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All of us have nigger and kike exhaustion but...

submitted by jewsbadnews to AskUpgoat 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 16:16:07 ago (+4/-0)     (AskUpgoat)

Does anyone else here have white wmen fatigue? Everywhere you look there is a white wman defending globohomo and all it’s evils. I know most of these wmen have boyfriends and husbands in their lives so why do they put up with their libtard shit? Why do we let our wmen out of line? Most are against us! We need white Shariah now, brothers. Inshallah.

12 comments block

[ - ] Hadrian 3 points 2.6 yearsOct 19, 2021 11:58:06 ago (+3/-0)

The Woman Fatigue that you're feeling is really libtard fatigue. Women are particularly susceptible to modern progressive bullshit because they need strong male leadership in the home and state, and they need idealized feminine roles to which they can aspire... but liberalism continues to raise weak men, and pushes the idea that women are only valuable if they are given masculine roles and traits.

It's like going to the ghetto, where kids are raised in broken homes, surrounded by drugs and violence, inundated in Jewish-owned "black culture", and then saying, "I have kid fatigue". No, you have nigger fatigue in that situation, and the kids are just one manifestation of the overall nigger problem, but it's not really a kid problem in general.

I live in an extremely conservative, fairly rural area. Basically everyone here has some disdain for liberal culture. The women here are extremely valuable in the roles they play in home, in family, in the church, etc. I am grateful for my wife everyday. I have no doubt that, if the men allowed liberalism to invade our local culture, it would only be a generation before the women were intolerable... but it is the men's responsibility to defend our community from outside threats, not the women's.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 2 points 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 20:36:03 ago (+2/-0)

Women are a lot like horses
they've tasted (((freedom))) and now it will be hard to corral them back to the homestead

but you gotta be tough and force them to understand their predicament
for many are too stupid to see what the kikes plan for them, they think black wolves are friendly but it's all pretense because of social stigma,
hell just the vax alone is a death sentence
but with enough effort they will see

or you will leave them to their fate, for this soft and decadent society have produced way too many aberrations that does not deserve to reproduce
lack of survival instincts, lack of good genes

back in the old days, whores would not survive
soyboys would be enslaved or outright killed
for being genetic dead-ends

alas with the modern world and the welfare system, we have an over abundance of genetic dead-end retards who are begging to be culled

is it up to you to separate the wheat from the chaff

[ - ] beece 1 point 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 16:48:50 ago (+1/-0)

What's a wmen? Inshallah

BTW, my wife is coming to my way of thinking. Sometimes, after my 13th rant on the same subject, she gets kind of pissy, but I pick and chose my themes and it's working.

[ - ] Garrett 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 20:25:44 ago (+0/-0)*

white women are most likely to be republican. dont confuse white for ((white))

(jews voted 75-80 percent liberal in the last decade)


[ - ] con77 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 18:37:41 ago (+0/-0)

race traitor nigger lovers

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 16:36:14 ago (+0/-0)

Islam is not wrong about women.

[ - ] FacelessOne 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 16:43:21 ago (+0/-0)

Christianity use to be just as based as Islam in regards to women.

The umbrella of authority is supposed to be God>Husband>Wife>Children

So we must have nuclear family units working together under this framework or this society will continue its slide into clownworld.

[ - ] Flabbygasted 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 17:36:24 ago (+0/-0)

You're in to cousin fucking?

[ - ] fightknightHERO 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 20:24:54 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] Lordbananafist 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 16:34:39 ago (+0/-0)

I'm gonna start killing chicks right after I run out of jews.

glow less jew

[ - ] Teefinyomouf 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 16:34:24 ago (+0/-0)

Too many men are cucked pussy worshippers. Not gonna happen until mass starvation sorts things.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 18, 2021 16:36:56 ago (+0/-0)

Accelerate Now!