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Member for: 2.2 years

scp: 2 (+4/-2)
ccp: 32 (+35/-3)
votes given: 4 (+4/-0)
score: 34


I'll bet 90% of the people complaining on voat about the white population diminishing, and are all doom and gloom, do not have kids. They're part of the problem and once you do have kids, your drive to succeed and to help set up your child for success in this world, will skyrocket. It's totally changed my life and my outlook on my time and purpose in this world.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=656f3859868d4

I've had two border collies. It's all ill ever own. They're smart and want to be productive. They are the opposite of niggers and the opposite of nigger-dog pittbulls.

Best dogs I've ever had. I see no reason to get a different breed in the future.

/v/shitbulls viewpost?postid=656fd08773fab

Stupid parents. Monitor what your kid is doing online. Get a pihole and block websites.

Had I found the forum and thread where this discussion was taking place, I'd have commented stating I was their parent and then call out the fed faggots. Then I'd state if you show up to my home expect to leave in a body bag.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65695b8db9ec7

Couldn't finish it. It appears to be written by a nigger who doesn't understand basic grammar.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65570b8722e0c

Michigan also has this goin for it, not far from Holten


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6556bf8a87ce4

It's like upper management in a manufacturing company. They are completely disconnected from reality regarding their assumptions or expectations. It's mind boggling. At least at my company. I'm a supervisor in between management and production/assembly team.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=65556515c4036

And then any recollection of the true history will be chalked up to "Mandella Effect".

/v/based_department viewpost?postid=6549784f14374

Pitbulls are the niggers of dogs. People defending them likely defend niggers saying their issues aren't inherent just because of their skin color.

Some species of animals are just fucking monsters, for example; homo erectus niggers & Pitbulls.

/v/shitbulls viewpost?postid=6238eb89bed99

Don't watch it then. Point it out a few times and then with any future shows with the same shit, just Get up and do something else. When your wife asks where you're going, just say you're not interested in the show. Suggest a different show.

I've got a curation of torrented shows that we re-watch. I occasionally download new shows that I vet beforehand for something new for us. Now even when she's watching TV without me, it's usually nature based shows or people doing extreme things. No bullshit kikery.

Spazzing out with a bell like a retarded petulant child, will drive any woman away.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6238e9cf0cf7b

To OP: in sorry for your loss. I love our dog very much, just as much as my prior ones. Life will go on.

To the faggots in the comments: people saying "doggo" and "puppers" remind me of those thin gay lispy cashiers that create utter contempt within you. To the other fag saying there's nothing harder than losing a dog; what a life you've lived. It's no wonder our country is in shambles. Weak faggots everywhere.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=623902f505d5b

Again, I'm not against cracked software. I use it. I just don't use cracked software and put all of my most personal information into it.

I'm done with your pissing match strawman tactics, good luck.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6234dce91a821

Yeah I've tried Ubuntu touch, manjaro, and postmarketos. And I think there was 1 other popular one I tried... KDE plasma maybe?

All pretty bad. I'd rather use a dumb phone at that point

Hopefully someday it will mature enough. But for now I'll continue running my pixel with grapheneos

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6234cd4e44236

No bc they are our greatest ally.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62378e3835dc7

It's slow, can't handle mms text messages, and the camera barely works. Idk if I can even make phone calls with it. Just get a used phone and put lineageos on it, or a pixel and put calyxos or grapheneos on it

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6234cd4e44236

I didn't say all. But of all software to have keyloggers slipped in, or other malicious items, this would be the best type of software.

Do what you want dumbass. I'll be looking for your post about how some nigger or jew took your money and identity.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6234dce91a821

Prepare for the 6 gorillion number for deaths, building bombed, billions in damage, etc. They'll wave it around flagrantly.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=62348aac4da57

The only reason powerful people are against this is bc they have dealings with people that own trucking and railroad company's that transport the very same oil.

If these faggots actually cared about the environment, they'd be pro pipeline because it'such safer, efficient, and requires less energy.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6234dbe85bc2c

Pinephone is shit. I have one. It collects dust

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6234cd4e44236

If it's your hobby, buy a camera.

If I enjoy carpentry I'm not going to use a saw from a Leatherman pocket tool. I'm going to buy an actual saw and learn to use it properly.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6234cd4e44236

Exactly. And if you're wanting to take nice pictures, you can buy REALLY nice pocket cameras for $400 now.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6234cd4e44236

Buy a phone from calyxos if you want it pre-flashed. Otherwise, get a phone supported by lineageos and flash it.

Or get a pixel and flash calyxos.

Or if you want a super secure phone, get a newer model pixel and flash grapheneos.

Check out calyx and grapheneos on matrix

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6234cd4e44236

>so the elite can teach a lesson to anyone who questions the rigged elections

The takeaway from Jan 6 is clear: if you're a non-globalist protesting, be prepared to be killed, or interrogated and locked up like a terrorist. So if you're going to be treated like that regardless, then you might as well bring guns and go out with a bang. That's what the 2nd amendment is for after all.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6234a90991537

Blows my mind when people use cracked software that's illegaly distributed and super shady, to enter all of their personal and financial information into. It's the perfect honeypot.

Fucking idiots

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6234dce91a821

Nah, I periodically delete my online accounts anyway. Use different usernames too. I don't need permanent history all over the web. Downside is that I get called out for having a new account and therefore a glowie. But I don't really give 2 shits.

Anyway, that's interesting. Didn't know they did that. By poot, you mean putitout right?

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=622d592887aca