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Nigger shoots a gas station clerk in the face point blank.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Niggers 2.4 years ago


>On Monday, December 6, 2021 at 9:30 pm, an unknown male entered a convenience store, located at the 8600 block of Memorial, in Houston, Texas. The male walked up to the counter, pulled out a handgun and without saying anything, shot the clerk in the face and his right hand. The suspect then jumped over the counter and punched the clerk several times. The suspect then attempted to remove the money from the cash register, but was unable to open it.

Failed to kill the clerk [b]and[/b] failed to steal the money.

They're offering a cash reward for any tips if you recognize this murder monkey.

Archive Link:

https://archive.md/e1bOy - Breaking 911 article.
When you try to buy petrol in Australia.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Australia 2.4 years ago


Archive Link:

https://archive.md/EWwsJ - TheJuggernaut88 tweet.
Russian Military Rolls Out ‘Spy Rock’ Robot.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Russia 2.4 years ago


It's about as convincing as your average tranny, but props for the effort.

Archive Link:

https://archive.md/BXc1b - Moscow Times article.
Fear Grimace.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to 4Chan 2.4 years ago


Salt is a way of life.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to oneangrygamer 2.5 years ago


Original Clip:

Migrant in Finland complains there are too many Fins in the country.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Diversity 2.5 years ago


Presented without comment.

Original Clip:

Japan weighs opening immigration door wider amid labor crunch.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Japan 2.5 years ago


History repeats itself.

Introduce family destroying concepts such as (((feminism))) to cause the birth rate to drop like a rock. Then start importing foreigners and their families to slowly start displacing the native population.

And once they get in, it becomes a political nightmare to get rid of them.

Archive Link:

https://archive.md/zv0tk - Nikkei article.
A CNN reporter tried Tesla's Full Self-Driving in New York City. It kept trying to turn into oncoming traffic.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to technology 2.5 years ago


>CNN reporter Matt McFarland tried out Tesla's Full Self-Driving software in New York City — the experience was less than pleasant.

>"I'd watched the software nearly crash into a construction site, try to turn into a stopped truck and attempt to drive down the wrong side of the road," McFarland wrote. "Angry drivers blared their horns as the system hesitated, sometimes right in the middle of an intersection."


I don't know why people are so concerned about artificial intelligence. It always seems pretty based, to me.

Archive Link:

https://archive.ph/ATMXy - Insider article.
Leaked: Halo Infinite microtransaction store bundles estimated total of $1035 - none can be unlocked in-game.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to oneangrygamer 2.5 years ago


Halo Infinite's multiplayer was reportedly datamined to reveal the extent of the items that will be available in the cosmetic store and it was...far more extensive than previously anticipated.

88 bundles (for now) that would rotate through the store periodically contain armor pieces, color schemes, charms (ugh), end game poses and more were estimated to cost a grand total of $1035.





Included in these purchasable items includes things that were previously promised to be free - items that would belong to event-unlockable armor pieces that were obtainable in periodic events that took place in the multiplayer.

(Of course, that doesn't add in the battle passes where half the armor pieces are locked behind a paywall.)

So, what happens when future battle passes and "free" events add more armor cores? The price goes up. And up. And up.

A now removed December 2020 Halo Insider blogpost promised the game wouldn't be a grind-fest that burned players out. Seems there's a reason the change to Halo Waypoint deleted a significant chunk of their previous content.

The transition of Halo from beloved FPS franchise to microtransaction-riddled modern gayme was seen as yet another nail in the coffin of AAA development.

As the old saying goes - "When something is free, you are the product."

Archive Links:

https://archive.ph/euDf2 - Post on Halo subreddit.

https://archive.md/XgNej - Original datamine leak.

https://archive.md/yWVeg - Halo Insider Dec 2020.
Ontario Teachers Union change rules so non-white members' votes count more.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Canada 2.5 years ago


>On Monday, @OSSTFD20TEACHER (Ont Sec School Teachers' Fed, District 20) announced that their rules would be changed so that each non-white union member would have his/her vote weighted more than white members. Here are the slides they used to justify the decision to rank & file

The union's twitter account is now protected. Can't imagine why.

