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So I just watched The Tomorrow War → oF course I did not pay for it :) Because fuck Amazon.

submitted by sguevar to whatever 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 20:26:24 ago (+25/-1)     (whatever)

But Chris Pratt does a decent work producing the movie and does in fact promotes the strengthening of family ties, specially nowadays when the degenerates are running things everywhere.

I do recommend it.

34 comments block

[ - ] bob3 15 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 21:48:09 ago (+18/-3)*

that movie was just nigger pandering, aimed at niggers, full of niggers and with nigger tier plot. By recommending it you show you don't belong here, and are a nigger, jew or just fucking retarded.

edit. also:

it was allegory. The aliens represented us, the white race. The draft represented nigger families, young and old, being grist for the mill of uncaring white civilisation.
Dan represented the kikes, with their daddy issues, working with the niggers to find a way to end the continuance of the white race by targetting the females with a lethal injection. They are just announcing their activities, as they must to gain consent under spiritual law.

[ - ] try 6 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 00:49:07 ago (+6/-0)*

I JUST WATCHED IT, and its a "trap" movie of NIGGER UTOPIA

Its starts out with very few niggers, and at 10:10 seconds in has no race mixing, no nigger bosses other than squad leaders from future, and first 10 minutes is normal movie and over 50% White.

The rest of the movie accelerates percentage of niggers more and more, until it reaches PEAK NIGGER. The main whites in center of movie are "tough chick females".

THIS CHIMP PACKED movie WILL NEVER make money in eastern europe, China, Japan or northern europe : NEVER ! Its too niggerfied.

I actually lied about watching it. I have about 10 nigger-packed (assumedly nigger-packed) minutes left to watch. I think I will just never watch the end. Its so nigger filled its revolting.

The movie should be renamed :


or renamed "Fuck Whitey" or "Niggers have high IQs too in the future"

I am seething white hot enraged.

THIS MOVIE IS JUST NIGGER PANDERING and as bob3 surmised : "aimed at niggers, full of niggers and with nigger tier plot"

FUCKING JEWS are behind this propaganda.

[ - ] VaccineWaters 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 09:19:33 ago (+1/-1)

Accurate review!

[ - ] bob3 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 22:18:36 ago (+0/-0)

"genocide white" (spikes)

[ - ] con77 3 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 21:59:17 ago (+4/-1)

it does pander

[ - ] Sledgod 2 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 22:26:41 ago (+2/-0)

Then who belongs here, o wise one

[ - ] ruck_feddit 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 22:29:00 ago (+2/-1)

He clearly said niggers, jews, and retards.

[ - ] HeavyBrain 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 08:22:55 ago (+1/-0)

And yet it is till not good enough for the lefties.

Its still full on white nazi nationalism supermacy to them.

[ - ] bob3 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 22:17:58 ago (+0/-0)

seriously? The genocided aliens are literally called "whites" and the entire thing is an allegory for the current sterilization of white females via covid vaccinations, leaving a black planet. THere was some shittery with "Dan"'s real name too, making him a stand in for the tribe... Kikes laughing at us.

[ - ] account deleted by user 6 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 23:28:41 ago (+6/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] AmazingFlightLizard 4 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 01:00:21 ago (+4/-0)

I watched it with the wife just now. Thought it was pretty good.

Though they DID have to throw in the Global Warming/Climate Change thing as an indirect cause for the critters thawing out and destroying humanity.

[ - ] HeavyBrain 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 08:26:20 ago (+1/-0)

It was supposed to be sublime message on their part or something.

But in good ol commie style they can't let people interpret stuff on their own.

[ - ] try 3 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 00:53:13 ago (+3/-0)

you speak truth but....

the movie accelerates percentage of niggers more and more, until it reaches PEAK NIGGER.

Its jammed packed with niggers, niggers, and more niggers. It slowly increases the nigger content each minute of film until Whites are irrelevant.

[ - ] sguevar [op] 2 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 08:26:22 ago (+2/-0)

And yet most of them died.

I find that ironic.

[ - ] bob3 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 22:24:42 ago (+0/-0)

white (alien) genocide, resulting in a black planet. its programming. whites who support it are supporting their own elimination

[ - ] bob3 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 22:23:50 ago (+0/-0)

you are deluded. What colour was the genocided alien? What were the lead's TWO names, and how are they related to kikes? What is the final solution for the aforesaid alien menace, that was the result of alien intervention 10k years ago? how is that related to current covid vaxxinations?
If you can't see the psyop, then you are very naive, or part of it. IT is literally a 'white genocide' movie, and we cannot support it.
The plot is nonsense. With a time machine, build it, go back in time, build a better one. you've got 50x times more time to do it.
Unless, feeding your family to a ravenous colonising white monster is the allegory.

