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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 337 (+350/-13)
ccp: 1164 (+1244/-80)
votes given: 566 (+400/-166)
score: 1501


That's a really good way to get shot.

/v/news viewpost?postid=663ce8ce3c031

Just wondering if a kazoo qualifies as any instrument?

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=66357a65a7d69

The main theme is russing and trivializing almost the entire story arc.

Edit: Okay I realized this is a piano sub. Yes that is a well done piece and well played. Thanks for the upload.

My ass it just chapped about what they are calling entertainment in 2024.

/v/Piano viewpost?postid=662d394de42dc

My Chihuahua believes he's this useful.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=662aba47e93a5

Yet. I just read the entire sub stack and PDF. It's certainly is an attention getting tool in an age of fake everything. Setting yourself on fire has a je ne sais quo... Sliver of truth.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6622c29ebc145

This skit could have been hell of funny. They just lacked the self control to do it all deadpan.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=661ebc10edbca

Good for you man. Keep up the good work and I hope the future is bright for you.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=660e8e3688ede


/v/electionfraud viewpost?postid=6605850d578e6

You don't think he gets the irony? That's the point of the statement and it's hilarious.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=65f7707e1ec52

Even the physical cards you get from them are listed in the system as gift cards. It's like a fixed balance.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=65f34e68c91b0

I have all 3 colors and I wear them... Pretty much all each week 😆

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f46686ce734

Well shit. I'd love to give an affiliate link here because it pays so much but that spills to much private data.

Anyway: Revolut.

Outside of @Crackinjokes all cash all the time strategy. I find the ability to terminate, freeze and otherwise generate out one time use cards to be a blessing.

6% of online shops straight reject them but still pretty convenient.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=65f34e68c91b0

This story reads as pretty fishy. Idk maybe it's just me. It's also in the Jew York Post.

/v/killallpedophiles viewpost?postid=65ed5ca4d1a4e


Here is a link that doesn't suck cock.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65eb4e1bc3056

In the United States, all land is subject to eminent domain by the federal government, and there is thus no true allodial land.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=65e5f9f7d2af9

Forwarders. To domains you own and cycle through constantly. That's about as good as you can get.

Park that with your own email server. It's amazing for receiving.

Impossible to send but how many emails do you really send now adays?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e490fa8cde7

Some people play the lottery. Some people invest in stocks. I find if I can chip away $300 a month into a currency/leverage account I can offshore about $160,000 a year on average risking approximately $3,600 a year.

Now you people go play with that but you must be firm and walk away 6 months out of 7 with an empty balance sheet.

It's the taxes that murder you.

/v/Finance viewpost?postid=65e3e0d2c4fd4

It's pretty fucking niche, if that's your jam I guess no harm in it.

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=65e15f40dff55

I mean. It's something. I guess.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=65d6fececac3b

Buy a script pad. They are not checking the database for none opioids.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d2c10ca4741

Harmless. No. A tool that keeps hundreds of millions alive, including livestock. Yes.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d2c10ca4741

That's him! Thank you so much.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d29a3540496

You know what's not a scam? Nuclear, geothermal and hydro. Let's do more of that and just build cars that get 150mpg in petro.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d2fea037af4