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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 112 (+128/-16)
ccp: 69 (+73/-4)
votes given: 97 (+88/-9)
score: 181


Hadrian 0 points 1.7 years ago

Very true. I think most people will just comply, but there will probably be camps and guns waiting for those that don't.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63002196b1d48

Hadrian 1 point 1.7 years ago

Yeah, that's kind of how I see it too. The whole Covid situation convinced me that there are a lot more compliant people who will simply accept anything than I thought there would be, but I think Covid also showed that there are people who can't be manipulated so easily. The powerful will probably resort to violence at that point, like they did to a small degree during the lockdowns.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63002196b1d48

Hadrian 1 point 1.9 years ago

Well, this varies considerably by denomination, and probably even varies somewhat within Orthodoxy, but my Eastern Orthodox Church would be considered by most to be somewhat antisemitic.

The church is not hateful in it's preaching, but openly recognizes that modern Talmudic Judaism is not the same religion as the pre-Talmud 2nd Temple Judaism of Jesus' time. I've spoken to clergy who recognize that the Khazarian conversion and all the various diaspora admixture means that "Jews" today aren't even ethnically the same people as Jesus, let alone the same religion.

They recognize them as spoken about in Revelation 2:9 - "those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are a Synagogue of Satan" or something along those lines.

People can claim that Christianity was a Jewish religion with a Jewish Messiah, or that it was created by Jews to weaken their opponents, or even that Christians uphold Jews. That last one has been true in the West in modern times far too often, admittedly. But, historically, nobody has done more to defeat the Jews than Christians, with the possible exception of the Nazis if they had only survived longer. And no religion has more theological reason to fight the Jews than Christians, with no competition but the Muslims.

I fully support any white group who will fight the reign of the Jews over us, but let's be honest - no Pagan LARPers or atheist groups have the numbers or the history to get it done. Christians will be at the forefront of this fight. If the rest of you non-Christians want a chance, then find your allies among us and unite, rather than dividing all of us.

/v/LGBTQNPZ viewpost?postid=62a0f863f1590

Hadrian 1 point 2.3 years ago

This shit is so racist. Why don't you bigots take a moment to read up on my inspirations from the black community, Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King? They're genuine activists, out there fighting for a better world, and they'll prove that not all blacks fit your stereotypes and jokes.

I think that no one put it better than the esteemed Maya Angelou when she so eloquently stated, "Bix nood, mufugga." Maybe you should sit and think on that, Nazis.

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=61fca50224915

Hadrian -1 points 2.3 years ago

The fact that I don't spent all day chatting online like a teenage girl does not mean my account is inactive.

I joined this site shortly after it started. I'm here regularly. I only comment when I have something to say.

I'm not posting because poal is offline. I'm posting because a bunch of retards are crying about the poal userbase, who are largely aligned with us.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f7f7e3b4196

Hadrian 0 points 2.3 years ago

Probably true, but I get to ride the cool short bus, so it's not that bad

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f7f7e3b4196

Hadrian 1 point 2.3 years ago

lmao, I'll upvote that imagery

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f7f7e3b4196

Hadrian 0 points 2.3 years ago

I see multiple posts about it, and this isn't the first time. So, it's at least that real.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f7f7e3b4196

Hadrian 6 points 2.4 years ago

As a member of the Orthodox Church, I find no shortage of cringe among those who follow Pope Faggot. But I must admit, the Catholics have a good share based clergy as well.

/v/RedPills viewpost?postid=61bd70bcc6a42

Hadrian -1 points 2.5 years ago

Catholicism is full of good people, in my experience. But the structure of the Papacy always allows Catholicism to be strongly led by evil rulers, and incentivizes evil to pursue its throne.

It may be worth it for some of you to check out an Orthodox Christian liturgy and see what the experience does for you.

/v/TraditionalLatinMass viewpost?postid=617f89dad4619

Hadrian 6 points 2.5 years ago

Pathetic, tbh.

A worthwhile man will do his duty to his family because he wants to. Although his wife may have criticisms at times, and should be free to discuss them, she should never think that he isn't justified for enjoying his life and friends, in the face of the consistent responsibility he willingly takes.

And if she is willing to nag and dictate without justification - he is the man, and he should be too proud to cower before a woman.

