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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 1692 (+1725/-33)
ccp: 2102 (+2196/-94)
votes given: 299 (+205/-94)
score: 3794


All of the romance and Slavic languages are gendered. All of this degendering language nonsense is linguistic imperialism, pushed of course by the usual anti-imperialist types. They are morons in every sense of the word.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=66231b05e176e

Are they the Q people? Honestly thought they’d have all just slunk away after that whole religiously believing obvious bullshit thing they had going on was revealed. Must be pleasant to be impervious to embarrassment though.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=661780a2ebf55

Sorry, I used a screenshot in case it got shoahed and the post just linked to a deleted Twitter post. I see from the other reply you got that it has got the “limited visibility” thing now, so I was half right.

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=661052807e0f0

None of those things are really that important in the greater scheme of things though, on a very fundamental level the only important things are survival and reproduction, and the former is only important to accommodate the latter. Life hasn’t survived on this planet cos of avoiding social scorn or even violence, it’s survived and thrived because we are driven, at our most basic level, to “go forth and multiply.” Homosexuality is the ultimate perversion against our most basic instincts because it kills a genetic line that has persisted for billions of years in one fell swoop.

/v/LGBTQNPZ viewpost?postid=6601af3d7dd74


/v/cringe viewpost?postid=65f8d4496e1eb

Well Britain has no white leaders, first minister and deputy first minister in Northern Ireland (so UK) are still white. But tbf that would be very hard to change cos of the weird political system they have to use there.

/v/Diversity viewpost?postid=65f59e086abfa

“I’ll have the negro, medium rare please, with a side of mud cookies.”

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65ee599c5830b

Ha never heard washer used as an insult before, but I love how pretty much any word can be insulting when delivered in that inner city Dublin accent if the intonation is correct. Similarly, absolutely any word can mean and be understood to mean “very drunk” if delivered with the correct intonation in any Irish accent.

/v/Diversity viewpost?postid=65edb9f1b5b23

We at least struck a blow today, let us enjoy that before you write us off entirely.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=65ecb6d6d6fd4

That guys name is Graham Linehan, a hugely successful comedy writer whose career has been destroyed for opposing tranny nonsense, and that’s without needing any draconian hate speech laws.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65e445d01baab

Not law in Ireland yet, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the resistance to it here. Elon Musk has weighed in heavily on it and committed to challenging it in court if it becomes law (Twitter’s European HQ is based here so he would have standing). Also, our lunatic commie fringe have been vocal opponents and they’ve captured a lot of media here, and our civil liberties crowd who were conspicuously silent during lockdowns have found their voice in opposing these laws. The government are still trying to railroad them through, but it’s not a done deal yet by any understanding.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65e445d01baab

Well that can happen, it’s just quite rare. Typhoid Mary is a famous example of an asymptomatic spreader.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65dae080e3e85

Yeah we get them here sometimes, they arrive in UFUs (unidentified flying utes). They claim they’re just Aussies and their UFUs are Quantas planes, but we know better.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65c61581482f8

Swing low, sweet chariot, coming for to carry me home.

That’s a good ol’ cotton picking song. Also inexplicably the unofficial anthem of the England rugby team (rugby union is a very upper class game so I’ve never understood the connection to an American slave song)

/v/Black_History_Month viewpost?postid=65bf908800943

Are you referring to the, and I quote, “28 other little niglets in Miss Harper’s third grade classroom”?

/v/Black_History_Month viewpost?postid=65bf908800943

Pretty sure fireworks are still illegal in Ireland. We only use them for Halloween and new years and they’re not hard to get, but you can’t buy them in shops or anything. The weird thing is to buy them legally we have to go up north, to the part of the country that had a 30 year long civil war quite recently, where fireworks have never been illegal. The law is an ass.

/v/FightingBackAgainstTheNWO viewpost?postid=6597029c95bfb

Office space is a great movie!

/v/random viewpost?postid=6594af7714c02

“Iceberg, right ahead, cap’n!”

“Aww sheeit, fo real?”

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=65938d37bea52

Nah fuck that, if anyone’s giving out free shit I’ll take it. Thanks in advance!

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=658b0ff0645c4

“Photos of Hughes and Evans-Bennett were released, but not Agee since negroes all look the same anyway”

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65891280a503e

When I lived down there we had a Christmas on 25th July for the Brits and Irish cos it felt Christmassy then. For actual Christmas we had a bbq on the beach which was fun but didn’t feel at all like Christmas.

/v/Christmas viewpost?postid=658829901a85f

Nobody will get caught, they never do. There’s little worse you can be in Ireland than a tout (rat or snitch or whatever) and we still have an ample supply of balaclavas lying around. The locals had been blockading that hotel for the past few days to stop any migrants entering, usual lip service was being paid but the locals were ultimately going to be ignored and well they knew it, so this way they achieve their own local goals while sending a strong message to any other potential quislings with empty hotels.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=657f249c0144f

Yes but rumour has it that ‘somewhere else’ might also be flammable, only time will tell. This isn’t an isolated incident and at some point the owners of these hotels will start to think twice before they accept the thirty pieces of silver on offer to betray their countrymen. I’d say a few of them are pausing for thought already. A chilling effect I believe it’s called.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=657f249c0144f

They do that cos they can’t kill them otherwise. They’re not just dropping the prey to kill it for fun, they return and collect the carcass for food after it’s been dropped.

/v/Wildlife viewpost?postid=657565abb8997

He’s an Algerian. All kicking off in town tonight, Garda cars getting torched and proper riots underway. People are seriously pissed off, not a moment too soon either.

/v/Diversity viewpost?postid=655f766455535