[ - ] beanbagWizard 3 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 05:45:50 ago (+3/-0)

Yeah it wasn't that bad of a movie, considering the absolute shit they push out these days. The family dynamic dramas were a great accompaniment to the whole sci-fi horror/terror stuff.

Unfortunately, as many have already stated, it was swamped with niggers. The 13=52 seems to translate to movie roles as well these days. Luckily a good portion do die, so that was nice.

Things I noticed that took away from it a little were;
Alt-right overweight white beared guy caricature painted in a poor light.
Emascalation of males with the womyn in charge shit
Nigger scientific R&D side kick
Nigger geneticist/lab assistant
Female nigger squad leader
Niglet volcano expert

I'm sure there was more, but I treated that shit like background noise, rolled my eyes, laughed/groaned and moved on.

The rest of it was pretty good.

[ - ] HeavyBrain 2 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 08:27:03 ago (+2/-0)

I could have bought the nigger vulcano autism, but everything around it makes it just pandering.

[ - ] sguevar [op] 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 08:25:06 ago (+1/-0)

There were a lot of things that were definitely pushed on the movie ofc. But the ending was well accomplished and, as one of the users here said, they did pander a lot of shit, but, it did promote family values that in the end, was I think his goal.

[ - ] bob3 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 22:26:34 ago (+1/-0)

you missed the bit where they exterminated ALL whites (aliens are what color?) using a vaccination?
leaving the 100% black and kike cast ('dan' has two names, representing the tribes)

[ - ] beanbagWizard 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 16:29:10 ago (+0/-0)

Oh shit! Good pick up

[ - ] Hadrian 2 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 13:50:12 ago (+2/-0)

I rarely watch big movies anymore, but I did watch The Tomorrow War after hearing that it positively portrayed a white man who behaves in the interests of family, without having an evil white Nazi villain. Those are getting rare.

Don't watch this movie. Every person with any power or ability to command, even in military circumstances, is a woman, of course. Every person that displays any major intelligence is a black man, of course. Every scene is some progressive wet dream of diversity that has never existed in reality.

And that's before you get to the plot. I'll try not to spoil it, in case you want to subject yourself to mediocrity, but here are some general issues. It starts off interesting,but then spirals into stupidity and propaganda.

- What sets off the cascade of problems in the future alien war? Climate change, of course.

- When we find out time travel is possible and the humans of the future are losing badly, do we spend our resources preparing for the invasion ahead of time with new knowledge, as would be the obvious plan? No, we send janitors and office workers to the future, with little to no training, to die in the streets where the future soldiers already lost.

- When the protagonist's diverse crew figures out how to beat the aliens, has evidence of it from both the present and the future, and presents this to the government... they are ignored, because there isn't enough tax money to pay attention to this.

- The poorly funded group of like 6 people then save the day on their own, doing everything they possibly can to doom the entire human species on the way, and then winning anyway because the plot demands it.

It was actual garbage. Nobody except the most bored of Jews would get anything out of this.

[ - ] WigSplitter 2 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 10:15:33 ago (+2/-0)

It had the best animated alien monsters I’ve ever seen. I’’m an animator, so I was pretty much focused on that.

As for the negros; pretty much everyone drafted to fight aliens got killed. So a room full of black draftees looked like eugenics to me. They were getting rid of them.

[ - ] bob3 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 22:29:10 ago (+0/-0)

it was allegory. The aliens represented us, the white race. The draft represented nigger families, young and old, being grist for the mill of uncaring white civilisation.
Dan represented the kikes, with their daddy issues, working with the niggers to find a way to end the continuance of the white race by targetting the females with a lethal injection. They are just announcing their activities, as they must to gain consent under spiritual law.

[ - ] BoraxTheFungarian 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 08:29:17 ago (+1/-0)

It was shit

War in the future? Let’s do the opposite of preparw. Jew plot

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 11:30:35 ago (+0/-0)

It was dogshit. Shitty knockoff of past sci-fi movies. Really poorly written. Keeps going for an extra retarded 30 minutes after it could have ended.

[ - ] 2Drunk -2 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 21:21:08 ago (+0/-2)

you misspelled jew

[ - ] FacelessOne -4 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 21:39:43 ago (+1/-5)

Prat is a kid fucker. Confirmed by first scene having little girl on his lap.

Nobody gets as many movies as he did without fucking and killing a kid.