I am married, and I cannot relate. I know this is just supposed to be funny, but it is so pathetic. I honor my wife and treat her well, only with love and never with abuse, but she would never disrespect me as to act like she has such an authority over me. I can only relate this to the pathetic manchildren that popular culture is always telling us to be, the homer Simpsons and Peter Griffins.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=617ca468796f9

Hadrian 0 points 2.5 years ago

>Avocado oil is no good. Most avocado oil is mixed with other oils.

Alright. Don't buy avocado oil that's mixed with other oils.

>Grass is likely filled with toxins more than grain.

Besides the fact that this is a ridiculous statement, since it's not financially efficient to use fertilizer or pesticide on grazing pastures (as is done on nearly all grain crop) since you'd get almost no benefit from it... it's not about the toxins. Grain is an unnatural addition to livestock diets, and their bodies produce healthier fats when fed with their natural grass diet.

>Olive oil contains polyunsaturated fats.

Yes. At approximately 1:10 ratio with monounsaturated fats. It's likely one of the reasons people live a long time on high fat Mediterranean diets, but not on high fat Western diets.

>Carbs aren't killing anyone. It's high calorie diets...

This isn't an 'either/or' situation. Of course high calorie diets are killing people. However:

A) High calorie diets are a lot more common with the addition of cheap, calorie dense refined carbs (like sugar) in everything, and

B) Our drastic increase in carb consumption is leading to higher blood sugar spikes, higher insulin, and more insulin-resistance complications in younger and younger people. This has drastic effects on diabetes (the complications of which lead to notably higher all cause mortality), blood pressure, heart disease, kidney health, and more.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6176e134c8c36

Hadrian 3 points 2.5 years ago

Yep. This is only one of the many negative health impacts that industrialized nations have increased in lock step with the increase in polyunsaturated fat consumption from shit plant oils.

Traditionally, we got most of our fat from saturated fat sources - primarily animal fats... and, despite all the worry about saturated fat and cholesterol today, heart disease was extremely rare. The plant fat sources we did get were mostly monounsaturated fats, like olive oil.

Stay away from polyunsaturated fats. This cheap factory-requiring nonsense is killing us, right alongside our dramatic increase in refined carbohydrate consumption.

Get your fats from things like grass-fed butter, olive oil, and avocado oil.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6176e134c8c36

Hadrian 3 points 2.6 years ago

The Woman Fatigue that you're feeling is really libtard fatigue. Women are particularly susceptible to modern progressive bullshit because they need strong male leadership in the home and state, and they need idealized feminine roles to which they can aspire... but liberalism continues to raise weak men, and pushes the idea that women are only valuable if they are given masculine roles and traits.

It's like going to the ghetto, where kids are raised in broken homes, surrounded by drugs and violence, inundated in Jewish-owned "black culture", and then saying, "I have kid fatigue". No, you have nigger fatigue in that situation, and the kids are just one manifestation of the overall nigger problem, but it's not really a kid problem in general.

I live in an extremely conservative, fairly rural area. Basically everyone here has some disdain for liberal culture. The women here are extremely valuable in the roles they play in home, in family, in the church, etc. I am grateful for my wife everyday. I have no doubt that, if the men allowed liberalism to invade our local culture, it would only be a generation before the women were intolerable... but it is the men's responsibility to defend our community from outside threats, not the women's.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=616dd607509ac

Hadrian 0 points 2.6 years ago

Should we be worried about the Jews - the people who've turned our economy into a usury-based fairy tail, who've turned our media into propaganda, who've bought out our politicians but don't identify as one of us?

>No, focus on the 12 white people who have no power in society, but garner their (also beneficial) values from an older European religion.

As a member of a church, let me say:

Fuck off, Schlomo.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=616d739b347dc

Hadrian 0 points 2.7 years ago

lmao at anyone who thinks that royal pedos will face any serious consequences without a public uprising, at this point. Recent history has shown exactly how much the UK courts care about young white girls.

/v/Pizzagate viewpost?postid=613002c8858a9

Hadrian 2 points 2.9 years ago

I rarely watch big movies anymore, but I did watch The Tomorrow War after hearing that it positively portrayed a white man who behaves in the interests of family, without having an evil white Nazi villain. Those are getting rare.

