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Member for: 2.0 years

scp: 107 (+123/-16)
ccp: 403 (+436/-33)
votes given: 398 (+281/-117)
score: 510


We do. We take kids from one to bomb the other.

/v/ShowerThoughts viewpost?postid=65b6d981eb2f3

Um, your patty split so I'm hoping that's not going on a burger.

Also you will get more flavor out of your veggies if you cook them at least a little bit on a fresh hot skillet on high heat. Same with the burger when flipped. Meaning the both deserve some separate cooking. How are you going to get a good sear on the other side if it can't make clean contact with the pan?

Basically better instructions: Cook the veggies a little bit on their own, high heat with a touch of oil. Take them out. Reheat the pan to temperature. Get two sears on your burger real quick. Put your veggies back in if you want them to cook more or have flavors blend while cooking the burger at a lower temperature to an appropriate temperature in the center.

It's just fucking intuitive cooking mate. (That will be my catch phase when I have a cooking show).

/v/CookingWithGoats viewpost?postid=65b7093f0cba8

soupnazi 2 points 4 months ago*

They really have no coordination. Working with them in the food industry I once had a chef complain to me that his job was hard because he has to use a tool instead of his hands. As in stirring a pot with a large ladle, grabbing ingredients from other pots with it. He claimed that such advanced work was beyond my comprehension in its difficulty.

It's interesting what different groups can't do

Africans, build a civilization
Indians, tool use and any sort of motor skills
Far east Asians, the wheel (look that shit up)
Native Americans, substance moderation
South Americans, understanding the difference between a durable good and a disposable good

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65af2e5d860ec

If the FBI is running on the premise that distributing child porn causes harm then why are they distributing child porn?

/v/anything viewpost?postid=65acecfd05ce2

soupnazi 1 point 5 months ago

Then both possible outcomes would be shaped by bias. They should use a different judge. The judge is a victim of him in another case than the one she is ruling. How can she be the judge? I definitely don't think she could rule in the case where she is the victim of the case.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659ce7232062c

soupnazi 1 point 5 months ago

Dude beat up a member of zog and you are angry at him. This is why our team is losing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659ce7232062c

Apparently 2/3rds of police and the whole royal family. And jews control nearly all members of congress, and I imagine parliament. Why is it that if these people are in control and have been for a long time that ages of consent have trended upward in the west?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659cca56043f2

soupnazi 1 point 5 months ago

It's just like drugs. If you make something illegal it just leads to trafficking the illegal thing by cartels. By child they mean teen. It turns out if you set your age of consent too high you just end up with your politicians owned by Israel.

/v/kikes viewpost?postid=659c280fbbb3a

soupnazi 1 point 5 months ago

Besides long covid and vaccine injuries I wonder how much is also these wimps aging. "I don't feel like I did three years ago." Well no shit. You just went through some needlessly stressful bullshit, and you know the libs got way more stressed about shit then we did. You aged yourself. And the hypochondriacs of Reddit ask "Is this terminal illness" Yes. Life is a terminal illness.

Also masks. Long term hypoxia can't be good for you.

I'm not fully ruling out long covid. Believe it or not the engineered virus they released just might be able to generate long term revenues for pharma. Their vaccine might too. Their advice on masking might too. And their promotion of hypochondriac forums might too.

/v/VaccineVictims viewpost?postid=659b7906ca20c

Age of consent of 18 was invented by feminists to guilt men over having a biologically informed age of attraction. Ok, 12 is pretty low. It's not the number I would have picked and I don't think that is what Owen Benjamin was talking about. But you were using hyperbole, which is fine. I'm just addressing the intent behind the hyperbole, that marrying off under 18 farm girls is wrong. There is nothing wrong with it and it is how the world used to work, and there was nothing pedo about it, or pedo in Owen Benjamin's remarks about it.

There is a lot he gets wrong, that isn't one of them.

/v/Pizzagate viewpost?postid=659bdf55588cc

Your ancestors were creepy pedos.


