The whole experience was surreal. In any reasonable society you would look at these two and conclude they probably should NOT be given guns.

America is falling quickly.
Is Sarah Palin Wearing a Star of David?     (USPolitics)

submitted by rapid_water to USPolitics 1.7 years ago


Check the photo, let me know what you think:
Have you met non-cucked Irish Men?     (AskGoats)

submitted by rapid_water to AskGoats 1.7 years ago


Have you ever met a non-cucked Irish guy? I have interacted with several Irish through Irish festivals (Saint Patricks Day, etc.) and have noticed the Irish bands, Irish groupies and Irish 'culture' always seem to follow a 'counter culture leftist cucked vibe'. They always seem to follow leftist philosophy, 'fuck off we are not racist - immigrants welcome', 'love is love', 'the kid can be transgender if he wants'.

I guess I expected more from Irish culture that seems to portray a masculine war-like culture from the outside, but every Irish person I've met is a leftist cuck. What's the deal?
How many of you FANTASIZE about Jewish women?     (Jews)

submitted by rapid_water to Jews 1.8 years ago



Jewish Women think you fantasize about them; they are creeped out by it. Why do you do it goy?