Archive Link:

https://archive.md/KzW9m - Thread Reader with full info.

https://archive.md/5Uipq - Twitter account.
St. Floyd of Fentanyl is getting a biography.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to ClownWorld 2.5 years ago


In what is clearly some kind of money laundering scheme, Washington Post journos are publishing "His name is George Floyd;" as though you weren't sick of hearing his name by now.

>"As we've examined his life over the past year, we've learned how his struggle to exhale as a Black man in America began decades before a police officer's knee landed on his neck," Olorunnipa said. "We are excited to work with Viking to tell that story, revealing both a life that mattered and the systems that so tragically denied its worth."

Meanwhile, I'm struggling not to throw up reading that.

This kind of idolatry of niggers is old hat at this point, but you know what?

I think we can do better on the book title. Any suggestions?

Archive Links:

https://archive.md/F2nmi - MSN article.

https://archive.md/aF4o1 - Washington Post article.
Metallurgist admits faking steel-test results for Navy subs.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Military 2.5 years ago


>Elaine Marie Thomas, 67, of Auburn, Washington, was the director of metallurgy at a foundry in Tacoma that supplied steel castings used by Navy contractors Electric Boat and Newport News Shipbuilding to make submarine hulls.

Whamen. Check.

>From 1985 through 2017, Thomas falsified the results of strength and toughness tests for at least 240 productions of steel — about half the steel the foundry produced for the Navy, according to her plea agreement, filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Tacoma. The tests were intended to show that the steel would not fail in a collision or in certain “wartime scenarios,” the Justice Department said.

Sub-standard work (no pun intended). Check. Come on. One more...

>Thomas faces up to 10 years in prison and a $1 million fine when she is sentenced in February. However, the Justice Department said it would recommend a prison term at the low end of whatever the court determines is the standard sentencing range in her case.

Pussy pass! [b]Bingo![/b]

Archive Link:

https://archive.md/m23sR - Navy Times Article.
Boy Scouts implement struggle sessions for their new Citizenship in Society merit badge.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to ClownWorld 2.5 years ago


You will be allowed nothing. That is the promise of the demons worming their way into every corner of civilization.

The Boy Scouts now have a merit badge called "Citizenship in Society". It involves the usual B.S. about diversity, inclusion and all that faggotry.

It twists the responsibility that scouting is meant to instill in young men into being responsible for the fragile and volatile feelings of the mentally ill and hypersensitive.

Of course, the scout isn't told what they did wrong or how to fix it. They're encouraged to "do their own research" so as to lead them into the sharpened claws of predatory ideologues ready to scoop up any eager-to-do-the-right-thing child they can find.

I've included two pdfs that serve as counselor guides on this filth.

Of course, anyone with a brain left the scouts years ago.

The BSA stood for over 100 years as a place for young boys to grow into men learning comradeship, basic survival skills and a reverence for nature.

I was in the scouts for several years. I never appreciated it at the time, but seeing what it's turned into sickens me.

Such a positive place for young men couldn't be allowed to stand and it was chipped away at for decades.

They were sued endlessly to let in atheists, niggers and faggots...then eventually opened their doors to women. It took all of two fucking years after that before they start spewing this garbage.

God help the children left.

Archive Links:

https://archive.md/bzBUi - Federalist Article.

https://archive.md/bk4PT - Boy Scouts introduce Citizenship in Society merit badge.

https://files.catbox.moe/uj0y2v.pdf - Citizenship in Society Counselor Guide.

https://files.catbox.moe/naaplp.pdf - Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Series.
Billionaire tells California students to live in the pod. Bugs soon to follow?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to ClownWorld 2.5 years ago


Berkshire Hathaway vice-chair (and literal gremlin; based on his picture)...


...Charles Munger dangled $200,000,000 for a new hall bearing his name to the school; but only if they agreed to make the student housing to his nightmarish vision.

The complex has windowless rooms for the purpose of cramming more students in per square-inch.

When challenged on this, he kept bringing up Disney cruise ships and artificial windows; along with children hating to share bedrooms.

