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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 17 (+18/-1)
ccp: 168 (+171/-3)
votes given: 3221 (+3155/-66)
score: 185


Insert suicide squad joke here

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=622173532a021

God fucking knows, definitely more than 0 probably closer to 6 gorillion

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=618b0cd8af768

Occams Spork - sometimes the dumbest idea is worth doing twice

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61787b96947b0

This happens to me when I reboot the router, I know there is no internet ... but inevitably I will attempt to use a service that requires internet in that window of time.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61787b96947b0

Wait till he hears about the fat people

/v/HolocoughHoax viewpost?postid=6177d0387eb03

This guy as many have missed two critical steps.
1. Your empoyer has changed the terms of your employment which are contractual. You can sue on this basis alone and be placed on paid administrative leave pending the resolution of the case, which will most likely be settled without incurring any significant legal costs.
2. Informed concent - put in writing that you attempted to get the vaccine but the doctors and nurses were unable to provide information on the long term effects of the medical treatment and therefore you were unable to provide your informed concent.

t. fag who is dealing with this shitshow

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=6172cdb904c2c

It may be related to a phenomenon called vaerd, vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease. It's the exact thing that happened when they attempted to vaccinate people for sars-cov and mers. It made people more susceptible to respatory illnesses, I'm bullshitting if I attempt to explain why or how this works but it something I was made aware of and have been watching for.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=61646b9043042

Ironic, haiti became an ecological wasteland because they cut down all the trees.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6160cf692f167

Theres a dozen better answers than the one I am about to give you but I would try and politely turn the tables back on them in terms of 'tripping up'. I would in your situation ask them which of these questions you are obliged to answer and will failing to answer any of the questions place your role in jeopardy. In principle they can't force you to respond to most if not all of these questions so I think they will have difficulty responding to your request. Your declaration that for religious reasons you are refusing a medical procedure should stand on its own. In my experience polite but difficult 'customers' get what they want.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6155dcdb87127

Another question people are not asking but I know for a fact is an issue . Will your medical insurance continue to provide coverage in the future? What is their policy for people who voluntarily elect to take an experimental medication? Same questions for your life insurance policy. I know life insurance claims have started to be bounced on this basis.

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=61441df307dca

They communicated using the odigo messaging software to send the warnings. Staff of the company confirmed this as they themselves had also recieved prior warning, article confirming this was published in hareetz on 9/20/01 with comment from the company. Insert memory hole here

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=613c00c346b5c

I do the same with ginger, makes life so much easier and ginger is so much nicer when it is like a fine powder ... but I hate store bought dried ginger powder it's awful!

/v/Recipes viewpost?postid=613114ee20c64

Awesome this is a great new feature!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612cd24c2419e

If this is the problem I have been experiencing, it is an ongoing issue with Youtube after an update they made about two months ago iirc - I think they are trying to reduce server load by replacing all videos with crayon drawn equivalents and only go to HQ when you actually demand a non-crayon version. I have noted this over multiple devices PC/Laptop/Mobile. Gives me some hope that all the wokeness is hurting the bottom line a bit.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6126e4241e72f

Quick question do you have stairs in your house? I am looking for guidance on ways to approach stairs with slippers, you strike me as a man in the know. Boy I felt silly when I realised why they are called slippers.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6126b78edae03

I think @try is just a gpt 3 ai ... tay is that you?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6125d1e55ebdf

I am genuinely in awe of your reply, I would in another life like to buy you a coffee to thank you for the time and consideration you gave to a small comment. This is the first time since coming here that I have felt I was on old voat, in the presence of minds greater than I (not a particularly high bar I must admit).

With reference to the point on time not existing, this has been my intuition - it seems almost illogical to think of time as being an actual physical thing. I compare it to a river, you can analyse a part of the water and describe the composition of that part, you can model and characterize the flow of the water in the river and make assumptions on where it will go next - but can a river really be said to be a physical thing and to exist in its own right? My feeling is no.

I find the majority of neutrino based detection experiments like IceCube, while having scientific merit, are deeply open to interpretation and could be caused by other factors we have yet to explain. We live in a scientific age of hyper-specialty which ensures biases are implicit in scientific research, we made this machine to detect neutrinos and got a result ergo this must be a neutrino. Though overall I am not in a position to validate or invalidate the findings of these scientists, you make a prediction and have to test it, that is how expensive complex research takes place.

For me it is the experiments that find something different, something totally unexpected that pique my interest which is where my interest in the safire project began several years ago. The original experiment was paid research to see if a small scale 'star-in-a-jar' could be created using magnetism and charged plasma as its primary mechanics. The people conducting the research didn't care about the results as such, due to the commercial nature of their business. The results coming from this in my opinion have been remarkable, I am reasonably well convinced that they have indeed created an analogue of the sun and more importantly it appears from their research that they have created a small scale, relatively low power, stable fusion reactor (they never say this due to the scientific suicide that it carries). After experiments are conducted they end up with heavier elements than were present when the experiment started and the device appears to be capable of producing a net gain of energy - so much so they are moving forward with commercialization of the 'reactor'.

Information is very slow coming from them, again they are a commercial enterprise not a research lab - but two videos stick with me. 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L69ttX3kviw - this is a reaction and analysis of the most recent presentation made by the team at safire, which very interestingly grabbed the attention of the safire team, so they had a meeting with the individual who made the video to give further context and explanation 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h49AbVfI7KU . I would highly recommend having a look if you had some time.

Thanks again and godspeed you crazy goat.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=611e331828846

You appear to be well read, thanks for the reading materials. Have you heard of the safire project and if so what are your thoughts?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=611e331828846

Such a pitty your second name is Baiter, other than that this is perfect.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6117fa4d344b8

How do you verify your account?

/v/TalkLolDev viewpost?postid=6116a65f1a1c7

Wew lad that is a reply and a half, makes me feel like old voat again. Good work you glorious freak!

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6100b72083d6c

Ah I needed some cheering up thanks op, just sorry it didnt happen 88 years ago!

/v/news viewpost?postid=60dcc9db259e0

Having explored parts of Africa as a white man I can tell you Africans in their own enviroment are not like those who live in the us or eu. It's sunny year round they just lay about earn a few quid for doing odd jobs eat dinner and do the same thing the next day. I have seen lads walking down the road well dressed and just decide ah fuck it and lie down and catch an hours sleep. Homeless guys with iPhones better than any of my devices. Decisions that would result in your death in most northern hemisphere nations. I was travelling on my own and was robbed once, politely, and given a piece of gold for my trouble, weird shit.

I think most people expect unrealistic things from people that have evolved with no selective pressure other than who can fuck the most women.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60d44ecf28614

I have to say I was particularity impressed by the book's opening.


Muh dik

/v/funny viewpost?postid=60c8c7f5f1cf1