/v/Pizzagate viewpost?postid=659bdf55588cc

It's how the world used to work.

/v/Pizzagate viewpost?postid=659bdf55588cc

soupnazi 1 point 5 months ago

I don't think they could. They can't even get rid of drugs in the physical world. Getting rid of porn in a digital world can't be done.

If you really want to set them back get rid of copyright.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6598dcabda11f

soupnazi 1 point 5 months ago

It seems almost everyone is.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=659888a8a994a

Now she is wearing less https://mrdeepfakes.com/video/21679/greta-thunberg-deepfake-fuck

/v/funny viewpost?postid=659321ed639d0

Can you go spam somewhere else. I'm religious, but this kind of low effort low engaging posts just annoy people. If you want to serve God don't be a nucence. Don't make people associate God with spammy annoyance for your commercial pursuits.

And you've spammed way to many forums:


Can you please just stop.

/v/religion viewpost?postid=65913d4013269

Even back then you had top officials singing them praise over tiny things.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=658f8d44971f4

Yep. Epstein was just teenage prostitution. Sometimes he didn't treat them as well as he should have, but in the grand scheme of things it's pretty tame compared to the whole pizzagate thing.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=658fc4b2ce246

soupnazi 1 point 5 months ago

Maybe that is true of the Chinese. I don't think the Japanese are soulless.

The Chinese also don't have a "thousands of years proud heritage" that they haven't already destroyed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=658b649c2558c

This is a sign that your family loves you and wants you to realize you are an idiot. A family that agrees with your gender bs is one that is apathetic to your welfare.

/v/Troons viewpost?postid=658b5b5885b6c

soupnazi 0 points 5 months ago*

Especially when you consider it wasn't over 160 years - 250,000 years ago, and all people have experienced slavery. They are in the fairest time that they could ever be in and have been for many generations. And if they can't make something of it without complaining it sounds like they are just destined to complain.

And once you learn that about black people, that they are just complain bots, that they need inequality that benefits them or they will always complain. And once you realize the biological factors that have allowed such useless people to propagate, and that those factors are accelerating, you will realize what a threat humanity is facing if you can't learn to ignore them.

Scott Adams was right about the need for us to voluntarily separate, at the personal level. You need to spend less time around them. Because you are biologically predisposed to listen to a complaint, and they are biologically predisposed to make a complaint. So if you are in the same room as them you will find yourself helping them by biological instinct, which is the worst instinct we could have. You want to set yourself up in an environment where your instincts align with success. Don't kill your instincts. Set yourself up so your instincts work. Which means remove all interaction with them. Then you can act like a white person without it harming you.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=658b0ff0645c4

It's weird that we have wildlife in our cities, and one of the most common deaths in the 20-30 age bracket is from wildlife that we for some reason allow to forage in our cites and we actually have government programs to feed.

/v/owned viewpost?postid=658acf8d4d785

soupnazi 1 point 5 months ago

And what remained of Canadian manufacturing and mining is gone.

If you are Canadian you might as well start adopting parallel currencies now. The value of a dollar that is handed out for zero work is zero. There will be an inherent tax tied to using CAD because of UBI even if they have no other policies. The existence of UBI is a tax (on everyone who uses that currency). If you can manage to earn in a different currency and spend in a different currency you will be dodging that.

Convince yourself and everyone you know to get just $50 in litecoin (it's a crypto with way less hastle). If everyone has $50 then it is enough for there to be a little bit of liquidity in exchanging it and it takes off. Then they can print and hand out all the worthless CAD they want. The economy will continue with real money.

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=658ac09e40c37

As a religion (Talmudism) it was invented after Jesus's death. As an ethnic group it was also invented after Jesus's death. Ashkanizi jews are like 2% actual jewish so it is a made up ethnicity / modern ethnicity that has nothing to do with ancient Hebrews.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=658a011169132

soupnazi 1 point 5 months ago

With a claim like that we're going to need at least one more source.

/v/Privacy viewpost?postid=658a8061321f2