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What's the definition of a queer jew?     (Jokes)

submitted by Her0n to Jokes 5 months ago


...Someone that likes girls more than money.

What’s the difference between a boy scout and a jew?
A boy scout comes back from his camp.

What did the Jewish peadophile say to the child?
“Wanna buy some candy?”

Why do Jewish men have to be circumcised?
Because a Jewish women wont touch anything unless it’s 20% off.

Why do jews wear yamakas?
Half of a hat, its cheaper.

What is the difference between a crucifixion and a circumcision?
In a crucifixion, they throw out the whole Jew.

Why do Jews have big noses?
Because the air is free.

How do you find the Jews in your neighborhood?
Roll a penny down the road.

How was the first copper wire invented?
Two rabbis found the same penny.

Define: Genius
A “C” student with a Jewish mother.

A Jew walks in to a wall with a boner. What hits first?
His nose.

In the Jewish doctrine, when does a fetus become a human?
When it graduates from med school.
Explain tides     (EarthIsAFlatPlane)

submitted by Her0n to EarthIsAFlatPlane 5 months ago


If the earth is flat, what are the tides and how are they created?
It's totally X guys, trust me!      (Rants)

submitted by Her0n to Rants 5 months ago


The amount of retarded conspiracies out there isn't organic anymore.

The newest distraction is only a shitpost away!

Doesn't matter how expensive or elaborate the conspiracy is to achieve, let alone if they are even scientifically possible. You are just meant to be distracted from the jews and the rest of the lesser beings.

Ignore black on White crime! There's flat earth to be preoccupy you!

Ignore the centuries (if not millenia) of jew crimes, we need to worry about clones!

How about women are just insane and traitorous by nature, because these women are the war-brides of yesteryear. Women who resisted were killed, the women who gave in to getting railed by their invaders in front of their decapitated husband's faces were the survivors. That mentality left unchecked is an issue, and kikes made sure a White man can't do such a thing. It's not a clone, it's a typical woman under jewish influence. Why else would women submit when their husbands are actually men?

Someone who doesn't know how to have a healthy relationship with a woman will never understand, and reach out for any reason why they fail instead of self-reflecting.

If you have issues with this let me say this, if you spent half the time assessing the truth behind your personality and setting ego aside as you do these retarded distraction campaigns you'd be far better off and closer to your goals than you are now.
Aryanprime dropped its mask     (www.talk.lol)

submitted by Her0n to TellUpgoat 5 months ago


EDIT: here's the screenshot.


I've warned multiple times about obvious kike-ran "White" accounts. They use obvious names, such as names to claim their "Whiteness", or nounadjective names to "show confidence".

Don't fall for these tricks.

Look at how they act, they can't help but give themselves away with how they talk or what topics they push. Sometimes they even fuck up royally like this event posted here.

I hope my ramblings help
How to get banned from v/tellupgoat     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Her0n to TellUpgoat 5 months ago


Downvote conspirologist and his alt, questioneverything.

That's all I did and BAM! Banned within 30 seconds.

What strange behavior
Mrs. Her0ns envious jealousy     (Fatherhood)

submitted by Her0n to Fatherhood 6 months ago


My oldest son just past the two year mark last month. He's begun to excitedly shout "Daddy!" As he comes running to greet me with a hug every morning.

The best response his mother receives is an emphatic "Mama!" acompanied by a hug when he wants food.

I've tried telling her it's great that way because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but she's not buying it.

Have any of you gentlemen faced this and how did you handle it? I'd like to help ease her mind because this boy clearly loves us both dearly.

She still feels rejected even though he hugs her with great passion daily as well.

Editorial thanks:

This was all helpful, everyone's input has been what I needed to make sure she's shown that she's doing an amazing job, even if she thinks otherwise. Thank you all
RIP to everyone who forgot their password.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Her0n to TellUpgoat 7 months ago


I need write down my user and password somewhere in my journal in a new cipher.

Did anyone crack the zodiac killers?
Benefits of Echinacea     (Gardening)

submitted by Her0n to Gardening 7 months ago


TL,DR; I used echinacea root tea to rapidly relieve the symptoms of an URI that has afflicted my family.

One benefit is the effect the root tea has on our upper respiratory system.

My family is sick with some random head cold, I chose to suffer through it since it didn't stop from getting my work done. No fever for me but I've been blowing out "grellow" mucus for a few days.

