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Member for: 3.0 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 276 (+281/-5)
votes given: 135 (+116/-19)
score: 276


That neo-con kike has been hated since the days of Bush jr. I can't believe he hasn't been assassinated yet.

/v/FellowWhites viewpost?postid=6116c50ab6fca

When that COVID gets to to his STD's, his ass will blowout like a mentos was dropped in a soda.

/v/HolocoughHoax viewpost?postid=6115644e3dadc

I was a follower of all of the top group, and half of the bottom. How am I supposed to know what the blacks and Jews are up to now?

/v/MeanwhileOnRuqqus viewpost?postid=6114efeccda25

There are so many glowniggers in here, they're submitting snitch reports on stranger glowniggers from other agencies.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=611430b439980

Attention niggers and white idiots: don't bring your 'phone' with you when you head out to commit crimes. You're leaving electronic bread crumbs right to your door. Even in the secluded woods, the system knows right where your fucking phone is.

/v/news viewpost?postid=611408f27c80f

I like this guy, but the Dutch shut their mouths and tolerated wild Africans being allowed in for a decade. I don't think their going to do anything about the COVID bullshit.

/v/RealNews viewpost?postid=61112ec98f07c

I'm 52, and I've never owned a cell phone. Try that.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=61108022865e6

7 and 9 is where the theory leaves the track.

/v/Occult viewpost?postid=61102a4968eec

I used to listen to a guy that had a podcast for westerners to survive in China. He lived there over ten years and ended up fleeing. Nothing is made to last over there. Everyone rents their homes, they don't buy, because in 20 years, before you've paid it off, it will collapse.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=610e3717db86f

I was saying the same thing during the BLM riots.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=610c3140c00f8

Alex Jones warned about leaked docs for a tax by the mile plan, waaaaay back in 2005. It was his favorite subject for about a year.
They were just waiting for enough constant shit to be raining down that it wouldn’t be noticed when they tried to slip it in.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=610c47c56b659

Typed while hunched over a shitty computer next to a boiler in the basement of the Pentgon.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=61086f1f0c5a3

I’m also in the Texas hill country. It’s been very nice with the frequent rains. I don’t typically have to mow the grass in the summer because everything alive is in a heat coma.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6108418f5b4ca

Democrat elites love the Chinese system of surveillance and control, they want it here. The vaccine passport will be the Wests version of the Chinese social credit system. They’re not going to shutdown the passports no matter what happens with COVID. They’re pretending now, that China is the enemy. It’s a ruse.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=610891efa7cc7

Someone tries to help the sheboon in yellow by taking her toddler, so she’ll have two hands free for combat. She resists and re-enters the fray with the toddler. I guess if your were losing the fight, a kid would make a good club.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=610831839b303

I was expecting his wife/girlfriend to surface.

/v/WellThatSucks viewpost?postid=61059bd916ae7

China has far more men than women. It's a big social problem that their men can't find wives. Losing millions of men in a war would benefit them. If they invade Taiwan, the women will end up as breeding stock.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=610590902b367

They want you to own nothing and be happy... said the commies.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=6105a18f77cda

WigSplitter 1 point 2.7 years ago*

Halt! Password!
..Alpaca! Llama! Some sort of farm animal! I can't remember exactly...(Gets shot)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6105bef2aa422

There was a Waffle House in Austin that seemed semi-safe, during daylight hours. Then about ten years ago they arrested the black cook for killing a white hostess. She wasn't a coal burner, he just 'liked' her. It's not just the customers you have to be on guard against.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6105225e94455

Enough talk. Do something. The Whites and Indians will stack those fucks up in the gutters, and they will bundle them with twine to make it easier for the garbage men, because they are considerate of others.

/v/FeralBantuInvaders viewpost?postid=610537ec56259

I've never seen the Wheel of Fortune give away a vacation to South Africa.

/v/FeralBantuInvaders viewpost?postid=61052e37be9b2

I witnessed Michael Rapaport being thrown out of an LA sushi restaurant just after he had starred in Copland. He let loose a Hollywood attitude with a waitress that was the owners daughter. The staff cleared his table and took the chairs away, then the owner told him to get out and he was banned. He mentioned the movie Copland multiple times as he was thrown out. No one cared.

/v/HolocoughHoax viewpost?postid=6105b87d78a41