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Sundays are my favorite day

submitted by Her0n to Fatherhood 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 12:31:49 ago (+18/-0)     (Fatherhood)

This is how I worship life, what do you guys do to enjoy being a father?

I got to spend my morning meditating on the past week. Make plans for this week to be better than the last.

I fried up some pig bacon, deer sausages, chicken eggs, waffles from scratch, and freshly squeezed orange/apple juice.

My oldest woke up and started asking for his breakfast which I happily obliged. He ate way more than I expected but that gave him the energy to get to work chicken chasing.

Mrs. Her0n is taking a much needed nap after she was puked on three times last night by our youngest boy. I want her to be ready for my dinner plans for her tonight. I'm going to take her to a mom and pop restaurant down the street from us that operates their business directly from their personal home. It's like spending dinner at the neighbors without any drama/expectations (other than paying) and the food is simply amazing! (I like my wife's cooking better still though)

I love what I've carved from life for myself. Taking care of my family is the best thing I've ever done with myself.

My favorite part of this day so far was when my wife said she wants to make our third child once the second starts walking.

23 comments block

[ - ] MaryXmas 5 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 13:36:09 ago (+5/-0)

Sounds like a great day. I spent the morning in the greenhouse with my boy. He buried my tools and made the whole place a mud pit "watering" the plants. When he was smaller, he would put rocks in my soil and pretty expensive plants, and it used to make me so mad. Now, I find rocks ever once and a while and I just leave them in and smile. Life is too short to get mad about stuff like that.

[ - ] Her0n [op] 5 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 13:49:12 ago (+5/-0)*

I love the stone story, youll be finding random stones for years I bet.

My oldest will be two next month, I look forward to him being able to do more for himself, but I also love the stages my boys are at right now.

It'll be tough, but fun to watch them grow into strong men.

[ - ] Hand_Of_Node 3 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 13:05:55 ago (+3/-0)

Very nice. Also, you were right in that argument with the idiot yesterday.

[ - ] Her0n [op] 6 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 13:52:19 ago (+6/-0)

He's still trying to use every jew trick in his book to avoid facing any truth or scrutiny.

I like it though, when jews squirm in discomfort it brings me joy.

[ - ] Ex_hack 2 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 15:29:39 ago (+2/-0)

You sound like a great person Her0n, the world needs more good men like you.

[ - ] Her0n [op] 3 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 15:47:23 ago (+3/-0)

I'm a normal person full of negativity and mental issues. I just like to make breakfast and hurt jews.

[ - ] Ex_hack 1 point 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 15:51:46 ago (+1/-0)

Still it's nice to read good stuff like this, makes me a little less jaded.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 0 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 20:10:43 ago (+0/-0)

This is so sweet you sound like a wussie. I don’t think you are a wussie, but I didn’t hear any real manly stuff in this post. There was nothing about riding, or shooting or building or yard working or anything of that nature. I heard alot about serving your wife and children, basically being a house boy.
Let me ask, do you have one of those things that goys carry their babies on the front of them while hiking in Subaru commercials?
Aside from that, good on you for being a good father.
Hopefully these kids have a relative who can teach them to be tough.

[ - ] Her0n [op] 1 point 7 monthsSep 18, 2023 01:48:11 ago (+1/-0)

I built our home by hand myself.

I built our homestead and garden on my own. I care for the animals and tend the plants.

I hand drilled the well and installed the pump and reservoir.

I hunt my lands for deer meat. I plan to get my next deer with a spear because why not? Sounds fun

My boys will know the world of manliness.

I like to serve my wife sometimes because she deserves a day off just as much as I do, and she treats me exactly how I want to be treated every day. The woman earned a day off from her job and she was very thankful for the free time.

She blessed me with beautiful, strong boys.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 0 points 7 monthsSep 18, 2023 11:02:03 ago (+0/-0)

Ok, that sounds much better! Right on!

[ - ] deleted -9 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 12:53:29 ago (+0/-9)


[ - ] Her0n [op] 6 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 13:44:38 ago (+6/-0)

You know you're succeeding as a White male supremacist when the jews can't help but dilate their anuses over your happiness.

[ - ] deleted -7 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 13:54:46 ago (+0/-7)


[ - ] Her0n [op] 4 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 14:02:12 ago (+4/-0)

I have a loving family, you have nothing but degeneracy and a keyboard.

Without the help of White men your entire race would be gone.

[ - ] deleted -5 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 14:24:45 ago (+0/-5)


[ - ] Her0n [op] 3 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 14:54:57 ago (+3/-0)

I don't need validating, I was enjoying my life and wanted to share. I'm glad it hurts you to know I'm having a great day, clearly you aren't.

[ - ] deleted -4 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 15:06:46 ago (+0/-4)


[ - ] Ex_hack 1 point 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 15:30:07 ago (+1/-0)

Try again you inbred nigger

[ - ] Hand_Of_Node 4 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 14:36:03 ago (+4/-0)

You should spend your life seething online for everyone's amusement.

[ - ] Her0n [op] 3 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 14:56:09 ago (+3/-0)

Don't worry, it will.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 7 monthsSep 18, 2023 00:09:42 ago (+0/-0)

You being alive is a sign evil is winning.
For now

[ - ] MaryXmas 4 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 13:30:30 ago (+4/-0)

@Fascinus , can we block this guy? ^

[ - ] Her0n [op] 6 points 7 monthsSep 17, 2023 13:47:13 ago (+6/-0)

This sub helps us lay witness to the kikes and niggers, why stop them from outing themselves?

I'm fine with his mental breakdowns because I can look into either of my sons eyes as they laugh and smile during our time together. He can't do that because he has literally nothing of true value in life.

He will die alone, scared, and wishing things were different.