An architect, Dennis McFadden, quit over this.

Munger stands firm on yanking the funding if the school refuses his design.

Archive Links:

https://archive.md/YS9M0 - CBC Radio Interview with gremlin.

https://archive.md/9CuYi - Santa Barbara Independent article on Munger dorm.

https://archive.md/Knz0f - LA Times OP Ed calling it a prison.

https://archive.md/MIOZk - CNN Business article on windowless dorms.
Sea Otters being forced to take the vaxx. No, I'm not kidding.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Controlavirus 2.5 years ago


The Mercury News reported on a Monterey Bay aquarium injecting their sea otters with the vaxx despite none of the animals testing positive for the WuFlu.

They decided to do it after animals at other zoos and the like were catching the disease and thought they should go ahead and pre-emptively poison their endangered animals.

Despite the fact that the vaxx doesn't even prevent you from catching or spreading the commie cough, the officials repeated the same mantra that getting the vaxx will protect others...somehow.

While there's no side effects so far, the Fort Worth Zoo isn't so lucky. After planning to vaxx their animals back in September, three of their giraffes have mysteriously died in short proximity of each other.


The zoo officials are sticking to the story that some kind of "toxin" might have entered into their food supply, but that smacks of ass-covering.

More and more of these lunatics are becoming comfortable with injecting the animals in their care.

How long this will go on is anyone's guess.

Archive Links:

https://archive.md/vxClc - Mercury News article on otters.

https://archive.md/HetM7 - NBC article on Fort Worth Zoo planning to vax their animals.

https://archive.md/wCEHe - COVID World article on dead giraffes.
Forza Horizon 5 is going to have sign language for their cinematics...in case you can't read the subtitles?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to oneangrygamer 2.5 years ago


It's clear they think the target audience for this game are retards. Not only will they have bizarre accessibility features, they're throwing in what has to be a "Games Journalist" mode that allows them to slow the game down to make it easier.

You know, in case they're too smooth-brained to be able to play a racing title. Or any title.

Regardless, Playground Games have signaled their virtue and increased their social credit score.

[i]I'm sure nothing else in the game will suffer lower quality to include these pointless features.[/i]

Archive Link:

https://archive.md/22CSX - Xbox.com article.
Bill in play to grab your guns if a family member, spouse, roommate or law enforcement officer thinks you need "protection".     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Gunnews 2.5 years ago


If someone you know (or don't) thinks you might be a danger to yourself, they can go to the court and very compassionately have you surrender all your firearms.

But don't worry. Frivolous petitions will get the party a fine of $1000.

Archive Link:

https://archive.md/EeSm5 - H.R.2377 - Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2021
They will stop at nothing to get at your children.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to CovidWorldOrder 2.5 years ago


Archive Link:

Men with ‘golden penis syndrome’ are ruining sex and dating for women.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to FeminismIsCancer 2.5 years ago


>The term was purportedly coined by frustrated female students at Sarah Lawrence College in upstate New York — where three-quarters of all enrollees are the fairer sex.

I really don't know what to add here. It's just hilarious.

Archive Link:

https://archive.ph/RbQyB - Article.
You know how European folklore has a lot of witches and monsters that prey on children? Ever wonder why?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to TheEternalJew 2.5 years ago


>“The kinds of witchcraft that I practice draw on my training in Jewish ritual,” said Rabins, who holds the Torah in the above scene in the Madoff film. “I don’t see it as opposed to it, but as building on it.”

Oh, please. Do go on.

>The more she studies and practices Judaism, she said, the more she also feels the pull of witchcraft or Jewish folk magic — practices she’s caught glimpses of in the edges of Scripture, as well as from Jewish cultures.

>“My relationship to Judaism is kind of like classically trained, and then with witchcraft, it feels more like I’m just kind of intuiting,” she said.

You're just naturally a witch?

>The Torah and the Talmud contain many stories of magical ritual traditions, even if such practices were not always sanctioned. Hammer pointed to the Book of Samuel’s positive portrayal of the witch of Endor as an example of how the rules forbidding magical practice were not upheld consistently.