My three month old and almost two year old have fevers to accompany their sickness. They got to drink some echinacea root tea mixed with their breastmilk and cow milk respectively. Within the hour they both had fevers lower a few degrees and no more fussing. The mucus broke free and after one round of booger-sucking and nose blowing there's no more stuffiness.

If I followed a pediatricians advice, the youngest wouldn't be able to have anything unless we wanted to risk using ibuprofen, which doesn't really help the situation at all. The toddler would have been able to take motrin, which would help with the fever, but nothing else.

I'm glad I chose the echinacea, it's doing so well with helping the boys feel better. I still felt like crap, so I drank the leftovers with my wife. No more headache after 5-10 minutes and my nose is clear.

The plants are gorgeous as well. Mine all have red/orange flowers. I didn't want to harvest them, but the tea was why I planted them to begin.

I suggest this to others if they are so inclined, it worked better than anything I've ever taken, doesn't make me feel like shit either, like cold meds have in the past.
Pure fantasy     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Her0n to Niggers 7 months ago


My father sent me this snapshot of an email from his power supplier.

Fact or fantasy?

I told him that she probably thought it was a pistol.
Sundays are my favorite day     (Fatherhood)

submitted by Her0n to Fatherhood 7 months ago


This is how I worship life, what do you guys do to enjoy being a father?

I got to spend my morning meditating on the past week. Make plans for this week to be better than the last.

I fried up some pig bacon, deer sausages, chicken eggs, waffles from scratch, and freshly squeezed orange/apple juice.

My oldest woke up and started asking for his breakfast which I happily obliged. He ate way more than I expected but that gave him the energy to get to work chicken chasing.

Mrs. Her0n is taking a much needed nap after she was puked on three times last night by our youngest boy. I want her to be ready for my dinner plans for her tonight. I'm going to take her to a mom and pop restaurant down the street from us that operates their business directly from their personal home. It's like spending dinner at the neighbors without any drama/expectations (other than paying) and the food is simply amazing! (I like my wife's cooking better still though)

I love what I've carved from life for myself. Taking care of my family is the best thing I've ever done with myself.

My favorite part of this day so far was when my wife said she wants to make our third child once the second starts walking.
The OG     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Her0n to ayylmao 7 months ago


Subway discusses oceangate     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Her0n to whatever 10 months ago


My wife just delivered our second boy     (Fatherhood)

submitted by Her0n to Fatherhood 10 months ago


She delivered him au natural, on all fours like an animal!

From labor to birth in less than three hours. Veiled birth again.

Baby boy is almost 8 pounds, 20 inches, healthy and happy. Mom is doing fantastic and I've never been more impressed by her. I'm so full of joy and excitement, I left the car running outside the midwives house! He husband helped me out with the car. I was a bit distracted at that moment.

Yet another White supremacist has been born!
I hear voices of people I've heard talking to me as I read things.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Her0n to TellUpgoat 10 months ago


If I know your an Ozzie, I read it in a voice of one I know, chosen at random as appropriate.

I use nigger and currynigger accents, gooks, japs, on and on...

When it comes to the kikes; I start laughing out loud because their accents are hilarious, especially as I piss them off more and more!

When they project or use ad hominem I imagine the happy merchant meme jumping up and down with a goblinoid bottom half! "I know you are, but what am I?!" He cries! "I'm telling your parents!" She screeches.

"You stink Sarah, we are trying to help you. The nazis lost, you don't have to dodge the shower anymore."

Am I alone in this? I feel like this is a common occurrence but my wife just laughed at me when I told her this.

Let me know what you all think. I love this website, even though I argue and make an ass of myself most of the time.
The reason race isn't mentioned with crime reports     (ShowerThoughts)

submitted by Her0n to ShowerThoughts 11 months ago


Because we all already know the race based on the crime?
Say hello to our newest faggot     (www.talk.lol)

submitted by Her0n to Reportblumenthepedophile 11 months ago


Give him a warm welcome, he likes warm cum.
As accurate as Nostradamus     (whatever)

submitted by Her0n to whatever 11 months ago



I'm emotionposting, fuck you     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Her0n to TellUpgoat 11 months ago


My son hugged and kissed me today unprompted. I cried tears of happiness, contentedness, joy, and exuberance.

Being a father is so amazing and I can't believe I almost passed this up when I was younger (I almost got a vasectomy).

