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Member for: 1.9 years

scp: 108 (+124/-16)
ccp: 403 (+433/-30)
votes given: 390 (+276/-114)
score: 511


That could be true. He might not even be into kids. Of course the cops were running ads or something for that trying to do stings and he was like, welp, that's definitely going to create a police encounter. Even brought a gun too to make sure it went the way he wanted.

/v/killallpedophiles viewpost?postid=6623fd2ea04ad

So basically he just beat a whore for doing her job.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6616eaa0458e5

They call them the Irish of the sea.

/v/Wildlife viewpost?postid=6617bf7a9c530

It's that much less student loan debt you'll have to pay off. That generation of females is fucking you. You might as well fuck them back if you are already paying.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=6617048a3ec6b

Funny. Both started make work projects. It's called the Hoover damn for a reason. It's funny how make work seems to make the country destitute. It actually makes sense. You are asking people to work harder at something not supported by real demand. You are basically using your ability to print money to pull people away from productive tasks to waste effort on unproductive tasks. If you do that with your personal life you end up destitute. It should be no wonder why it happens to countries. Being burdened with more work and having less real needs satisfied is pretty much the definition of destitution.

But people see money going into hands and they are confused and think that is the same thing as people being more well off because they've bought the trick that their bullshit token and value are the same thing.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=661414b50301a

Worse. He was the real mind behind the New Deal and Roosevelt took credit.

But it is accurate to say it was mostly caused by the banking and monetary sector than caused by a president.

Hoover wasn't that great. Just like all presidents he was a sack of shit. The problem is he gets attacked for the wrong reasons. Kind of like Trump. Not really worth defending but the people attacking him the loudest do have some commie bullshit they are trying to pull. Yep. He really is the original Trump.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=661414b50301a

Did I tell you I wanted to listen to a nigger?

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6613f6ebd5520

Plain sugar over something covered in olive oil? You belong in a camp.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=66128005b3a08

At least one person liked it so I think it was worth sharing. Um you're the one who doesn't like porn so...

/v/Porn viewpost?postid=65ae80de1e4f7

soupnazi 1 point 2 months ago

Would it be reasonable for a Chinese man to say I only believe in Chinese gods? Then what is truth? Then you aren't talking about an actual belief. Then why religify and profess something as true that you don't actually believe?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65e09253b12c1

Lehi regrets at least half his children.

/v/kikes viewpost?postid=65e091c4075fc

I would agree with you but there was the case of the girl who was at the jewish country club, who was prevented from eating and was verbally abused by Maxwell.

In fact I don't know that we have any knowledge of Epstein doing that. Was Maxwell the more monstrous of the two? We keep calling Maxwell Epstein's accomplice, as if she is wrong merely by proxy. It may as well be the other way around.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=658fc4b2ce246

The problem is citizens aren't shooting back. You need that number to go up before it can go down.

The graph isn't very well labeled. I'm guessing this is annual murders per 1000? That is really high. It could actually be per 100,000.

But Portland loosing 1% of their population per year to murder is probably right if it is the right 1% dying. But 0.2% annual would be more reasonable to have enough for a selective pressure on the worst 5% of the population over a lifetime.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65d1c864687e4

Crazy perspective, but it's probably better for the 8 year old than the 12 year old. The last thing you need is a bunch of horny 12 year olds running around.

Your kids really do belong no where near a public school. By putting your kid in a public school you are inherently deferring at least some if not nearly all decision making. On this issue and in fact many much smaller ones decision making is your responsibility, and deferring any of it to a government is the first wrong here. All the other wrongs flow naturally from it. You will never be absolved of these wrongs until you tackle the first wrong. It was wrong to put your kid in a public school.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65d2052b98d20

You might as well use the actual cover. Oh no, a nipple!


She's also very old looking.

Here is the article in German: https://www.bild.de/unterhaltung/leute/leute/playboy-xenia-prinzessin-von-sachsen-zeigt-sich-als-erste-adelige-nackt-87047990.bild.html

/v/clusterBbitches viewpost?postid=65c9db1563a69

I don't know why any of these people would act so irrationally over food.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65bfad2310cae

Soup, which required farmers to make, which profession they want to outlaw.

No Soup for you!

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=65b6cfff530b2

We do. We take kids from one to bomb the other.

/v/ShowerThoughts viewpost?postid=65b6d981eb2f3

Um, your patty split so I'm hoping that's not going on a burger.

Also you will get more flavor out of your veggies if you cook them at least a little bit on a fresh hot skillet on high heat. Same with the burger when flipped. Meaning the both deserve some separate cooking. How are you going to get a good sear on the other side if it can't make clean contact with the pan?

Basically better instructions: Cook the veggies a little bit on their own, high heat with a touch of oil. Take them out. Reheat the pan to temperature. Get two sears on your burger real quick. Put your veggies back in if you want them to cook more or have flavors blend while cooking the burger at a lower temperature to an appropriate temperature in the center.

It's just fucking intuitive cooking mate. (That will be my catch phase when I have a cooking show).

/v/CookingWithGoats viewpost?postid=65b7093f0cba8

soupnazi 2 points 3 months ago*

They really have no coordination. Working with them in the food industry I once had a chef complain to me that his job was hard because he has to use a tool instead of his hands. As in stirring a pot with a large ladle, grabbing ingredients from other pots with it. He claimed that such advanced work was beyond my comprehension in its difficulty.

It's interesting what different groups can't do

Africans, build a civilization
Indians, tool use and any sort of motor skills
Far east Asians, the wheel (look that shit up)
Native Americans, substance moderation
South Americans, understanding the difference between a durable good and a disposable good

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65af2e5d860ec

If the FBI is running on the premise that distributing child porn causes harm then why are they distributing child porn?

/v/anything viewpost?postid=65acecfd05ce2

soupnazi 1 point 4 months ago

Then both possible outcomes would be shaped by bias. They should use a different judge. The judge is a victim of him in another case than the one she is ruling. How can she be the judge? I definitely don't think she could rule in the case where she is the victim of the case.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659ce7232062c

soupnazi 1 point 4 months ago

Dude beat up a member of zog and you are angry at him. This is why our team is losing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659ce7232062c