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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 12566 (+13647/-1081)
ccp: 574 (+1111/-537)
votes given: 2608 (+2096/-512)
score: 13140


Owner of:
QuotesToWakeWhites, activism, antiWhite, WhiteNationalism, WhiteSympatheticMedia, OurMedia, IdeasToSaveWhites, TheWhiteQuestion, law, NegroViolenceVideos,
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thats why i both hate and love listening to it

/v/news viewpost?postid=6627bffec327d

how long will that burn for do u think?

India's Street Crapper Problem:


/v/IndiaRaw viewpost?postid=6627c3e7c6eb3

can u put all that info in a short quote (to wake whites) i can save?

/v/Holohoax viewpost?postid=6625f5e8284a6

If we could all make as big an impact at waking White people and building a pro-White movement as Nick Fuentes has had, we would have a perfect world.

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=6623fbc1b9ebc

Not on everything, but on some of his pro-White advocacy I do

/v/Ideas_for_twitter viewpost?postid=6623bd0fd45c0

you think that only because of hindsight of having seen the immolation. most people dont expect that to happen

/v/Gore viewpost?postid=66233395a2ed5

crypto will long be precious because it is somewhat untraceable, that makes it valuable to many people. this guy is loony.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6622c29ebc145

why dont you go there then, or some school you like, and save the white race

/v/anything viewpost?postid=66215761075b2

You need to understand that the Bible's warnings about all non-Christians experiencing eternal conscious suffering are true.

Non-Christians must WATCH all hellish NDEs on Youtube to see their terrible final destination, unless they come to believe in the Savior Jesus!

Link: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hellish+ndes

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=6620ceeb36376

he is not perfect, but he tries to spread the word about things that matter to white nationalists. he has a huge following as a result, and is therefore a powerful white nationalist influencer.

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=661fdc9d3aaf3

if people cared about cost burdens they would deport many nonwhites and blacks, because they are the biggest drain.
the truth is that tobacco does not cause cancer

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661fda1620a27

a stupid and senseless end of a life

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661fb308b84d4

her White fans would abandon her after relentless jewish propaganda bashing her in the media

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=661c8e7c95b8f

please dont go and offend the negroes, just stay safe

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=661bb5da32eea

If a Black is 35 times more likely to attack a White than the other way around.

Video proof: https://odysee.com/@AmericanRenaissance:7/NCVS_720:c?r=AFStfsgbxwc769A8mJDiRSfroeRTpdMU

Graph: https://i.redd.it/vsyli1xsic151.jpg

Does that prove so-called "racism" against Blacks could save lives?

Watch Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes:


Watch Nick https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=661abe36636b2

i disagree with being confrontational to violent darker races. blacks will kill a whitey if they feel the slightest bit offended.

rule number 1 is avoid the groid. theey are caused by white and jewish government. you have to change gov to have the groid removed.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=66192847b0d8b

Blacks will always think Whites are holding them back no matter how good Whites are to them. That alone makes multiracialism a disaster.

/v/History viewpost?postid=6616984372771

A lot of people mention low carb/keto diet combined with intermittent fasting. That's what worked for me. Losing weight rapidly reverses type 2 diabetes in many cases. Dr. Jason Fung sees patients at the end of care when T2D has progressed to kidney failure, dialysis, etc, and he brings many of them back to health. He has studied it extensively, his solution is keto diet with fasting, has a book and videos on youtube.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6615e550e658f

I hope you're not talking about suicide dear sir

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6615e550e658f

I'm so sorry for your pain and scare. Please don't leave Earth without Jesus Christ. God has done so much for me and spoken to me, so I can see the Bible is true. Its warnings are true that all non-Christians experience eternal conscious torment in Hell. (Sadly)

But there's hope for extended lives and healings in Jesus Christ. And most importantly, there is future Heaven.

Ephesians 2:8-10
“For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life.”

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6615e550e658f

As South america has already shown us, many Europeans do become racemixed.
It is safe to say, those you rule over share your genetic future, unless you can legally separate from them.
So if you enslave the blacks, your genetic future will be part black.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6611e14b79033

what you're not recognizing is how this proves negroes have total unanimous devotion to their race and see their race as most important. yet if thats the case, how can diversity be good for whites?

/v/Monkeyshines viewpost?postid=660ae4b10ded7

i would be embarrassed to be your passenger then

/v/anything viewpost?postid=66092da99ed20