Don't watch this movie. Every person with any power or ability to command, even in military circumstances, is a woman, of course. Every person that displays any major intelligence is a black man, of course. Every scene is some progressive wet dream of diversity that has never existed in reality.

And that's before you get to the plot. I'll try not to spoil it, in case you want to subject yourself to mediocrity, but here are some general issues. It starts off interesting,but then spirals into stupidity and propaganda.

- What sets off the cascade of problems in the future alien war? Climate change, of course.

- When we find out time travel is possible and the humans of the future are losing badly, do we spend our resources preparing for the invasion ahead of time with new knowledge, as would be the obvious plan? No, we send janitors and office workers to the future, with little to no training, to die in the streets where the future soldiers already lost.

- When the protagonist's diverse crew figures out how to beat the aliens, has evidence of it from both the present and the future, and presents this to the government... they are ignored, because there isn't enough tax money to pay attention to this.

- The poorly funded group of like 6 people then save the day on their own, doing everything they possibly can to doom the entire human species on the way, and then winning anyway because the plot demands it.

It was actual garbage. Nobody except the most bored of Jews would get anything out of this.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60e3a330e7c24

Hadrian 1 point 2.9 years ago

The reason that cast iron and carbon steel are preferred for using a seasoning coating is because they have microscopic pits that expand when heated to take in oil, then contract when cooled to form a very tough mechanical bond when the oil is polymerized.

Sure, you can polymerize oil on a stainless steel surface, but it will not bond the same way. This means that you will never get the lifetime seasoned surface that you can get with a good cast iron piece, and will have to do more re-seasoning. You also don't get the lasting heat that some people intentionally use cast iron for, since stainless steel has a higher heat transfer rate.

If you want to season something lighter or smoother than cast iron, I recommend you get a carbon steel pan.

/v/WellThatSucks viewpost?postid=60e24fa8de82e

Hadrian 2 points 2.9 years ago

Yep. If any of you are new-ish to cooking, and want recommendations from someone who's been in the kitchen for 20+ years:

- Cast iron for skillets, frying pans, bread pans, and anything you'd want to use both stovetop and in the oven. But you gotta maintain it properly. Find light cast iron or carbon steel skillets if you feel the need to flip stuff in your skillets for some reason and you've got little girly wrists.

- Carbon steel for a wok. If you don't have a wok, but want to make quick and delicious meals, you are missing out. Maintain it just like cast iron.

- Stainless steel for sauce pans and pots.

- Baking sheets (and any muffin tins or that kind of stuff) will probably end up being anodized aluminum. Don't get the crap with a non-stick coating on it. Every few years, we find another way in which the new-and-improved non-stick lab crap is toxic, and it is generally prone to damage. Ceramic coating is safe, but it chips/scratches easily. Just use parchment paper on sheets, and grease everything else.

- Corningware for all your other baking pans, and whatever else you can find in Corningware. There's a reason every grandmother uses this stuff.

- All my storage containers are Pyrex if I can find it in the size/shape I need, otherwise it's glass. These are easier to clean without leaving taste/smell residue, and aren't leeching plastics into your food. Pyrex freezes without problem, but be careful with freezing glass.

- Also buy a good chef's knife or santoku knife (I find a chef's knife to generally be easier for meat, and a santoku to generally be quicker for veggies, but either can be the workhorse of your kitchen). This doesn't have to be some $250 professional whatever, but you will thank yourself if you do some research and drop around $50 for a decent quality knife that will last. Keep it sharpened.

/v/WellThatSucks viewpost?postid=60e24fa8de82e

Hadrian 1 point 2.9 years ago

Thank you.
People think they are trashing poal, but they're actually just shitting up Voat with irrelevant nonsense.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60de173f44a4f

Hadrian 7 points 2.9 years ago

Women and emasculated low-T adolescents, yeah.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60dc8f3d74a8c

Hadrian 9 points 2.9 years ago

A full look around the classroom, and...

I have no idea what academic subject is supposed to get taught in this room, but I know the teacher's political views in intimate detail.

Please homeschool your children, folks.

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=60d4de8a6718d

Hadrian 0 points 2.9 years ago

Got yourself a cheetos tree there. Be careful; I'm told they're dangerously cheesy™

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=60c0143ad534c

Hadrian 3 points 2.9 years ago

Donkey Kong.
Saving white women by stomping apes.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=60b81372f1138