I will admit some of you look suspiciously like Ewoks.

>Zakroff was raised mostly in her Catholic mother’s faith, but she became strongly connected to her father’s Jewish heritage through history, reading, music and dance.

Guess the holy water didn't work on you, huh?

>For Rabins, Jewish tradition gives her spiritual life structure, she said, while other rituals meet her needs in the moment. The connection, however, is seamless in practice: It might mean untying all the knots in the house before a birth, in keeping with Eastern European Jewish rituals, or incorporating plants mentioned in the Talmud into her practices.


Well, the article's here if you want to read it.

Archive Link:

https://archive.md/c4q7l - How some ‘Jewitches’ embrace both Judaism and witchcraft.
White Islam: A New Religion of the European Far Right.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to WTF 2.5 years ago


The Objective section reads as follows:

>The sweeping popularity of right-wing forces that rally against Islam and Muslim migration points to an underlying social conflict. The roots of this conflict are often believed to lie in the inherent incompatibility of Western and Islamic civilisations. However, there are a number of cases of neo-Nazis joining Islamic terrorist organisations and far-right party leaders converting to Islam. This shows that the relationship between the far-right and Islam is much more complex than is commonly thought. Understanding this relationship is vital for the successful implementation of anti-radicalism measures. My goal is to contribute to our understanding by investigating how Islam becomes a tool in the hands of European white nationalists.

>The study will focus on the Russian and German branches of the transnational network of converts to Islam, the World Murabitun Movement (WMM). These two branches have been the most explicit in defining the ideology of exclusivist ‘White Islam’. I will collect data by analysing online content (WP1) and conducting field interviews in Russia and Germany (WP2). I will use digital methods of qualitative text analysis to examine discourses produced by WMM members, and conduct Social Network Analysis to map ideological connections between WMM and other European far-right forces (WP1-3). These WPs will help to identify strategies that are used to give rise to exclusivist ‘White Islam’, while opening new avenues of research into religious and political radicalism.

>This fellowship will provide a rich pathway towards my professional goal of becoming an expert on political Islam. Researching and training at two leading institutes in the US and the Netherlands will deepen my expertise and add complementary digital skills that will greatly enhance the competitiveness of my scientific profile (WP6). The main stakeholders, as well as the scientific community, will be involved through a multi-platform dissemination and public outreach strategy (WP4-5).

So, what do you think? More wasted money or a brazen attempt to blame mudslime chaos on us?

Archive Link:

When the wall doesn't wait for you to hit it.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to FeminismIsCancer 2.5 years ago


Healthy French Fry Recipe.     (Cooking)

submitted by WittyUserName to Cooking 2.5 years ago


What you need:

3 lbs Russet Potatoes
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Teaspoon Garlic Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper
Dry Rosemary (crushed between the palms of your hands)


Preheat oven to 450 degrees and line some baking sheets with parchment paper.

While oven is heating, cut potatoes in half and then in half again to make slabs. Take those slabs and cut them into 1/4 inch thick fries.

Add all ingredients to a large mixing bowl (or ziploc bag if you don't have one) and mix by hand until the fries have a good coating.

Put the fries on the sheets and in the oven.

Bake for 25 minutes, then take them out and flip them so they cook evenly on the other side. Return to oven for another 10-15 minutes.

If the fries aren't crispy enough, you can broil them for another minute or two.

Attitudes of Officers and Enlisted Men toward (((certain minority groups))) - Circa 1947.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to History 2.5 years ago


In the post-war era, a survey was done by the US military of officers and enlisted men about their attitudes towards kikes and niggers with a heavier emphasis on kikes. It was declassified 11 years ago and is now available for you fine gentlemen to add to your collections.

Document links:

https://files.catbox.moe/31jf4b.pdf - Catbox download.

https://pdfcookie.com/documents/1940-survey-of-military-personnel-about-jews-1g2ww45z8d25 - Original source.
Well, that's not sinister at all...     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Health 2.6 years ago


Archive Link:

https://archive.md/iaA4X - The WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. Its formation, objectives and research activities