Goats, if you can, have children. Have as many as your wife can handle pushing out for you.

It's worth everything this world throws at you.


We need a fatherhood sub, but I don't know how involved moderating is and don't want to promise what I can't maintain.
Why don't jews eat pork?     (Jokes)

submitted by Her0n to Jokes 11 months ago


Because cannibalism is forbidden in the torah.
Can anyone explain this like I'm 5?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Her0n to AskUpgoat 1 year ago


Why does a woman say she desires independence, yet still hounds men to marry her?

I am "watching" this happen to a friend currently and I don't understand this duality.

Why get married if the goal is to not be dependent at all on another person?

Marriage is a team, and on a team you must depend upon your teammates in order to succeed.
Why persist? (((jewtube link)))     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by Her0n to flatearth 1 year ago


These retards can handle algebra that is taught to 14 year olds. Nor can they understand fluid dynamics 101 or thermodynamics 101.

You're supposed to keep an open mind, but not leave it so open that your brain falls out.
Why do they persist? (((jewtube warning)))     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by Her0n to EarthIsAFlatPlane 1 year ago


These retards can handle algebra that is taught to 14 year olds. Nor can they understand fluid dynamics 101 or thermodynamics 101.

You're supposed to keep an open mind, but not leave it so open that your brain falls out.
As if one would need more reasons to not follow Owen Benjamin     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Her0n to Screenshot 1 year ago


Honestly I don't care much about Owen, I've never even watched his videos. I tried to watch a clip one time and couldn't even handle a few seconds of the faggot.

I was watching a flat earther video for the laughs when the narrator mentioned Owen.

Does anyone research a person before they buy into whatever said person is shilling?
I am a victim of a pajeet doctors harsh mouth words     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Her0n to TellUpgoat 1.1 years ago


I know, I know, another "...and everyone clapped." story from Her0n.


TL;DR: I asked a pajeet doctor why she doesn't go back to India and fix it.

I was cornered into a conversation in a polite setting yesterday. The pajeet doctor wears her labcoat to pick up her half breeds at the daycare next to my friends house. My boy was playing in the yard while my friend and I were setting up his garden.

The following is a reenactment

The doctor approacheth.

"What are you boys up to, playing in the dirt?"

My friend chimes in, "oh you know I was telling you about wanting a garden, well this is my buddy Her0n, the one with the farm! Hes helping me set mine up"

They go back and forth with this shit, she's probing into my life with every question, but my friend doesn't know any truly vital info that I don't want him spreading around.

I checked on my boy who was running barefoot with the King Charles, then I noticed them beckoning me.

I introduced myself formally and she immediately asked about my boys vaccinations, didn't even tell me her name.

I told her that's violating his privacy, so I'd have to ask his permission to tell her first. My son is 18 months old.

She said it's important, especially now that covid is a risk!

I asked her if she's expecting payment for this, because I didn't bring any cash with me.

She then asked me what my education level was, I said "smart enough to ask why you never went home after med school. Don't you want to help your people not live with diseased rivers? Wasn't that the entire point of you taking up a free ride slot that a person like my son could use to make his own homeland better?"

Her halfbreed mongrels ran over braying "mommy mommy" and she reached out to slap me!

I was too far away so she missed but my reaction was to laugh at her. I shook my head and went back to work.

She was telling my friend how I need to be reported for child endangerment, but my friend reminded her of her children next to her. She huffed off to her car and I doubt she'll be coming back around for another visit soon.

Thanks for listening to my anecdote, I don't like uppity people. I despise uppity niggers of all breeds.
The Bagel     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Her0n to TellUpgoat 1.2 years ago


Every time I pick a job as a last job for the year that job is memorable in some way by chance.

This year the job is memorable because the group of ladies I've been showing my baby pictures to each morning have singled out a jew male to admonish.

He's you're typical jew; smells like onion BO, rotting teeth smell like shit in his mouth, flakey skin with scabs. God really did mark him as a chosen. I could delve into his greasy personality but I'm trying to keep it short and I don't have to sell the idea of a filthy kike to voat.

These women make codenames, and the jew is named Bagel. He shows up, everyone starts hating on bagels. It makes me smile and I thought one of you angry niggers could use some brevity.

Anyway, I suggest you goats with kids start showing them off to young White women. Help the next young White man out by showing the cute babies we can make.